The battle on the screen is still going on.

The audience saw Thanos use the Power Stone to smash a satellite, turning the satellite into a meteorite and smashing it towards everyone. They also saw the ultimate showdown between Doctor Strange and Thanos. Doctor Strange

's magic is endless, and even Thanos used the gem to create a miniature black hole, which was easily dispelled by Doctor Strange.

But in front of Thanos who has the Infinity Gauntlet, Doctor Strange is still no match.

He had the Eye of Agamotto taken away from his chest by Thanos.

Thanos was overjoyed and crushed the Eye of Agamotto with one hand, but who would have thought that there was no Time Stone inside.

At this time, Iron Man rushed to the battlefield again and fought Thanos with all his strength, but he was no match at all.

His nanomolecules have been used up, and the damage can no longer be replenished. In the end, he was stabbed by Thanos.

Thanos stroked Iron Man's head:"I admire you, Stark..."

"Don't worry, half of the people will still be able to survive after I succeed."

"I hope they remember you."

Then he was about to kill Iron Man.

The seriously injured Doctor Strange finally said,"Stop!"

"If you spare his life, I will give you the Time Stone."

Thanos was stunned:"Don't play tricks!"

Doctor Strange shook his head.

Iron Man shouted:"No!"

But Doctor Strange still gave the Time Stone to Thanos, and then Thanos disappeared.

Star-Lord, who rushed over frantically, looked at the disappearing Thanos, then looked at Iron Man, and said in disbelief:"Did we lose?"

Iron Man couldn't understand it either. He turned to look at Doctor Strange:"Why are you doing this?"

Doctor Strange said:"This is the end."

"I've been to the future and seen all the outcomes of this battle"

"There were 14,000,605 endings in total, and we only won once……"

Doctor Strange didn't originally say this at this time, but the future videos played were all edited by Ye Bai, so he put this here.

The effect is not bad. Seeing this, the comment section is boiling again!

Hunting Star God Lan:"Can the Time Stone travel through time?"

The only thing he wants to do is to kill the God of Harvest, Pharmacist.

He was not very interested in everything he saw before, but when he saw that people from another universe could travel through time, he couldn't help but speak.

If he could see the future, then the evil creatures of Harvest would have nowhere to hide!

Wisdom Star God Boshizun:"In theory, since the Last King can go against time, then traveling through time is possible."

"This wizard saw 14,000,605 possibilities in the future, which means the future is not certain.……"

"Time is really amazing. I want to know more."

The Last Star God King:"Jili Gulu, Jili Gulu……"

Angel King Kesha:"If you can travel to the future, can you also travel to the past?"

At this moment, she was also shocked by the power of the Infinity Stones.

Magneto:"It's getting more and more outrageous. You can even travel through time.……"

Mutants have various abilities, but he has never heard of one that can travel through time.

Even the powerful Phoenix Jean Grey cannot interfere with time!

Other universes are too dangerous!

I hope there won’t be such a lunatic in our world!

The Ancient One:"I didn’t expect Strange to make such a decision to survive in a desperate situation! He is indeed the best among us."

Steel:"You mean, the only time we win among more than 10 million endings is to hand over the Time Stone?"

The Ancient One:"It should be."

Ye Bai is very happy because the activity level has finally reached 90%!

Thanos, who was sitting in the live broadcast room, looked at the comments in the audience area. Without Ye Bai asking, he directly mocked:"A bunch of self-righteous fools"

"There are no more than 10 million endings. There is only one ending to this matter, which is that I win in the end."

Seeing his future self taking down 5 Infinity Stones, Thanos felt as if he had drunk iced happy water in the dog days of summer, how comfortable it could be!

Then his eyes fell on Gamora.

To take away the Soul Stone, Gamora must be sacrificed, but this is not unsolvable.

He can let others take the Soul Stone, and then snatch it back.


The picture on the screen changed again, and there was the battlefield of Wakanda.

Thanos' army was fighting the Avengers.

Thor saw himself in the picture holding Stormbreaker, easily destroying Thanos's war weapon.

He laughed wildly:"I knew I must still be alive. I actually have a new axe, and I will definitely kill Thanos in the end."

Captain America saw the Winter Soldier and an animal like a raccoon joining forces to resist the attack of Thanos' army.

He opened his mouth wide:"Bucky, Bucky is still alive!"

At that moment he almost cried.

Black Widow also saw herself active on the battlefield, she couldn't help covering her forehead:"I actually have to face so many aliens?"

Thinking about the past, the most powerful enemies she faced were nothing more than arms oligarchs and mad scientists.

Last time it was only the Chitauri, this time, there are so many aliens!

The enemy is upgrading too fast, what should I do?

Hawkeye looked depressed, because he didn't see himself, he murmured:"Why not me?"

"Sure enough, I would have died a long time ago. I only have a bow to fight these monsters.……"

Dr. Banner also saw himself driving a huge armored car to fight against aliens, but Hulk refused to come out.

He was also very depressed. Of course, he didn't want Hulk to come out at ordinary times, but why was Hulk unwilling to come out at such a critical moment?

Am I too harsh on him?

Otherwise, talk to him?

At this time, everyone's attention was attracted by a woman in red, that was the Scarlet Witch Wanda.

She just raised her hand and overturned several giant ships of at least hundreds of thousands of tons, which almost stunned everyone.

Then she left the battlefield and found Vision lying on the ground.

Loki widened his eyes:"This robot, there is a Mind Gem on his forehead?"

Iron Man was very happy:"Using the Mind Gem to create a robot, a genius idea! This must be done by me, this must be my secret weapon"

"Hey, this woman in red and he seem to be a couple! They can actually fall in love with people, the robot I made is too advanced!"

In the picture.

Vision said to Wanda:"He is coming."

Sure enough, Thanos came, no matter who stood in front of him, no one could stop him.

Wanda wanted to join the battle, but Vision held her back and said:"Wanda, it's time."

Wanda couldn't accept it:"No!"

Vision held Wanda tightly:"They can't stop Thanos, but we can"

"Your power can destroy the Mind Stone……"

Hearing this, all the Avengers' eyes lit up.

Yes, there is still a way to fight Thanos!

As long as one of the Infinity Stones is destroyed and he can't get 6, he will not be able to kill half of the population of the universe!! At this moment, Thanos can't sit still!

(Please give me flowers)

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