Hurrah! Top-Level Hot Mommy

Chapter 601: : Adult is kidding

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Xiaoxiao stood up immediately. Following him, his footsteps suddenly heard the bedside. The silver-gray eyes glanced at her: "Go up."


"Come on, otherwise Xiaoxinnv should come." Jiu Lanyin said with a smile.

Letter girl?

When Xiaoxiao hadn't responded yet.

"Knockknock" knocked on the door again, followed by a voice: "Silver Yin, are you here?" Sure enough, it was the voice of Xin Nu.

Guess what? Where did Xiaoxiao have time to think of something else, he jumped into bed at once, and he didn't forget to kick off his shoes first. Silver kicked the shoes she kicked out, letting the shoes roll smoothly to the bottom of the bed.

"Oh, Xiaoxin, what's the matter?" Jiu Lanyin sat down by the bed and pulled the quilt to cover her.

"Master Yin, are you asleep?"

"I can still talk to you, of course, I haven't slept yet. However, I'm going to sleep." After that, Jiu Lanyin put the pipe in his hand aside and climbed onto the bed.

Xiaoxiao hiding in the quilt felt that he had also come up and immediately hid to the other side. But before he could completely avoid it, he was caught by one hand.

If you want to speak, but you are afraid that your voice will be heard by outsiders, you have to hold it in your throat first.

"Senior Master let us search every room, I don't know if Master Yin can do a convenience, let's come in and have a look." Xin Nu said embarrassedly at the door.

In fact, these men are very embarrassed. Inside this is Master Yin's room. Everyone dare not ask for a search request, but someone saw Mu Xiaoxiao coming to the corridor here. So all the rooms in this corridor were ordered to be searched by adults.

"Of course convenient." Jiu Lanyin said with a smile, has climbed onto the bed, and covered the same quilt with Xiaoxiao. A big hand tightly fixed Xiaoxiao behind his back.

Her face was already on his back, and her tight face made her face breathless. But she still has the mood to pay attention to this now, her heart is terribly terrible, Xin Nu comes in, Xin Nu comes in, then will she be seen.

The door was pushed open.

Xin Nu stood at the door and did not enter. Straight towards the bed, he looked over: "It's not good to disturb adults to sleep."

"It's ok."

Jiu Lanyin was sleeping on the bed, indifferently, he was covered with a quilt, and his hand was slowly placed on Xiaoxiao's body.

Xiaoxiao shrank her body responsively and saw the quilt move.

"Sir, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?" Xin Nu noticed the quilt moved.

Jiu Lanyin did not let go, but her big hand followed her hair and touched the place of her ear. When the warm fingertip touched her ear, she only felt itchy and itchy.

However, it is absolutely impossible not to show it! Xin Nu was still staring, and if anything appeared strange, she would die.

‘Damn Nine Lanyin, just tease her at this time. I really want to kick him down! "I was cursed in my heart, but depressed, she was only cursed." I can only sigh, I am really a giant in my mouth, a dwarf in action.

"Xiaoxinnv, do you think it is necessary to search my room?" Jiu Lanyin asked suddenly.

Xin Nu lowered her head at once: "In fact, there is no need... Lord Yin's room may be vacated by someone else, just want to make a mess."

"Oh, do you think this is the way to go now?" Jiu Lanyin asked with a smile.

Although Xin Nu didn't step in, she glanced at random. There is nothing to check in Master Yin's room. When I originally wanted to nod my head, a man next to him immediately.

"Mr. Xin, we see that the woman is coming here. I'm afraid I have to search more."

The words of the subordinates just fell.

Xin Nu immediately frowned, raised her head, and looked at Jiu Lanyin.

The silver-gray eyes are very common, it seems that there is no response because of that sentence, but... inexplicably feel an invisible pressure.

At this time, Jiu Lanyin didn't even speak, but obviously the smile on the corner of his mouth disappeared.

This kind of Master Yin shouldn't be angry. You must know that Master Yin opened the door and showed them that she had given her a great face. Do these ignorant people really want to anger adults completely?

Turned around.

'Snapped! ‘Nobuyaki slaps a fan on the face of the speaking subordinate: “Stupid! Do you think Master Yin can’t even catch a fugitive?!”

The man was so terrified that he knelt down immediately: "No, no, I don't mean it, I just said that the room in this corridor is more to be found."

Just when Xin Nu was about to swear.

Yin's smile lightened again: "Okay, I'm tired, go out."

Xin Nu turned her eyes: "Yes. Master, you need some rest." As he turned around, Yu Guang seemed to glance at the corner of his eyes. There seemed to be something big: "Adult, your bed?"

Wow! It wouldn't be Shinya who noticed it! Xiaoxiao's heart was as tense as he picked up a big rock.

"Huh? Xiaoxin girl, so concerned about my bed, do you want to come up with me?" Jiu Lanyin replied naturally, everything was taken for granted.

Wow! Is Jiu Lanyin the Deng Tuozi? To say this directly to a woman from other people, it's too unruly...Although she is lying in bed now, she is not qualified to say anything, but she still feels shameless.

Xin Nu blushed at once: "Adults and adults are joking, and dare not disturb adults to sleep."

"Oh... that's a pity."

"Faith girl, let's retreat first, retreat, retreat." She stammered, and quickly closed the door with her door, where dare to pay attention to Jiu Lanyin's bed.

After Xin Nu left. Xiaoxiao just lifted the quilt and drilled it out, breathing a few gasps, holding the old lady!

Jiu Lanyin turned around, and the two were lying face to face, with a smile of evil spirits on the corner of his mouth: "Xiao Xiao, are you nervous?"

Mu Xiaoxiao's face sank: "Can I not be nervous? You just deliberately adjusted me." She said silently, only thinking that Jiu Lanyin deliberately teased her. After she finished, she wanted to get up from the bed.

'Snapped! ’Nine was directly held by Jiu Lanyin on her shoulder, forcing her on the pillow: "Xiao Xiao, how are we discussing some questions?"

"What's the problem?"

"Two problems." He said with a smile.

Xiaoxiao's face turned black in an instant, only to feel that after staying with him for a while, he almost turned into a rainbow. His face became faster than the sky: "You are not a disciple." He wanted to get up, but he still didn't give her this almost, pressing her shoulders tighter.

"If you think I am, then I am..." Leaning down, his lips leaned to the base of her ears, and he blew lightly.

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