The East is undefeated: Ask the queen to debut.

Flying Squirrel: Ask the queen to debut.

Night God Moon: Ask the queen to debut.

Black Cat: Ask the queen to debut.


The divers appeared, and the persuader Morgana debuted, broadcasting them live with her “heavenly voice”.

After all, with Morgana’s royal sister voice, a hint of Xing sense voice looming is enough to make people under the sky addicted, if such a voice line sings to them.

That day, it was a great pleasure under the sky.

Keisha is a Bichi: Hahahaha, since you all said so, it seems that it is impossible not to live broadcast this time.

You can see that Morgana is happy now.

When I was in a red envelope or something just now, I forgot.

She finally found a group of people who knew how to appreciate her Morgana’s singing voice.

Keisha that Bichi, ugly 1ow, how can she know how to appreciate Queen Ben’s singing voice.

You know, she Morgana is the best singing in the entire known universe.

In the past, the group of sand sculptures always said that she Morgana sang badly, but now, she finally found satisfaction and a sense of expansion from the recognition of the group members.

Bó Lè, she finally found her Bó Lè.

Morgana swore that she would behave well in order to repay the group of dogs for their appreciation of her.

Keisha is a Bichi: Thank you, please give me some time to prepare, tomorrow, I will definitely let everyone see the perfect Queen Morgana. (;; Woo hoo

I was so excited that I burst into tears.

She Morgana also has a day to be admired by others.

“Little ones, the queen is very happy today, I want you to set up a stage for the old lady within a day, otherwise, the old lady will beat you to death.”

Morgana roared.

“Huh? Queen, what do you want to do? ”

The black wind on the side was uncomfortable.

He had an ominous premonition, but he didn’t have time to think about it, and this six-tailed man above his head made all kinds of noise, biting his armor and playing with his head.

Woo hoo, little fox, please get off my head old black.

I don’t have hair for you to bite, you go and bite Ato’s, he has hair, and it’s black and thick, please don’t bite me.”

Black Wind called a regret.

He knew that he shouldn’t have walked into the Queen’s room in the first place, he knew that he shouldn’t have scared Rokuoi in the first place, and he knew that he shouldn’t have coaxed Rokuoi in the first place.

Now Rokuo doesn’t want to get off his head at all.

Except for letting the queen hold him a few times, the rest of the time has been on his head, all kinds of fuss.

Ma Ya, are you an erha or a fox.

Why do I think that you are sent by heaven to take revenge on me.

There are so many people in the Demon Legion who don’t bite, and they prefer to stay on my head.

Should bald heads be bullied?

Is there any heavenly reason?

Can you give me a face, how to say that I am also a person with a head and a face in the demon army.

This made the little ones see it, and I still don’t want to face.

Rokuo ignored Kurokaze’s protests, biting even more cheerfully, and whether he was panting with cold breath in his mouth, a frost blew on Kurokaze’s bald head.


Black Wind inhales deeply and exhales.

Forget it, if he dares to move, Morgana may tear him alive.

This is the Queen’s favorite pet.

The helpless black wind could only let Rokuo do whatever he wanted on his head.

“What for? The old lady naturally has to hold a concert, black wind, make me beautiful and bright, otherwise, the old lady will die. ”

Morgana threatened.

“Queen, you want to sing?”

Black Wind was taken aback.

Ma Ya, what does the queen want to do, to destroy the world?

The queen actually wanted to sing, miserable, the black wind had secretly planned that when Morgana was going to sing, he would run as far as he could, preferably where Morgana’s voice could not be heard.


Recalling Morgana’s rare singing voice in her memory, it was like yesterday, and her face not only showed the original pain.

The magic sound is around the beam, and if you listen to it, you will die.

“Isn’t it useless for Queen Ben to speak? Black wind? ”

Black Wind was frightened and said quickly.

“Understand, subordinates understand, the small one must give the queen you are clear, bleached beautifully.”

“That’s good.”

“That, Queen…”


“Can you take this fox down, it’s not good for the subordinates to build a stage for the queen.”


Morgana beckoned, and an ordinary level beast pill appeared in her hand, easily attracting Little Six Tails into her arms.

No matter how timid you are, how skinny your character is

I can’t bear the temptation of Beast Dan.

Stains, beast pills, what a good thing.

However, there are not many beast pills left in her family, and every time she feeds these ordinary beast pills, even if she sometimes feeds some elite-level beast pills, Morgana always feels that she has failed her little baby.

It seems that after a while, you still have to go to Xu Yi’s place, no matter how bad it is, you will have to exchange some high-grade beast pills from Xu Yi’s hands, such as the king level and the royal level.

“Well, Xu Yi that guy, that royal-grade beast pill should not have been used, let’s see if it can be replaced next time.”

Morgana made up her mind to see if she could exchange the royal-grade beast pill from Xu Yi’s hands tomorrow.


Kuba Great Devil: Woo-woo, people are obviously not so ugly, woo-woo (;; Woo hoo

I hate money: _What the hell?

What the heck?

Kuba, the big boss, why did he suddenly cry, and he cried so …

Such a mother.

Let’s use it as a mother.

It’s just that when Xu Yi thinks of Kuba’s appearance, the appearance of crying, the taste is simple.

Spicy eyes.

Don’t think so much, you’ll be blind.

Freedom, equality, the rule of law…

Oriental Undefeated: This, Great Devil, can you please stop like this, we are very uncomfortable. [Great discomfort. JPG】

The eyes are going to be blind.

Xiao Dongxie: Just finished playing, as soon as I came out, I saw such an exciting scene, poof……[Self-poked eyes. JPG】

Black Cat: Three views collapsed.

Kuba the Great Devil, you are the final boss in the game, and you look like this.

What the hell do you want?

My eyes.

Kuba Great Devil: Woo-woo, people didn’t take away Princess Biki, people are good friends, she just came to people’s homes to play, why should you wronged people, woo-woo · ()·

I hate money: brother, you make me feel bad like this ()


A mouthful of old blood.

Spit it out.

Can you not be so disgusting, it’s very uncomfortable.

I hate money: we can’t afford to talk well. ()

Eastern Undefeated: Vomiting ●

Black Cat: Gag ●

Night God Moon: Vomiting ●


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