Many people think that the Star God of Preservation Clipper is only good at building walls, but in fact, He is better at ironmaking... Oh, no, forging.

The sub-space crystal walls, the Comet Star Walls, and the Great Attractor Base Plate of the Star Iron World were all forged by Him with the hammer in his hand.

And now, Ye Bai regards the entire world of Teyvat as a whole and forges it.

Knock out the impurities in it, that is, the power of the abyss, and at the same time strengthen~~this world.

Just like when the Star God of Preservation Clipper hammered the Star God of Breeding Taiziyolos to death, he hammered wildly while drawing out the concepts in His body.

Relying on the complete control of the system, Ye Bai can even do Clipper better.

The comment area exploded.

The Star God of Joy Aha:"This technique is so exquisite, just looking at this technique is enough to make me happy, Clipper, you can't do it, right?"

"I remember the bloody look on Raz's face when you hammered that bug to death! Oh, I couldn't bear to watch it!"

Protector Star God Klipper:"That hammer is mine."

Patrol Star God Lan:"The host is really powerful, holding your���He uses weapons better than you do."

The Star God of Preservation, Klipper:"I gave that hammer to the host."

The Star God of Abundance, Pharmacist:"That world is sick, the host should let me go to heal this world."

The Star God of Preservation, Klipper:"That hammer is... no, you can't cure any disease at all."

After staying here for a long time, these star gods seem to have more humanity!

Tianli couldn't help swallowing his saliva. That hammer belongs to this Star God of Preservation. Is this guy so strong?

Then aren't these other star gods so strong?

Do they also have to flatter the host?

Ningguang:"Mr. Host, what are you doing? To be honest, I was just scared!"

Keqing:"Isn't it normal to be scared? Such a big hammer falling down... I'm afraid it can kill 10,000 Osels!"

The Star God of Wisdom, Boshizun:"He is using the power of preservation to strengthen the laws of this world, and extracting some of the laws that erode this world."

Yajen Shenzhi:"Erosion of the laws of this world? What is it?"

Lei Yingying:"The power of the abyss……"

Master Liuyunjiefeng:"Such a great power is beyond the imagination of ordinary people like us. It makes people yearn for it infinitely."

Granny Ping:"Indeed, now I seem to understand why there is a 'sky' covering this world!"

"If all the strong outside the world are like this, then protecting Teyvat is a must."

Alice:"You think too much, if all the strong outside the world are like this, Teyvat would have been finished long ago."

She finally breathed a sigh of relief, no longer having to stare at the cracks at the border of the world every day, and can travel around the world with Klee.

Witch Nico:"It is good to have powerful power, but the power of 'reason' is above everything else."

"The host has both great power and great reason, which is beyond imagination."

"I really don't know whether my colleagues should thank you or hate you for breaking the fate of this world."

Mona:"Old woman, what weird things are you talking about again! ? If the starry sky is broken, will astrology be useless? Will fortune tellers lose their jobs? It's over. The money I used to buy the book has not been paid back yet.……"

Silkcock:"Yes, this way, the world will be much safer! But how should I tell the teacher that his pet was stewed and drunk by Tianli!"

"I can't beat the monster Tenli, He's too strong!"

Thor:"I like this hammer so much."

Uchiha Madara:"So the Star Gods have such powerful powers? I thought you just have superior wisdom."

Joyful Star God Aha:"Not necessarily, a bug with no brains can also become a Star God. I tried to copy this miracle at the beginning, but unfortunately failed!"

Golden Reindort:"Let a bug with no brains become a being like you? Is this possible?"

Memory Star God Fuli:"So He failed. I still have the memory of his failure at that time. I'm thinking of taking it out to laugh at Him one day."

Aizen:"Such power? I'm taught, this is exactly what I'm looking for."

At this moment, the comment area was very lively.

Countless people complained, and the activity finally reached 100%.

As the power of the abyss was drained away, the power of the remaining forbidden knowledge in this world began to collapse.

The World Tree was completely cured and renewed.

At that moment, all the people with magic scale disease in Xumi watched their magic scales turn into smoke.

Dina Zedai in the city stared blankly at the giant hammer in the sky, tears streaming down his face!

Cole in the jungle also excitedly hugged Tinari's arm and cried.

Heng Na Lan Na, and a group of Lan Na Luo began to sing loudly, thanking the infinite Liu Tuo was driven away by the hammer in the sky.

Even the forbidden knowledge swallowed by the grass dragon king Apep began to crumble.

For a moment, he was in a complicated mood.

When the Nibelungen came back, he rebelled against the law of heaven.

Later, when the dragon king was defeated, he thought that Tianli would kill him, but he didn't expect that the law of heaven ignored him.

Later, because he was deeply impressed by the power of the king, he reached an agreement with the Red King, and finally swallowed the Red King to gain the power of forbidden knowledge.

But this power is more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

Not only can he not control it, but he is also slowly being eroded.

·· ·······Request flowers··· 0

·· ·······Request flowers··· 0

Now, this kind of power dissipated, and he finally recovered.

But the person who did this is helping the law of nature and reinforcing the laws of the world, which makes it more difficult for Long to take back this world. For a moment, he was in a complicated mood.

At this moment.

The illusory giant hand holding the giant hammer smashed down for the third time.

And this time, it smashed into the starry sky.

Under the hammering of this hammer, the endless void began to twist, accumulate, and change...

The originally illusory void, under the hammering of this hammer, possessed real substance.

In the end, it turned into a crystal wall, wrapping up Teyvat.

The power of the abyss is completely isolated from the outside. It is unknown how many years it will take to enter this world again.

The golden giant hammer became smaller again and fell back into Ye Bai's palm.

Ye Bai sighed in his heart, this thing is so useful


It's a pity that this thing can only be used in the world of Xingtie and Genshin. He hasn't even opened the world of Xingtie yet.

Ye Bai said to Tianli:"I have kept my promise. Although it is stronger than the previous wall,"

"But it can't block the power from outside the world forever, you have to rely on yourselves."

Tianli felt refreshed all over, as if he had eaten a few ice creams in the hot summer, and the problem that had troubled him for so long was finally solved.

As for blocking the power from outside the world forever, He didn't expect it.

As long as the children grow up strong enough, they can naturally resist the invasion from outside the world.

These walls, plus these reinforced laws, are enough to buy more time for this world.

Even because of this, her injuries have healed a lot.

He was very satisfied to see the vitality of Teyvat and the scene of all things blooming!

Then, He looked at Fukaros, who was still calm and composed. After all, a god who is not afraid of death will not be afraid of other things, even facing Tianli!

So Tianli said to Finina:"Are you willing to sit on the throne of the God of Water?"

Finina was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said:"I have been the God of Water for 500 years. I am so tired, so tired. I just want to rest!"

Tianli glanced at Zhidong again, and the Queen Zhidong felt cold all over.

Then he swept his eyes over Zhongli and the others in front of him. Everything they did could not escape Tianli's eyes.

One wanted to deceive me, one wanted to rebel, one was a drunkard, one was a street urchin, one was a homebody who ruled the country with robots, and one was a child who was imprisoned by his subordinates for five hundred years...

This group of crouching dragons and phoenixes have ruled the world for thousands of years, and the world has not collapsed yet. How lucky!

He suddenly felt tired like Funina, so he sighed:"You, take care of yourself!"

Then he disappeared! Just now.

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