Hurrah! Top-Level Hot Mommy

Chapter 377: : If the eyes can kill

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Say it.

He stood up and hugged Mu Xiaoxiao up.

"What are you doing?" In his arms, Xiaoxiao appeared a little panicked, not because of fear of death, but because there was only the last covering on his body. Can such a close touch not panic?

"In order to wait for you to mature, so I can't let you die. Let you get better soon." Jiu Lanyin said, holding her into a room.

The walls here are crystalline. Just like outside, you can always see the butterfly model on all things.


What did he bring her to the bathroom?

"Bathroom? Why are you taking me to the bathroom?"

"Hush, be quiet, otherwise... I'll continue the unfinished business." His evil voice threatened slightly.

Something he didn't finish, a few black lines flashed on Mu Xiaoxiao's face, Jiu Lanyin was the enemy, she shouldn't be tolerant. But... there is no resistance.

Jiu Lanyin hugged her, put her on the sink and sat down, letting her head gently lean against the mirror next to it.

I saw him walking to the big crystal bathtub and turning on the faucet. Once the bathtub was filled with water, what did he want to do?

Eyes left him, but he couldn't guess what Jiu Lanyin thought. This madman has done too many things that humans cannot understand. It was also during the King of Gamblers competition that the inexplicable participation in the game retired, making people feel like helping her...

No, no, this person is Jiu Lanyin, how can she help her?

All the things he did were to let her betray her relatives, so that she could not survive or die. He is an absolute devil and will not do any kindness to her.

Just as Xiaoxiao stared at Jiu Lanyin with a vicious look.

"Are you trying to kill me with your eyes?" Filling the bathtub with water, he came over and hugged Xiaoxiao again.

"If the eyes can kill people, you have died a thousand times and ten thousand times."

"Oh... looked at you with your eyes, my heart has been dead for thousands of times..." He should not smile, still relaxed and casual.

Xiaoxiao ignored him.

Then she was put in the bathtub. Jiu Lanyin, like playing with a puppet doll, let her sit in the bathtub.

The black underwear was wet with water.

He ignored it, just took her hand and used the foam to clear the blood and mud on her body.

Xiaoxiao kept frowning and didn't know what Jiu Lanyin wanted to do. She closed her eyes and ignored it. Such humiliation, she would return it time after time.

In the water, his big palm reached her waist...

"Enough!" Xiaoxiao finally couldn't stand it, and opened his eyes.

"Huh? The prisoner is not qualified to talk about the conditions." He took her other hand and placed the foam on her hand. Wash away the dirty things on her body.

Mu Xiaoxiao only felt that she was stuck in her chest. If she could move her body, no matter how many times she tried, she would still pull Jiu Lanyin to hell.

At this time, Jiu Lanyin sprinkled the lotus water and started washing her hair.

‘Hmm...’ Xiao Xiao groaned, and his brain was bleeding in several places by Lin Yin'er, and a pain in a glass of water.

Jiu Lanyin said nothing, washed the blood on her hair with water. Did not use any shampoo. She didn't care about her painful expression.

After everything is clean.

The bathroom is also filled with a light scent.

Jiu Lanyin's hand reached into the water, and the big palm slowly slid onto her back. The finger moved dexterously and easily unbuttoned her button.

She frowned: "What are you doing?"

"Of course I took off the wet clothes for you." He said for granted that he quickly pulled it out of the water.

She was shaking in her body, but fortunately, the water in the bathtub was floating with foam so that she could not see anything from above.

Big palm slowly again...

Let her slack nerves immediately tighten again: "You, what are you doing? Wait..."

Feeling that he was pulling her fabric, she became more nervous.

Jiu Lanyin did not give an answer, and if nothing happened, he pulled it out of the water. Her leg was lifted slightly because of the pulling force, revealing the foam, and quickly sinking again.

In the water, Xiaoxiao felt the ‘one body is relaxed’ of the body at this time, because there was no restraint of any cloth. but! but! Her nerves were much too tense than before.

Zhang Kou wanted to say something, but he clearly said in his heart that it was useless, only to be anxious.

Jiu Lanyin stood up and took out a clean white towel from the shelf next to him. He held the towel in one hand, leaned down, and drilled into the water with the other hand.

He grabbed her with a big hand, and he took her directly out of the water with one hand.

Finished, now I don’t wear anything!

Xiaoxiao closed his eyes tightly, looking like he was going to die.

When Jiu Lanyin pulled her out of the water, the big towel on the other hand immediately covered her and wrapped her tightly in the towel.

It took almost a second.


Xiaoxiao closed her eyes and raised her eyes, why didn't she feel cold after coming out of the water, instead...she opened her eyes carefully.

It turned out that the body was already wrapped in a towel.


I was puzzled, but Xiaoxiao didn't continue to think too much.

Jiu Lanyin put her back on the bed, and then took out the medicine box from the side cabinet, and bandaged her head. She grabbed her hand a few times and fiddled to fix her misaligned joints.

Xiaoxiao always kept silent, why did Jiuyin Yin heal her? Didn't he order someone to beat her up? Hit, healed again?

"Are you trying to beat me up after waiting for me?"

"Huh, how clever."

"Is it necessary? It's better to kill me directly." Xiao Xiao glanced at her eyes.

"I enjoy it."

"Why does your music have to pull me." She was angry and hated.

The silver-gray eyes met her phoenix eyes: "Because of you, I am happy in it."

Xiaoxiao's face was black. The flame on the chest burned more and more vigorously. I knew I shouldn't ask if I had a cheap mouth. I asked it anyway, but I just got a little more sulking.

I'm also used to it. As long as he looks at her, her heart has been filled with anger. It doesn't matter if there is more of these two angers.

After bandaging.

Jiu Lanyin stood up: "The medicinal properties of your body will be released when you sleep."

"After unlocking? What are you going to do? Keep people beating me? Or keep playing me to kill you."

"Xiaoxiao, don't you understand yet?" Jiu Lanyin turned his head, his blond hair sprinkled on his forehead, the extraordinarily evil charm with the silver pupil.


He evoked the cold and evil arc: "You are too weak now, and delusional come to kill me, but you will get humiliated like today."

She bit her lower lip, as she denied the facts he said, she hadn't been able to touch him, even if she struggled, she couldn't kill him.

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