Xiaguo Academy of Sciences.

Several experts who study controlled nuclear fusion gathered together! The one who called these people together was Mr. Li, a national treasure in this industry. He was usually under strict protection. After he got up this morning, he inexplicably found a box at the head of his bed.

There was also a note on it:"Controllable and stable cold fusion device."

This made the security personnel break out in a cold sweat.

Now the device is placed in the laboratory in front of them.

Someone asked:"Mr. Li, do you really believe that this is a stable, controllable cold fusion device?!"

Mr. Li shook his head and said,"Not sure. But the most complete defense has been made. It has been tested before. It looks decent, and no danger has been found."

"It's always good to try!"

Then the device was activated, and the experts looked nervously at the display screen in front of them that recorded the data changes.

"Fusion reaction detected……"

"Confirming the operation of the reaction chamber plasma--……"

"Good operating condition……"

"Stability test……"

"Good stability……"

Data items flashed by quickly, and the experts' pupils were shaking.

An expert cried out:"Is it true? Cold fusion can actually be achieved!"

That's cold fusion!

It's more difficult than controlled nuclear fusion, and it actually appeared like this! ?

And it's miniaturized?

Someone couldn't help asking:"What is going on? Where did this thing come from?"

Mr. Li said:"Everything I'm going to say is top secret. If you want to listen, you need to sign a confidentiality agreement."

Everyone nodded.

Mr. Li said:"Not long ago, our lunar rover on the moon discovered a palace."

"It is said to be a palace, and it looks like someone casually carved it out of stone. There are also a few words engraved on it:"Guanghan Palace", which is simplified Chinese."

"There are two red flags outside the palace gate."

Red flags outside Guanghan Palace?

The experts were stunned. What is this?

Mr. Li said:"The relevant expert group has been established. They speculate that there are aliens. For the time being, the aliens are very friendly to Xia country."

"This thing may be given to us by aliens"

"We don't need to worry about aliens. Our job is to reverse-engineer this cold fusion device."

Of course, aliens don't exist.

This cold fusion device is the reactor of the Iron Man Suit. After Ye Bai dismantled it, he gave it to the Academy of Sciences for research.

These days, he is tired of running around the world. He plans to focus on those fantasy worlds and not do big things in the real world for the time being!

But he is willing to help the country develop science and technology. Anyway, he doesn't really need an Iron Man Suit. However, most of the gifts have lost their magic in the real world.

Some of the weird gifts are useless to Ye Bai even in their original world, and there are dangers, such as star cores!

But even so, Ye Bai is very satisfied.

After all, the system did not split these things with him 50-50, but gave them all to him.

Next, Ye Bai went to transport a batch of gold as usual, tested the ability of the King Game, and then released another interview preview.

This time his target is the water god Funina in the world of the original god.

He has never limited his interviews to villains. He interviewed them first because they have distinct personalities and do weird things, so it is easier to get active!

In Ye Bai's opinion, Funina's story is also exciting enough, and it should also get enough activeness


Teyvat Continent, Fontaine.

Furninna anxiously asked Villette,"What on earth is this?"

Villette also looked at the interview preview in front of him, frowned, and answered honestly,"I don't know."

"This is a bit like the void of Xumi, but we don't wear the Akasha terminal"

"It's not like the grass god Xumi suddenly expanded his power to Fontainebleau.……"

"Ah, are you worried?"

Finina raised her hand, put it on her chin, coughed twice, and cleared her throat:"Of course not, I am the water god Fukaros, what in this world is worth worrying about?"

That Vilet nodded, fell into deep thought, and murmured:"I can't feel any elemental power at all, it doesn't seem like a product of Teyvat……"

"Something foreign?"

Funina didn't hear what he said, but went straight back to her bedroom.

She closed the curtains and trembled a little:"What's going on? Why would someone come to interview me?"

·· ·······Request flowers··· ········

"And it’s so mysterious that even Villette can’t figure it out?"

·· ·······Request flowers··· ········

"Could it be that someone knows that I’m not the real Water God and wants to expose me?"

"But...but if my identity is exposed, what should Fontaine do?"

"what do I do?"

""Who can tell me what I should do?"

But not long after, Funina cheered up and stopped trembling.

She said to the mirror:"It's okay, Funina, you will be fine."

"No one can recognize that I am not the water god"

"Yes, I am the demon god Fukaros, I am the water god!"

At this time, a maid's voice sounded outside:"Lady Finina, today's trial is about to begin."

Finina opened the curtains, as if she had turned back into the heartless water god Finina. She laughed exaggeratedly and said,"Let's go! Let's see if Villette can give us a wonderful performance in this trial!""



No matter how worried and scared she was, she would not miss any trial, because she was afraid that every time she missed a trial, it would be the one she needed to wait for.

But she had been waiting for a long time, it was really too long!



Jingshan Palace.

Little Grass God Nashida also looked at this message with a frown on her face.

"Using unknown means, he invaded the void without leaving any trace. Who could do this?"

"I have heard of the water goddess Fucarus for a long time. I also heard that she acts extravagantly. Could she have done it?"

"What a powerful god!"

"Does she want to show the whole of Teyvat how successful her governance of Fontaine is?"

"Then I have to study hard."

"I have to become stronger and smarter so that Xumi can become better!"



Wendy stopped playing and sighed,"Mond has just experienced so much turmoil, and now this inexplicable thing has happened!"

"Can't you let me relax a little?"

Tevarin under him said:"Barbatus, you have enough free time."

"This doesn't look like something created by elemental forces, don't you want to go to Fontaine to find out?!"

Wendy took out a bottle of cider and took a big sip:"No!" Xiao Xiao.

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