Atreus: "...Wait a minute! If that's the case, how will the president kill him? Could it be that he can't kill the opponent? Or should he seal the opponent? If the opponent is sealed, does it count as completing the mission?"

My sister is not cute: "No wonder the reward for the task is so high! It turns out that the difficulty is also too high beyond imagination..."

Kasaka Keisuke, who was riding the Tokyo Express, was very emotional, so he said that the enemy with blood locks was the most annoying. No matter how you fight, you can't kill it, it's really annoying.

The Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat: "...No! If there is really no solution. The Demon Lord can't be so calm! I bet that the Demon Lord has actually already found a solution, but I'm just looking at it now. We're just having fun!"

Symbol of peace: "???"

Nakiri Erina: "...Is there still such an operation?"

Xia Shizi: "Think about it carefully... If you take into account the bad taste of the chairman! What the black cat said is very likely?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "...I didn't expect you to know me so well."

Tony is not the richest man: "Hey..."

Monster Sage: "...If it wasn't for the fear of being banned! I must spit right now before leaving."

Esdes: "+1."

Fourth Hokage: "+2."

Ainz Urgong: "+10086."

Su Xiaoxiao: "...Zi Mom!"

Monster Sage: "I hate you calling me this name the most! If you have the ability, you can face me directly!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "???"

Monster Sage: "I was hacked just now... I'm sorry! Excuse me! Goodbye."

My little sister is super unlovable: "Hey! Be tough, arrogant, kneel down and beg for mercy! Zi Ma, the name of a hero in the guild!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "The first shot against the president's brutal rule was fired by Miss Yakumo Zi! It's a pity that Miss Yakumo has shamelessly surrendered to the enemy at the very first moment of her resistance."

Poison Island Yuko: "...This is too showy."

Altair: "Yeah, the show is flying!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Okay, let's not mention this one... Although this guy is crazy! But it doesn't mean... He has no weaknesses at all."

Su Xiaoxiao: "I have already thought of a method, but whether the method will work...let's try it first."

Su Han opened his eyes... He spread his arms, his body turned into endless thunder and lightning, and at the same time drove the divine power storm thunder.

In just a moment, the sky was covered with clouds, and lightning flashed and thundered.

If you leave the earth at this moment, you can find that the sky of the small half of the earth is covered with dark clouds.

With such a large-scale range of divine power, it is conceivable how huge the number of gathered lightning is.

Su Han's body glowed. In an instant, the sky and the earth turned into a sea of ​​lightning. The terrifying thunder and lightning flowed into his body.

Then, Su Han grabbed Satan's arm with one palm. The endless power of thunder was poured into Satan's body.

Satan's body was trembling, but his face was extremely calm. He stared at Su Han, biting the tip of his tongue and spat out a mouthful of blood. The blood blurted out and instantly turned into a small snake, biting towards Su Han's neck.

With a crisp sound, the blood-colored snake bit the air. Su Han used space distortion to isolate the little snake in midair. Let the little snake go in and out.

"You can't kill me! So next, it's time to compete for perseverance and patience." Satan laughed, he was very calm, "I once faced a powerful enemy! I spent thousands of years with him. In the end, he I'm exhausted! I missed a move and died by my hands."

"I feel that you are also likely to step in his path."

"I don't think so!" Su Han shook his head calmly.

Su Han first completely paralyzed Satan's body with lightning, and then he used the reality gem to create eight enhanced versions of the guns that pierced through the dead thorns. .

Finally, Su Han used space gems to create a space cage.

"...Not going to kill me! Are you going to seal me?"

Slightly frowned, Satan seemed a little distressed, but there was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's a pity... I've made preparations for this too! If I don't return to the hell world for a hundred years. Then hell will force me to call me back!"

Satan gave Su Han a deep look, "A hundred years of suffering and a hundred years of loneliness, I can still tolerate it. Then, what are you going to do next? Young man."

"Don't worry! This time you are dead." Su Leng smiled. The dark barrier was instantly cast, covering Satan's body.

"Let the undead in hell die for you? This is extraordinary power..."

Su Han's eyes flickered and his voice was calm, "If that's the case! Then I will use the dark barrier to cut off this extraordinary power and cut off the connection between you and the undead... Can you still be resurrected? Satan!"

Chapter 0643 At this time, Aizen, one side, Samuel is still in the fake fight!

Satan's pupils contracted suddenly.

He felt it carefully, and found that he had indeed lost contact with hell, and there was a trace of panic on his face.

His will is indeed terrifying, and his patience has reached terrifying levels. But... it's all based on the fact that he doesn't

on the basis of death.

If his foundation is destroyed, can he still maintain such a firm and calm attitude?

The obvious answer is... no!

"...How could you actually do such a thing?!" Satan's face was complicated, his heart was cold, he knew that he had completely fallen this time.

However, unlike ordinary transmigrators, Satan did not cry for his father or mother, nor did he beg Su Han for mercy, but was very calm from beginning to end.

After a long silence, he finally spoke in a low voice, "Before I die! Can you tell me your true identity?"

"Just treat me as a staff member of the Space-Time Stability Maintenance Agency."

"...So it is! No wonder there is a white beard! There is still Accelerator." Satan's eyes flickered, as if he had figured out something at this moment.

After a short pause, Su Han sighed lightly, "Let's go on the road with peace of mind!"

Su Han's pupils showed the reincarnation eyes of six hooks, and he reached forward, preparing to use the ability of the human world to obtain the information in Satan's mind.

"You think it's this time! Will I let you know the information in my mind?"

At the end of his life, Satan calmed down. He quietly stared at Su Han's cheek, seemingly laughing at himself, and seemed to laugh unwillingly.

"This plan was originally scheduled! Just in case... I really didn't expect it! It will actually be used one day."

Satan's words carried a trace of unwillingness, and then, his body disintegrated little by little, turning into endless spots of light. Only a sigh remained.

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