"This is ridiculous, I'm not human?"

"Is this fake? If I am a pure water spirit, why don't I know anything?"

"So, is there any difference between us and real humans?"

"It seems that as long as you don’t touch the water, there will be no problem!"

"I am not a human being, but a pure water spirit.……"

The Fontaine people came back to their senses, their lips trembling, their eyes blank, like sleepwalkers, wandering unconsciously, which made Meilushin very worried.

They didn't feel anything about this matter!

Comment area.

Iron Man said:"So it was the most powerful god in your world, Tianli, who made a prophecy to punish the Fontaine people?"

"But you can't defeat Him, so you just try to deceive Him?"

"So you asked Funina to pretend to be you, just for this……"

Aizen:"I still don't understand. If the god is so powerful and Ms. Furninna is just an ordinary person, how can she deceive him?"

Tsunade:"If the prophecy is bound to happen, then what's the point of deceiving Heaven?"

Not only the audience from other worlds, but also the people of Teyvat in this world have many questions.

Ye Bai asked:"Then how are you going to deceive Heaven?"

Fukaros said:"Even if it is Heaven, His perspective has blind spots."

"So I separated my humanity, which is Funina"

"Let her pretend to be the water god. To some extent, she is the water god. Then I will guide her step by step, and the prophecy will come true."

"As long as the scene in the prophecy appears, justice will not investigate further."

Funina looked at Fukalos and said in disbelief:"I am your humanity? Then what am I?"

Fukalos smiled and said:"You, of course, are human."

Ye Bai asked again:"Since the prophecy has come true, the Fontaine people will be dissolved by the sea water, how can you save them?"

Fukalos looked at Villette and said:"My way is Villette, he is the contemporary water dragon king"

"Part of the authority of the Seven Gods comes from the Elemental Dragon King."

"Over the years, I have accumulated countless legal compensation energy in the Cardinal of the Decree."

"When the trial is over and the execution begins, the terrifying power that has accumulated for hundreds of years will be enough to kill me and destroy the throne of the water god of this world.〃. 〃. "

"At that time, the power of the Elemental Dragon King in me will return to Villette."

"Navilette, who possesses the full power of the ancient dragon, is able to pardon the Fontaine people and turn them into real humans.……"

"In this way, the prophecy came true, the heavens were satisfied, the people of Fontaine were saved, Funina was freed, and Villette also found her own power."

"Everything is happy."

Ye Bai said:"What about you?"

Fukaros said:"As long as I can save Fontaine, I am not important!"

"To me, justice means survival. Breaking the prophecy and allowing the people of Fontaine to survive should be the justice that stands above all else at this moment!"

""Have I done it in the future?"

Hearing this, those bewildered Fontaine people came back to their senses one by one as if struck by lightning!

And countless people shed tears for the water god they met for the first time!

Fontaine was so lucky to have two gods, Funina and Fucaros!

Ye Bai sighed:"Indeed, you did it in the future."

So, the screen played the scene of Fucaros' execution.

Above, a guillotine composed of five hundred years of law compensation mixed energy hovered above her head!

And Fucaros, wearing a dress, danced gracefully... She didn't care about the threat of death!

Until that moment came, she gracefully saluted the world, and then everything disappeared!

Navilet, who had restored the power of the ancient dragon, had water all over his face, not knowing whether it was tears or rain, and he pardoned the sins of the Fontaine people in the heavy rain...

The picture froze, and everything returned to silence again.

After seeing the Great Compassion Tree King sacrifice himself to save the world, the audience saw the future water god, sacrificing himself to save his country and save the tiny human beings.

If they hadn't seen the story of Zhongli and the Great Compassion Tree King before, they might not have understood it either.

But now, they understand, but are still shocked.

This made the activity in the comment area reach 82%.

At this time, Fucaros said:"Dear host, I have said everything about me."

"Can you tell me, how would you save the people of Fontaine?"

"Apart from the Elemental Dragon King who controls all the power of ancient dragons, I really can’t think of anyone who can save them?"

"Do you have any special means?"

Ye Bai said:"I'm sorry, I really can't do anything about this."

Finina and Fukalos' faces changed instantly, and they were about to fight with Ye Bai.

Ye Bai continued:"But I have someone above me."

At this time, a cold snort echoed throughout Teyvat:"Only the Elemental Dragon King can do it, who are you looking down on?"

Tianli, who had been holding back for a long time, finally got the chance to speak.

After hearing these words, all the creatures in Teyvat, all humans, and all species, worshiped the sky!

Many of them had never heard of Tianli, but at this moment, they knew who was speaking. At this moment, Brother Kong immediately shrank back into the abyss.

The other seven rulers of the mortal world had beads of sweat on their heads.

The Fatui executives were also in a mess.

Because their plan had begun, but the plan had not yet succeeded, facing the awakened Tianli at this time would be a disaster!

Because He had awakened, it was impossible to hide these things from Him!

The doctor had already started thinking about how he should run away. By then, he would sacrifice a few slices to deceive Tianli and escape with his life...

The scattered soldiers were ready to run away...

A meteor fell from the sky and came to the outside of the Momang Palace. Tianli appeared in the posture of a human, took a step towards the live broadcast room, and then with a snap... her whole body stuck to the shell of the live broadcast room.

The atmosphere of fear and majesty disappeared instantly, and it became a little embarrassing.

Tianli covered his nose and was furious:"¨「 ¨「 You... I came here at your invitation, and you won't even open the door for me?"

In addition to Fukalos, who had never seen justice, there was also Nashida.

Wendy, Zhongli, and Lei Dianying all had strange expressions on their faces. They wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.

They had never thought that the most noble and powerful existence in that world would actually suffer such a setback.

It seemed that she had suffered at the hands of the host before!

Ye Bai said:"Forget it, don't come in, I don't care, didn't you see that the faces of your subordinates have changed?"

"Who wants to play with the leader?))"

And Villette stared at Tianli and said coldly:"The usurper……"

Tianli said disdainfully:"You are just a little dragon, you dare to show your teeth just after your teeth grow out, I don't want to pay attention to you."

Then, she raised her hand and grabbed:"Fontaine people, I forgive your sins. This kind of thing is not the turn of a little dragon!"

The next moment, every Fontaine person felt as if something had changed, but they couldn't tell.

Tianli said to Ye Bai:"I have used that star-eating whale to make soup, and I have also forgiven the Fontaine people, allowing them to become real humans!"

"What about your promise?"

Then, Ye Bai took out the star hammer.

Tianli's face changed drastically:"You don't keep your word, are you going to destroy Teyvat! Yuyu?"

Ye Bai shook his head and said:"No, this is a gift from a viewer friend recently. In fact, it is not a weapon for combat."

"Compared to fighting, it is more suitable for building walls."

Everyone looked confused.

Building a wall?

What wall?

Where to build it?

Why build a wall!?

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