A symbol of peace: "...If you can't escape, then, Yagami boy, when you are in danger! Just ask me for help."

A symbol of peace: "When your life is at risk! Ask for help from others who can help you. It's not shameful!"

Nakiri Erina: "Uncle Ou is indeed very enthusiastic and reliable. However, I thought of a very serious question... Does Uncle Ou have points in his hand?"

The symbol of peace: "Hahahaha! Just so, the reform of the hero system I discussed with Mr. Tony last time was also very effective, and I also have a point in my hand!"

Ash: "All Might... I think it's more appropriate if I go."

Ash: "After all, my Pokémon is very similar to a Digimon in nature. Also, my Pokémon just needs a real fight! This will improve its own strength."

In order to win the championship of the Quartz Competition, Xiao Zhi has made too many preparations. But when he remembered it at this moment, he still felt that he could not win the final victory in the Quartz Competition.

"If I take my Pokémon this time, go to the Digimon world and experience the baptism of battle in the Digimon world, it should be able to make my Pokémon stronger, right?"

Xiao Zhi felt that perhaps after this tempering, he would truly have the strength of a champion.

Even if it doesn't, at least it's a heavenly king, or a quasi-champion?

A symbol of peace: "...It was beyond my expectation that Ash would be involved in the battle!"

Xiaozhi: "If it is All Might, the security maintenance of the world itself will already require a lot of effort!"

Ash: "If you go to other worlds, maybe you won't have enough time?"

Symbol of peace: "...let's talk about it until then."

Tony is not the richest man: "It's really not a big problem. If you don't have time, I'll send an anti-reincarnation eye mecha."

Tony is not the richest man: "Let's not talk about sweeping the digital world, but there is no problem in protecting the safety of Yagami Taiyi and the others in the early stage."

Tony thought for a while, feeling petty.

Anyway, there are many Iron Man armors in his family. Even if he throws an anti-reincarnation mecha in the past, doesn't he still have anti-Hulk armor and anti-Godslayer armor?

Not to mention, Tony has been thinking about whether he can build anti-Superman armor, anti-Super Saiyan armor. These two sets of armor, Tony's level of intentions, is even higher than the previous three sets of armor.

He is preparing to develop these two sets of armor into a combat power that can be explosive.

Although this is just a goal, the real realization is still very far away... It will not be surprising to spend a few years, decades. It might even fail in the end.

Eight God Taiyi: "Thank you uncles, sisters, and brothers!"

After Yagami Taichi learned that his safety could be guaranteed, he breathed a sigh of relief, but then, he was a little nervous.

Yagami Taichi: "But like this, will it be too much trouble for you?"

Tony is not the richest man: "It doesn't matter! Maybe you can protect you and get a point."

Tony is not the richest man: "And! We also have our own purpose in going to that world, maybe we can collect some useful information."

Kayaba Akihiko: "..."

Kayaba Akihiko's MMP got stuck in his throat.

"If I ask to go to the Digimon world now... I'm afraid no one will agree?"

After a long silence, Kayaba Akihiko sighed.

He also has great curiosity about the Digimon world, but his strength is not enough, obviously not qualified to go.

"Tony's side has Iron Man armor! And he also uses his powerful magic power. He can go to that world, protect the chosen children of the Digimon world, and detect the truth of the Digimon world? But I……"

What can Kayaba Akihiko do in another world?

If he was really in danger, maybe he still needed the protection of the chosen child.

"What a cruel reality..."

Kayaba Akihiko fully realized the importance of strength at this moment. But even if he realized it, there was nothing he could do.

Because the Sword Art Online world is simply an everyday world.

Do you want to get the power to hang up from his world? It would be better to let him practice the two-color domineering in the guild, or all kinds of ninjutsu.

Chapter 0480 The feast of flames that never started

king: "Actually, there's only one question I'm curious about now... The old marquis and everyone else want to conquer Digimon! But I'm thinking, it's very difficult to conquer Digimon, right?"

king: "Instead of thinking about recovering Digimon, it's better to go next door to capture Pokémon. At least the Pokémon world has a complete collection process, just buy Poké Balls!"

Tony is not the richest man: "It makes a lot of sense... So I suddenly feel strange now, what is the old man thinking?"

The old man is a marquis: "...long-winded! Pokémon's attacks can't kill people, and they are not suitable for this old man's pet!"

The old man is a marquis: "The old man's pet! At least it can't be inferior to my giant wolf, right?"

If the pets are weaker than the giant wolf that comes with Marquis Vauban theocracy, then the pets will be recovered.

Nakiri Erina: "It sounds reasonable..."

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat: "Actually, Pokémon, Digimon, etc., I don't care. If there is a Pokémon that looks very handsome and looks like an angel! I'm willing to accept it too."

Nangong Nayue: "...The world you live in is really colorful!"

Tony is not the richest man: "Where, the world that Miss Nangong lives in is also very exciting."

Nakiri Erina: "Indeed! This is the first world I've seen where vampires exist."

Webber: "Cough cough... Although it is rude to interrupt now, Miss Nakiri! There are vampires in our world too."

Nakiri Erina: "...Really?"

Weber: "Yeah, it's just that the memory copy was not mentioned at all."

Weber: "The vampires in our world... can't be called vampires, they should be called dead apostles. Among the dead apostles, there is also a terrifying existence called the ancestor of the dead apostle... There are also pure-blooded vampire ancestors. , However, it is very rare, and it is very powerful."

Nangong Nayue: "...the true ancestor of another world?"

Master Luo Hao: "I mention this! I'm a little strange."

Master Luo Hao: "I watched Bloodthirsty Raid before. I don't know why, but I always think of God Killers. Obviously, the worldviews of the two worlds are completely different!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "I think it's quite similar! The Blood Devouring Raid World has a high-ranking True Ancestor, and the Godslayer World also has a high-ranking Godslayer! And the protagonists of the two memory copies... I don't think they are much different. ."

Su Xiaoxiao: "...Being the true ancestor of vampires can make Xiao Gucheng look like this, it's really a great sadness."

The old man is a marquis: "Those who are simply powerful and lack courage are so pathetic."

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