Seeing the protesting crowd and hearing their slogans to hang Luo Ji and kill this anti-human lunatic, Luo Ji was unexpectedly calm.

He didn't know that he could stay calm when facing such a thing.

Ye Bai smiled:"Do you know why they are so angry?"

"Believe it or not, if you didn't use the Dark Forest Law, but suddenly got a super spaceship, or brought a fleet to defeat the Trisolarians"

"Even if you kill all the Trisolarans, they will only line the streets to welcome you and call you a hero."

Luo Ji shook his head bitterly, but he actually understood.

The audience was a little confused, and those who were marching were even more angry when they heard this.

Some people even smashed their phones directly, but the billboard on the side was still broadcasting Ye Bai's interview live.

Paimeng asked curiously in the comment area:"Host, why is it like this? Isn't it the same thing? It's all victory!"

Patrol Star Shenlan:"Of course it's different! Because then the war will take place on the front line, which has little to do with them, and they don't have to fight desperately on the front line."

"Now Luo Ji is using the lives of all the people in the two worlds to intimidate the Trisolarans, which is equivalent to tying everyone to the front line, so they are angry."

"To defeat the enemy on the battlefield requires a price to be paid. To win a war with such a huge disparity in strength, one must be prepared to sacrifice everything."

"But most people are unwilling to do so, because they have been out of the jungle for too long and do not understand the cost of being alive."

"This is a kind of selfishness, and even more so, a kind of arrogance, arrogantly thinking that one's survival is a matter of course."

He had experienced similar things before he became a god.

Hearing this, the marching crowd became even more angry. After all, this was too heartbreaking, but they could do nothing about it because they could hear it everywhere.

Ye Bai said to Luo Ji:"In fact, compared to the future, your current situation is much better."

"In the future, not only you, but all of you who face the wall will have a bad ending."

"The Trisolarans will not lie, so the ETO has sent a few wallbreakers to expose your true plans."

"The first person to be exposed was Taylor. His plan was to form a death squad to fight the Trisolarans to the death by using nuclear fusion as a weapon."

"Macro-atoms are unique to this universe. You can simply think of them as giant atomic nuclei that are invisible to the human eye. They are much more powerful than ordinary black weapons!"

"But this is not Taylor's real plan. His real plan is to use the ball lightning excited by macro atoms to kill all human warriors and turn them all into quantum ghosts that cannot be killed to fight against the Trisolarans."

"The Wallbreaker revealed Taylor's plan and mocked him, saying that even if he succeeded, the Lord wouldn't care. Taylor eventually committed suicide."

Hearing this, Taylor turned pale and almost had a heart attack.

"Rey Diaz, his plan is similar to Thanos's, but even more radical. He intends to push Mercury, Venus and the Earth into the Sun to threaten the Trisolarans!"

"His plan was exposed, and when he returned to his country, he was stoned to death by the people."

Díaz's face darkened instantly.

"Bill Hines, he believed that mankind was doomed to fail, and that preserving the fire for mankind was the most important thing, and then he invented the thought stamp technology"

"In simple terms, a belief can be planted in a person's heart."

"For example, if you implant in his mind the belief that water is poisonous, he will never drink water, until he dies of thirst."

"On the surface, he told people that what he left in other people's minds was the belief that mankind would win, but in fact, what he left behind was that mankind would lose, and the fire would be preserved."

"His wall-breaker is his wife, Keiko Yamasugi, who is more like Aristotle in ETO."

"After the plan was exposed, he disappeared."

Bill Seans looked at his wife, his whole body shaky.

Those who were responsible for protecting him immediately grabbed Yamasugi Keiko, and they looked at Bill Seans with some unkindness.

Hearing this, the people were angrier than each other.

Why are all the wall-facers the same?

Either they are taking our lives and doing nonsense!

Or they are just cowards who want to run away?

Sure enough, the wall-facing plan is not reliable at all.

Ye Bai looked at the demonstrators on the screen and said:"In the future, you should thank every wall-facer. On the surface, their plans have failed...Except Taylor, he really failed!"

"But their plans have won the chance for humanity to win!

This finishing blow made Taylor faint!

Ye Bai continued:"In the future, your world has gone through many disasters and ushered in a technological explosion."

"You have built a huge space fleet, with a top speed that can even reach 15% of the speed of light. You are full of confidence and think you will definitely defeat the Trisolaran Fleet."

"But before the Trisolaran fleet arrived, they sent a probe to you!"

"Let's take a look at that picture."

Everyone was stunned. Can we really see the future?

The Trisolarian leader was extremely shocked:"I thought those things about the future were just his guesses, but is it really possible to see the future?"

The scientific consul on the side said:"In theory, it is possible, as long as you can calculate all the movement trajectories of every particle in the universe, you can predict everything and see everything!"

"But in fact, this is impossible, because the energy consumed in this way has exceeded the total energy of the universe."

Then the picture unfolded.

It was the boundless space, densely packed with spaceships.

Each one looked extremely sci-fi.

The directors of the Planetary Defense Consulate were extremely shocked.

"Is this a human fleet?"

"Technology is locked, can I still build this kind of spaceship? A spaceship with 15% of the speed of light has a skill that exceeds that of the Three Body"

"Even without the Dark Forest Law, we can still defeat the Trisolarans."

Ding Yi, a consultant on the side, smiled and said,"It's just the explosion of applied technology. Can a sophisticated bow and arrow beat a missile? Even the most basic missile……"

The scene fell silent again.

Then, they saw the flagship of the fleet explode directly, and then one by one, and then another... the more than 2,000 warships exploded directly in the universe!

It was so understated, like fireworks on New Year's Eve.

They did not see any counterattack from the human fleet, nor did they see any enemies...

The world was instantly quiet!.

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