Ye Bai now has two ways to invite people to participate in his live interviews.

The first is to invite special guests, but that requires the guests to be on the audience list.

The singer is not on the list.

So he can only use the second method, launching the King's Game. As for what consequences this will have, he already has a good solution. The singer's body shape looks similar to that of humans, and also like a carbon-based creature, a bit like an octopus on Earth.

At this time he was terrified. He was originally doing his daily work, cleaning up the little Karami who accidentally exposed themselves in the universe!

How did he come to this place in the blink of an eye?

This is beyond his understanding of this universe.

Comment area.

Joyful Star God Aha:"666, the host is really awesome, no matter who you are, no matter where you are"

"If I tell you to come, you have to come."

Dr. Zhizhi Xingshen:"This ability that transcends all understanding and all imagination is really despairing."

"I may not be able to find the answer to this power until the end of the universe."

Memory Star God Fu Li:"It is truly comparable to the authority of the Creator."

Tianli:"Fortunately, the host has no ill will towards our world, otherwise...……"

Ye Bai smiled and said,"It's not as amazing as you think. This is just my basic skill as a host and a reporter."

Then he repeated what he said before and asked the singer!

The singer's eyes rolled around and then he said,"I'm not. I don't have……"

Before he finished speaking, the tentacles on his body rose up, slapped him in the face, and spanked him dozens of times!

Truth or Dare.

This time, Ye Bai set it so that when the singer lied to him, he would spank himself.

The singer was desperate.

Seeing the future, although he had heard that there were civilizations that could modify the timeline, but seeing the future... what kind of god-level civilization could do that?

I had never heard of it!

What bad luck did I have that would allow such an existence to torture me in this way?

Could it be that it was a civilization that was missed during the previous cleanup, and now someone is seeking revenge on me! ?

He didn't dare to lie again, for he was afraid that the next time he lied, he might strangle himself to death with his tentacles.

He had heard of playing with the rules, but those were the existing rules in the universe, and this was beyond his understanding!

He said:"The destruction of the Three-Body Civilization should have used mass points to directly destroy the stars."

"But your world is different. There are too many planets and there may be blind spots."

"So at this time, I usually choose two-dimensional foil……"

"Ms. Cheng Xin, in fact, you should choose to study light-speed spacecraft, because the change of space curvature caused by light-speed spacecraft is permanent!"

"You want to reduce the speed of light, only light-speed spacecraft can do it."

"Moreover, only a light-speed spacecraft can escape the gravitational pull of the two-dimensional foil.……"

Cheng Xin was already numb!

Fate had placed the hope of human civilization in her hands twice, and she was wrong both times!

This is ridiculous, ridiculous!

Why would it be me?

This time, don't let me choose again.

I really don't have the ability, you know?

The audience questioned the two-dimensional foil!

So Ye Bai showed the scene of the two-dimensional foil destroying the solar system.

They saw the two-dimensional foil, saw the human spacecraft fall into it, watched the planets fall into it, and then solidified forever...

They also saw that a child held high by a mother fell into the painting first, but in the end, even the child fell with him... until the entire sun fell into it, just like a famous painting.

That kind of shock, no language can describe it!

All the Trisolarans and humans trembled, feeling unimaginable fear and coldness...

This universe is so damn dark!

The comment area exploded again.

The God of Wisdom, Bo Shenzun:"I should have thought of it earlier. If the dimensions of the macroscopic world can be controlled, it will be so terrible."

Iron Man:"The way you fight is too abstract and terrifying."

Uchiha Madara:"Thank you Dr. Banner for your explanation. I understand what happened."

"This is what I said before, the use of rules."

Aizen:"I finally realized that in the face of such a war, my previous battles and my future battles are like a child playing in the mud.……"

Tianli:"See, the world outside is so terrible!"

Cheng Xin looked at the singer who looked indifferent, as if he was appreciating the destruction of the solar system, and said angrily:"Destroying our civilization, do you really not care?"

The singer looked at Ye Bai, not daring to lie:"If it was you, and you stepped on an ant to death, would you feel anything?"

"My job is to be a cleaner. Every day I have to deal with countless low-level civilizations in the universe that accidentally expose themselves."

"To prevent them from growing up and becoming a threat to us, this is for the survival of our civilization."

"I must do this!"

Everyone's blood froze and they felt cold all over.

He was just a cleaner.

That meant they had more than one cleaner.

What kind of civilization could do such a thing?

Cheng Xin said in despair:"Is this the law of the dark forest! ? Is this the truth of the universe?"

The singer shook his head and said:"No, it's not! The law of the dark forest is only suitable for low-level civilizations like you."

"In the battlefield of the entire universe, it is like a sniper's cold gun and cold cannon, which can't be used on the big stage."

"The real war in the universe is a million times more terrible than this."

"The battlefield is usually hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions of light years away, stretching across countless galaxies.……"

"It's normal for it to last for hundreds of millions of years!"

No one spoke in the comment section.

Only a very few people could imagine what such a war was like.

The singer continued:"However, the most terrifying thing is those god-level civilizations. They not only use the laws of the universe as weapons,"

"Some people can even use mathematical laws to make weapons!"

The comment area exploded again!

The Star God of Wisdom, Boshizun:"I have always believed that mathematics is the universal solution for all universes. I didn't expect you to be so exaggerated!"

"The life in your universe is crazier than I could have imagined."

Thanos:"You haven't ruined this universe yet, this universe should be thankful."

The singer laughed at himself:"It has been ruined. Do you think our universe is like this?"

"No, in the earliest times, our universe was a ten-dimensional world."

"At that time, the speed of light in a vacuum is close to infinity, and we can easily reach from one end of the universe to the other."

"Then the war broke out, and someone started a dimensionality reduction attack"

"Transform yourself into a nine-dimensional life form in advance, so the world falls into the ninth dimension, and once this happens, it cannot be stopped.……"

"Finally the world fell to the present three-dimensional"

"Now it is said that our home planet has begun to transform my people into two-dimensional life."

"Because two-dimensional foil is everywhere in the universe, it won't be long before our entire universe becomes two-dimensional."

"Who knows if it will fall to one dimension later?"

"So, you are right, the universe has been messed up."

"We're all lingering".

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