Hurrah! Top-Level Hot Mommy

Chapter 972: : Relationship, broken

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"Miss Lu Xi?!" Mo Xue frowned. She had suffered the loss two days ago. She still had palpitations. She didn't know how she was sent home in the end.

However, it can be seen that Lu Xi is not malicious.

"It's me, don't you know Miss Mo Xue, are you free? I want to ask you to come out now."

When Mo Xi said this, Mo Xue immediately swallowed a spit, and was stunned when she went out the other day. Where did she dare to go out: "Well, Miss Lu Xi, if I want to do anything, just say it on the phone. Okay, I’m really busy now."

If Lu Xi is not Jiu Lanmu's secretary, maybe she hasn't refused so far, but just doesn't want to have more relationship with Jiu Lanmu.

Thinking of her glancing at the ring on her finger, she just wanted to live a simple life, not want to make life so painful.

"Really? It doesn't matter if you don't have time, but in fact, I just want to tell Miss Mo Xue a few words. Your fiance, An Yuchen, is now with a woman."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"An Yuchen and a woman are now home. Believe it or not, they are not knowing what to do in the house now, and I am just a good reminder." Lu Xi said.

"Even if Yuchen is with a woman, how do you know?"

"It happened that I was curious, so I secretly followed them. Who knows they went home. It seems that the relationship is not ordinary. Well, I have nothing to say here, you can come to An Yuchen Look at home, I don't need to lie to you. Everyone sees it as true."

Mo Xue was silent.

"So, I won't disturb Miss Mo Xue." Lu Xi said, and hung up the phone.

"Beep, Beep, Beep" hung up... Mo Xue slowly took off her phone, and Lu Xi's phone call was too strange.

It's not too strange to say that Chen is with a woman and has returned home. Maybe it's just a friend. Chen has never cheated her over the years.

Sitting on the sofa, Mo Xue didn't intend to think about it, but he always thought of it a little bit inadvertently, and the more he thought, the more wrong he felt.

Chen Mingming came to her and suddenly said she went back to get things, but suddenly she couldn't say anything. Is there really anything? Mo Xue still didn't believe that An Yuchen would lie to her.

With a sense of curiosity and doubt, she left the house to make sure that she wouldn’t be bad for everyone.

the other side.

Outside the door of An Yuchen's house, Lu Xi has been hiding outside. As long as there is no movement, or the people inside do not come out, she will not leave.

Hanging on the phone with Mo Xue for a long time, after a while, she received a call from the intelligence department.


"Sir Lu Xi, you have checked out the things of Xiao Cha. The woman named Su Yue has a daughter. She is five years old and named An Xiaoyu. Her father is unknown."

"Got it!" Hanging the bureau's phone, a flash of ice flashed in Lu Xi's eyes, An Xiaoyu? Surname An? Su Yue's daughter? It’s the daughter of Su Yue and An Yuchen. Oh, my God, this is definitely a big piece of information, so I have to tell Master Mi immediately.

Lu Xi didn't dare to delay, immediately called Jiu Lanyu: "Sir, you have asked me to check the things, and the results have been found. The little girl was just Su Yue's daughter, five years old this year, called An Xiaoyu."

"Surname Ann?"

"Yes, sir, if I remember correctly, An Yuchen broke up with Su Yue six years ago, right?" Lu Xi asked in a suspicious tone.

"Where are Yuchen and Su Yue?"

"They have returned home, and now all three are in the Anjiabeiyuan."

Over the phone, Jiu Lanmu was silent for a while and said, "Since they have returned home, why are you reporting to me now?"

Lu Xi was stiff for a while, and really nothing could hide from Master Jiu Lanyu. The adult's senses were too sensitive, and sometimes doing more things would only make a mistake: "That... Master, I..."

"Say! What's wrong?"

"I made a call to Miss Moxue and told her what she was doing now." Lu Xi sweated frantically on her forehead, and only said this with a scalp.

When this sentence just fell, beeping beeping... There was a call over there.

Lu Xi took a breath, and Master Hao hung up the phone directly? Uh... It’s finished, this time, Master Yu will not be angry because of her self-assertion.

Lu Xi swallowed a few saliva, only to ask for luck. Otherwise, she made another phone call and said to Mo Xue, what was just a joke?

Forget it, I want to let Mo Xue see the picture inside the house more than I am angry.

Oh, this said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived. I saw a figure coming not far away, and Lu Xi quickly found a place to hide.

The black hair was gently blown by the wind, and her face was less immature than it was three years ago. There was a hint of femininity. Wherever she went, it was still so eye-catching. Even in ordinary clothes, it exuded Special temperament.

Mo Xue, dressed in plain clothes, walked towards the house of Yu Anchen in a hurry. Once as a model, she had very long legs and walked with wind. She had an inexplicable temperament and momentum.

When approaching An Yuchen's house, Mo Xue paused a little bit, and that... When Lu Xi called, she said they followed Yu Chen and they saw it home, so is she still here?

Speaking of that sharp glance, I glanced around.

The dew hiding in the tree shrunk his shoulders, twitching, really different from three years ago, with countless bright lights in his eyes, as if he could swallow people, oh, had to With admiration, it is worthy of Mu Xiaoxiao and Xuanyuanlie's daughter. In just three years, there has been such growth. I don’t know how to do it.

Mo Xue didn't see Lu Xi, so she didn't think about it, maybe it was really Lu Xi who was joking with her again, thinking of walking towards An Yuchen's house. While walking, she turned over An Yuchen's house in her bag key.

Since returning to China, Yuchen gave her the key for the first time when she came to Yuchen's house.

Finding the key, Mo Xue walked to the door...

At this time, in the house, Xiaoyu sat alone on the stall and played, Su Yue and An Yuchen sat on the sofa and talked.

"Yu Chen, when I was a kid, I could bring a small fish by myself, but she is now five years old, can't have a father, did you know? When she was in kindergarten, her classmates laughed at her lack of a father, every time Xiaoyu came back crying When I talked to me, I didn’t know what to do.” Su Yue said, eyes full of tears.

An Yuchen frowned slightly: "Since you have the courage to give birth to this child, you should consider the consequences."

"Yu Chen, I am reluctant to kill it. You see Xiaoyu is so cute. Do you think I have the patience to kill her? Don't you have a sense of father and daughter for Xiaoyu?"

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