"Su Han, although your strength is only stronger than that guy, but... you can defeat the opponent, it doesn't mean that you can kill the opponent!"

Although Su Han didn't admit it, Chito didn't care. He did treat Su Han as Lala's fiancé. Naturally dare not be concerned.

"If it just destroys his foundation, then a top powerhouse wandering in the universe will be far more threatening than you can imagine..."

"...This is the key reason why you were sure to defeat the opponent, but did not attack him?"

Su Han raised his brows, as if he understood something at this moment.

"Yes!" Qi Duo sighed faintly, his eyes were a little deep, "That guy, plus the dark bagula beast, if he is really determined to run away... I don't have the confidence to keep him."

"A top powerhouse who has no scruples and is full of hatred is very scary!"

"If he hits our pulse! My daughters may not be able to escape each other's assassination..."

Chapter 0515 Lala: protect my enemies, beat my teammates

In ordinary matters, Cheeto is very headstrong, no different from a child.

But it really involves important things, such as involving his own daughter. Cheeto became serious in an instant, truly showing the vision and courage of the overlord of the universe. The sound is sonorous and powerful.

"Either don't do it, or do it!"

In the face of the enemy's impudence, Cheeto will not destroy the opponent's foundation.

He would only wait silently for the time, and then suddenly make a move at the best time, pressing the opponent to the ground, so that the opponent has no chance of turning over.

"I think we have enough strength here!" Su Han's voice did not waver.

Chito was silent for a long time, and finally made a decision and stood up, "Since you made such a decision! Then I'll stop by as well."

After a slight pause, Cheeto turned to look at Sastin, who was on the side, "Now go and mobilize the spaceship!"

"No need!" Su Han asked softly, "You just need to tell me where the earth is."


Earth location? Chito looked bewildered. What the hell! You didn't come out of the earth, didn't you? You don't even know the location of the earth, why are you asking me? How on earth did you come to Debbie Lux?

Although he complained in his heart, Chito didn't say much. He patted his palm lightly, and suddenly, a star map was projected in the air.

Cheeto looked at it for a while, then stretched out his finger, "...this position is the position of the earth!"

"I understand!"

After confirming the location, Su Han immediately snapped his fingers without hesitation. Driven by the power of the space gem, the void was distorted and a space tunnel collapsed.

"Let's go... the other side is the earth!"


Sastin: "???"

Mengmeng: "???"

Xiao An: "???"

Seeing this scene, several people were stunned in place.

Mengmeng and Xiao An, who have been trying their best to reduce their sense of existence, are now also shocked.

"...What kind of ability is this? With just one breath, a passage to the world beyond countless light-years has been created!"

Xiao An murmured to himself, and it was difficult to calm down.

As the top killer in the universe, she naturally knows a lot of information, and she also has a certain understanding of the space jumping ability of spaceships.

What Su Han did completely broke her cognition.

This is almost equivalent to subverting the current space jump technology in the world.

If this ability of Su Han can be popularized, then all the companies that manufacture space jump engines in the universe will go out of business.

You must know that among these companies that manufacture space jump engines, there are many giants with influence all over the galaxy, and even some giants, even Cheetos have to give some face.

Just as Lala was about to leave, she suddenly remembered something and her body froze.

"Wait a minute! I'm going to prepare some combat props."

After speaking, Lala turned around quickly and entered the depths of her room.

Tony's mouth twitched, "... Lala's offensive prop? I suddenly have an ominous premonition?"

"...Are you worried that Lala's props will protect her enemies and beat her comrades?" Clark was very keenly aware of Tony's worries.

Clark and Tony looked at each other, looking at each other, speechless.

One person is so worried, and it may be an illusion. Both of them are so worried, indicating that there is such a possibility.

"...Don't worry! Lala is more reliable in such an important matter."

Su Han softly defended Lala, and after a moment of contemplation, he added, "It's really impossible, isn't there a remedy for Qimu Nanxiong? I am very confident in Qimu Nanxiong's super power!"

Qimu Nanxiong: "???"

Qimu Kusuo fell into deep thought. He stood by the side well, how did he inexplicably become a pot man in the end? This is a very serious question!

Not long after, Lala rushed over with a bunch of props, and said full of energy, "Now, you can go!"

Su Han was a little speechless, but in the end he didn't say anything more.

He gestured to the crowd.

Clark, Whitebeard, Qimu Nanxiong and the others did not hesitate and entered the space tunnel directly.

When Tony entered, he was a little dissatisfied.

"I knew that this time there would be a battle, so I put on all my high-output armors... Now there is only one set of nano-armor, even if I add my magic technology, the combined strength is not strong. what."

Xiao An hesitated for a while, then stepped forward and stared into Su Han's eyes seriously, "I am the bodyguard of His Highness Lala! I will go wherever His Highness Lala goes."

After all, Xiao An followed in without the slightest hesitation. Su Han shrugged and didn't say anything more. Participation in this battle is entirely up to the principle of voluntariness.

"...Then me?" Mengmeng opened her mouth, but before she could give a specific answer, she was interrupted unceremoniously by Qiduo.

"Mengmeng, you'd better stay at Debbie Lux! Lala's past is enough to cause trouble."

In all fairness, Chito didn't even want to bring Lala there, after all, the opposite was an opponent who was serious enough for him.

The reason why Lala was not stopped before was mainly because Qiduo considered Su Han's current strength. He and Su Han joined forces, no one can hurt Lala, so there is no blindness to stop it.

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