"You can't be better off when you come back!"

Emiya Kiritsugu's brows loosened in an instant.

"what's going on?"

Although Artoria did not like Emiya Kiritsugu, she had to admit that Emiya Kiritsugu was her true master in this war.

She still pays more attention to Emiya Kiritsugu's opinion.

"Have you been to the battlefield where Berserker invited all Heroic Spirits?"

Emiya Kiritsugu's voice was low. From time to time, I looked at King Arthur and sighed inwardly. If King Arthur had that repressive power, what would he need to assassinate? The direct battlefield is unparalleled, and the horizontal push can win this Holy Grail War.

"I didn't go!"

When Artoria spoke of this, a haze appeared in her eyes. It was because of the caster who stopped in front of him before, like a neurotic. It is also a rider who shows the inherent spiritual barrier that makes Arturia aware of her rival.

Irisviel explained at this time, "We had a little accident on the way!"

"Is that so? It's a good thing not to go."

Emiya Kiritsugu quenched the cigarette between his fingers and said in a low voice, "I've been there before... I saw a man with oppressive power!"

"Male! Wearing a black dress, he looks like he's just under 20 years old! The eyes are blood red, and there is a big windmill spinning inside."

At first, Arturia and Irisviel sounded very solemn, but gradually, their expressions became strange.

Why does this person sound more and more like the Su Han they met before? !

"That guy is very terrifying and powerful!"

Emiya Kiritsugu didn't notice the strange appearance of Irisviel and Artoria, and thumped the table fiercely, "He killed Berserker with just one punch! And, he destroyed a mountain. ."

"How is this possible?" Arturia suddenly changed color.

Although she used the Sword of Oath of Victory to expand, she could also destroy a mountain or even a city, but that was using a Noble Phantasm.

And listening to Emiya Kiritsugu's words, it is obvious that Su Han did all this simply by relying on his own strength.

Demonstrating Noble Phantasm-level destructive power just by power? what monster is this?

Arturia could not accept this.

Irisviel also fell silent. When I saw that Su Han used space control magic before, I already realized that Su Han was very difficult. But now that she heard Emiya Kiritsugu's words, she was completely lost.

Isn't that guy a magician? On the battlefield, the front is unparalleled, relying on hand-to-hand combat, what the hell is the berserker killed? Are you sure the person you said was not wrong with the person we thought?

Just when the few were speechless, a piercing, high-pitched cry suddenly sounded.


Earthquakes. The whole castle was shaking.

Irisviel's color changed instantly, because she felt that the magic barrier of the entire castle was torn apart by life at this moment.

Emiya Kiritsugu pulled out the sniper rifle behind him without the slightest hesitation, his expression instantly became extremely solemn, and his voice was low, "Looks like an enemy is coming!"


Arturia nodded with a heavy expression, and drew out her invisible sword with a swoosh.

There was a clanging sound, and the walls shattered.

Alexander's loud laughter came from the broken wall wrapped in thunder.

"You're not invited! You shouldn't mind, right?"

Emiya Kiritsugu: "..."

Irisviel: "..."

Artoria: "..."

The three said. We have a problem with this, can I trouble you to get out of here?

"rider! Why are you breaking into Einzbern Castle now? Do you want to continue the battle that never started?"

Artoria stood in front of Irisviel and Emiya Kiritsugu, the invisible sword in her hand was tightly clenched, and her voice was very low. The magic started to boil.

"There's no such thing!" Alexander stretched out a finger and scratched his cheek lightly, "I just wanted to ask, can we stay overnight tonight?"

Arturia's body stiffened.

Emiya Kiritsugu: "..."

Irisviel: "..."

Weber deeply covered his face. He really wanted to say that he didn't know Alexander next to him.

Let me ask, during the battle, the generals of the other side led the army into the hinterland of the other side. And asked, can I stay overnight? What does it generally mean? No matter who it is, this sentence will be considered provocative! !

Su Han patted Alexander on the shoulder, and the Flying Thunder God technique flew away from the Shenwei Wheel with a swipe, "Let me explain it!"

Emiya Kiritsugu stared at Su Han's cheeks, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Nothing could be seen on the surface, but his hand holding the sniper rifle was undoubtedly tighter. The moment he recognized Su Han, his heart sank to the bottom in an instant.

This monster that he didn't dare to face before, and even retreated decisively. Actually hit their nest now. If they want to escape now, can they still escape?

Su Han's Wan

The cone-shaped writing wheel spun, and then Illya and Hercules instantly appeared.


These are Artoria's words with vigilance.


These were Irisviel's words with surprise.

"berserker isn't dead yet..."

This is Emiya Kiritsugu's words with a stunned disbelief.

"and many more."

Emiya Kiritsugu reacted at the next moment, and he didn't care why Berserker was not dead now. He looked at Ilya with some doubts, and after hesitating for a while, he whispered, "Ai Li... Illya? Illya shouldn't be this big... and this kind of breath is obviously a heroic spirit."

Irisviel turned her head and glared at Emiya Kiritsugu.

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