Ye Bai said:"This is the Trisolar System, it has three stars and one planet."

"The three stars have similar masses and are not far apart, so they are in a disordered three-body motion due to gravity!"

"So in the world of the Three-Body System, sometimes there is one star, sometimes there are two, and sometimes there are three.……"

"The changes are completely irregular and the environment is extremely harsh……"

"Countless generations of civilizations in the Three-Body World are still unable to decipher the rules behind it, and they believe that this problem has no solution!"

"That’s why when they discovered the existence of the Earth, they wanted to come and grab it!"

The Star God of Wisdom, Boshizun:"A typical unstable chaotic system, but it is not unsolvable.……"

Ye Bai smiled and said,"There may be a solution for you, but the Trisolarans are not you. You have to look at it from the perspective of the Trisolarans' technological level!"

The Trisolarans saw Bo Shizun and Ye Bai say this, and cursed in their hearts, who can't brag? If you have the ability, you can solve one for me! ?

This is really not"four four eight seven eight seven" Ye Bai bragging about Bo Shizun, after all, the worldviews of the two worlds are different!

In the Star Iron World, Bo Shizun can even calculate the three key nodes of the Emperor's War, each of which is extremely accurate. Isn't the human heart more chaotic than the Three-Body Problem! ?

Several geniuses in his faction genius club can even simulate the universe, calculate the birth of star gods, and deduce the changes in the universe.

The Three-Body Problem is really not a big problem for Him!

Ye Bai continued,"In order to build the sophon, the Trisolarans invested all the resources originally used to build the second interstellar fleet into it." The

Trisolarans finally appeared on the screen. This was the first time humans saw the Trisolarans.

They look similar to humans, have limbs similar to those of humans, and are smooth as a mirror.

Seeing this scene, the Trisolaran leader on the spaceship trembled all over. He was afraid.

Because he saw himself!

Someone had been monitoring him all along, and he knew nothing about it.

This is indeed an advanced civilization!

But if the advanced civilization discovered us so early, why did they allow us to exist and develop, and why didn't they kill us?

Is the Dark Forest Law we deduced wrong?

In the picture.

The first two-dimensional expansion of the proton by the Trisolarans failed, and one more dimension was reduced, turning the proton into a theoretically infinitely thin line of nearly 15,000 light years long! The second proton expansion, but one less dimension, became a three-dimensional expansion.

Many colorless geometric bodies appeared in the sky, looking like children's building blocks.

But what people didn't expect was that those geometric bodies actually formed a huge eye in the sky that covered the sky and the sun, like a reflector, converging the sunlight at one point to attack the Trisolarans. The Trisolarans

' weapons began to roar, smashing the huge eye to pieces.

The comment area became lively again!

Iron Man murmured:"There is indeed life in the microscopic quantum field……"

Dr. Pym created the Pym particles.

Iron Man's father was very interested in this. Although he failed to replicate the Pym particles, he asked him to study the microscopic quantum field.

He inferred that there might be life in the microscopic quantum field. Now it seems that it is mostly correct!

Paimon:"There are intelligent civilizations in such tiny particles! Then I have eaten a lot of civilizations every day. I feel so guilty!"

Narcida:"Well, Paimon, your eating can't affect protons."

After previous popular science, the God of Wisdom has had a considerable understanding of microscopic particles in physics!

Thanos:"If you observe a proton from a higher dimension, assuming it is an 11-dimensional perspective, the complexity of a proton has exceeded that of a universe. It is not surprising that intelligent life can be born!"

"But that doesn't mean much to us, it only exists in mathematical significance and has no effect on us at all."

Thanos is also a very awesome scientist.

He copied the Pym particles that Iron Man couldn't copy, and then used that thing to travel back in time and fight the Avengers again.

The Star God of Wisdom, Boshizun:"It's worth studying.……"

As long as it is an unknown thing, He wants to find the answer!

Finally, the Trisolarans began the third proton expansion.

It was as if a mirror appeared in the sky, and the mirror was rapidly expanding, eventually completely wrapping the Trisolaran world.

Then countless spaceships flew into the sky, etching various circuits on that two-dimensional plane. This was the first time that the people on Earth saw this. Some people had seen it in the Trisolaran game before, but it was far from the real picture!

This picture is really too spectacular.

The Trisolarans who entered the live broadcast room and the local people on Earth did not speak.

Some people saw that the sophon was very fragile after the two-dimensional expansion, and they had planned to induce the sophon to expand in two dimensions to blow it up. In a flash, they saw that the Trisolarans had created more than one sophon, and they couldn't help but sighed!

Comment area.

Angel King Kesha:"They use electromagnetic radiation to adjust gravity, and use gravity to fix protons above the Trisolaran planet."........."

"They have done enough in-depth research on gravity, so why can't they create wormholes and perform space jumps?"

She was anxious watching.........

Captain America:"Or is it an energy problem?"

Iron Man:"Captain, they have studied microscopic particles to such an extent, I think quark fusion is not a problem for them!"

"The energy provided by quark fusion alone is eight times that of hydrogen fusion!"

"They know so much about the microscopic world, they must have mastered a more powerful source of energy"

"I don’t think it’s a problem of energy, it’s a problem of their universe!"

Uchiha Madara:"The microscopic world is so amazing, it’s completely beyond my imagination. It’s really eye-opening, really eye-opening."

Wendy:"My head itches, I need a brain."

Zhongli:"This is even more magical than the mustard seed containing the Sumeru, it really broadens my horizons."

Finally the picture froze, and Ye Bai said:"The Trisolarians are worried that the Earthlings will have a technological explosion in the next 400 years, and their technological level will surpass theirs."

"So they used the sophon to prevent humans from observing the microscopic world, thus locking down the earth's technology."

"Humans have discovered the existence of the Sophon and the Three-Body Civilization with great difficulty. The problem now facing them is that technology is completely blocked. How can they fight against the Three-Body Civilization?"

"They thought of a lot of crazy ideas."

"Among them, the most effective ones are the craziest ones. The first one is the ladder plan proposed by Ms. Cheng Xin."

"The plan is very simple. Humans launch a spaceship with a person on board to fly to the Trisolaran fleet to contact the Trisolarans in advance. They are considered spies sent by humans."

"But it is difficult to operate with human technology, we will talk about this later!"

"The second is the Wallfacer Project proposed by the Planetary Defense Council."

"Because of the existence of Sophon, Earth has no secrets for the Trisolarans, but the Trisolarans cannot see through human thinking."

"The Wall-Facing Project is based on this point."

"Humans selected four of the world's top scientists and strategists to become Wallfacers."

"Let them build strategies and tactics to fight against the Trisolarans in their minds without telling anyone."

"They can use most of the world's resources at will without having to explain to anyone."

"Audience friends, if you were the wall-facers, what would you do?".

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