My surname is Xu, my single name is Yi, and I am a crosser.

I traveled to a parallel world.

This world, both culturally and historically, is not much different from previous lives.

I’m a super rich second generation.

My dad is the richest man in the world, rich enough to rival the country, I have endless money, I thought that I would sit on the beauty of the world in this life, and live a rotten life.

Until one day, heaven and earth underwent drastic changes, Reiki was revived, and all animals except humans mutated and attacked humans.

There are also mutations among human beings, controlling extraordinary powers, breaking mountains and waves, burning the sky and boiling the sea, and humans call such people transcendents.

Soon, humans, led by the Transcendents, drove these alien beasts out of the town and restored order.

However, outside the town, there are still many dangers, and there are many terrifying beasts that have not had time to clean up, or cannot be cleaned up.

Ordinary people simply did not dare to leave the town.

Even the transcendent do not dare to travel alone.

However, Xu Yi was not greatly affected.

It all comes down to his richest dad.

The day before the revival of his aura, his richest father was the first to awaken his superpowers and become a powerful transcendent.

Before the collapse of order, he attracted a lot of transcendent people, and even after restoring order and the world reshuffle, his status still hasn’t changed much.

As for Xu Yi, except for his body becoming a little stronger, he did not awaken superpowers.

Whether he can awaken and become an extraordinary person, Xu Yi does not care.

He Laozi is the richest man in the world, the first on the list of transcendents, and there are a large number of transcendent people with equally explosive combat effectiveness.

In this transcendent age, the age of speaking with fists.

Who dares to provoke him?

I’m afraid it’s not the toilet to light up and look for death.


“In addition to the nickname, the richest man Xu Tianya defeated the second in the Tianlist, the defending champion, and the number one in the world.”

“After the richest man Xu Tianya defended the championship, he attacked the Sea of Death, once again killed the Beast Emperor, and forcibly seized the Beast Pill to refine the Awakening Pill for his son.”

“Johnson, who is the first in the United States and the second in the heavenly list, was attacked by the three major beast emperors and is still unconscious.”

“Good news, our army of transcendent beings has successfully recovered the Wuyue region, and it will soon be opened to the whole country.”

“There is still one month before the college entrance examination, I hope that all students will achieve ideal good results, become extraordinary people, and defend Huaxia.”


“It’s boring.”

After watching today’s updated drama, Xu Yi felt that the whole person was bored.

Since the great change of heaven and earth two years ago, the entertainment industry has fallen to the bottom, and its Chinese industry chain has been broken.

Novels, anime, movies, TV series, games, etc., are suspended indefinitely.

Even today, order is stable, but it has not been fully restored.

As a dead mansion, no novels to read, no games to play, no anime to watch, no paper people’s wives and other spiritual food, Xu Yi once closed himself.

In the end, he had a clever move, spent a lot of effort, collected a large number of cultural practitioners, and restarted cultural entertainment.

A large number of people were raised to produce spiritual food for him.

This kind of thing that ordinary people can’t understand, Xu Yi just did it.

No way, he doesn’t have much for anything, just a lot of money.

With money, you can really do whatever you want.

“Young Master, Young Master…”

Outside the door, a cute little maid walked in, and the whole person ran in holding a box.

“Less… Few…… Master. ”

“What’s wrong?”

This little maid is good at everything, just a little stupid, silly, and dead-brained.

“The master gave you a refining… An awakening pill, this time the young master will definitely be able to awaken super powers… Force, become a super powerful… Transcendent. ”

The little maid was panting, and the two basketballs in front of the murder went up and down, the amplitude was amazing, which was even more exaggerated than in the anime.

I don’t know what big this little maid eats and can grow this size.

“Xiaoyu, put things down, you go back to rest, don’t be in such a hurry next time.”

Xiaoyu is an orphan who took away her parents from the great changes in heaven and earth two years ago, and she was very lucky to be rescued and adopted by Xu Tianya.

Sweet-looking, obedient, very liked by Xu Yi’s mother, and wants to raise it as her own daughter.

It’s just that Xiaoyu’s self-esteem problem, dead or alive does not agree, bent on repaying grace, inexplicably became Xu Yi’s little maid.

Don’t look at her cute, she looks silly.

In fact, Xiaoyu is a transcendent person.

is also Xu Yi’s personal bodyguard.

“Yes, yes, yes…”

Xiaoyu took the door with him when he left, and Xu Yi opened the box and took out the Awakening Pill that was only the size of his thumb.

Among human beings, there are very few transcendent people who have awakened naturally, and after a year of research and development, scientists have finally used scientific and technological means to fuse ancient methods to create the Awakening Pill.

The only material for the Awakening Pill is the Beast Pill.

The more advanced the Beast Pill, the more advanced the Awakening Pill refined, and the stronger the Awakening Superpower.

Whether he can awaken his superpowers, Xu Yi himself does not care.

But Xu Tianya broke his heart for this matter, and he no longer knew that Xu Tianya had killed the first beast emperor.

It’s a pity that after taking so many Beast Emperor-level Awakening Pills, Xu Yi did not awaken superpowers except for a little better health.

Without hesitation, Xu Yi threw the Awakening Pill into his mouth, like chewing jelly beans.

“Huh? Dad added honey this time? A little sweet. ”

Xu Yi chewed, and suddenly, a mechanical voice sounded in his mind.

“Didi Didi, absorb unknown energy, meet the conditions, turn on.”


[New book for newcomers].

[Ask for collections, ask for evaluation votes, ask for flowers, ask for support, kneel to thank the reader’s grandfather.] 】

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