Hyperspace Transmigration

Chapter 33 Is there eternity?

Tao is a law, a truth.

Enlightenment means comprehending this law and understanding this truth.

Reason, Tao, reason, that's it.

For example, if you grasp and understand the meaning and laws of a function equation, it is equivalent to enlightenment. For example, physical formulas, after a lot of experiments and simulations, discovering them, understanding them, and mastering them is enlightenment.

Of course, these are just metaphors.

In the development of science and technology, many technological weapons can be derived, which can easily distort time, modify time, etc., but these are only one-sided, have a certain scope, and are too narrow.

At the level of the extremely powerful, the entire multiverse is changed at every turn, and the difference is so great that it cannot be counted.

In the entire multiverse, from the distant past to the present, there are only four pseudo-six dimensions that were actually born. No, including the current Li Yue, there should be five.

There are only five. Compared with the boundless multiverse, there are countless trillions, trillions, trillions...the number of living beings is simply pitiful.

The multiverse is a whole, but it is divided, but in essence it is also a universe.

Today's four-dimensional and five-dimensional universes, the rules and laws in them, are just branches, or projections, or mappings...

It is the 129,900 iron rules that really support the operation of the multiverse. Controlling them is equivalent to controlling all the laws of the multiverse.

But it is too difficult to master them, so difficult that even a character like the ruler of civilization will spend hundreds of millions of trillions of epochs to explore, step by step.

"But this Lord of Truth has opened up a new path." Li Yue looked at the information in his mind, which clearly recorded this period of history, and admired it from the heart.

In the era when the ruler of civilization is about to launch a plan, that is, at the end of the era of great unification, the Lord of Truth was born.

His appearance also aroused the peeping of the ruler of civilization, but he didn't pay much attention to it, because a newly born pseudo-six-dimensional is not worthy of his attention at all, and it can't affect his layout.

It's just that the ruler of civilization never expected that the Lord of Truth would reach the same level of existence as him in a short period of time, and even sacrificed himself, trapped for tens of thousands of years, and opened a loophole in his plan .

The reason for being able to do this,

It is the new path opened up by the research of the Lord of Truth. In the six-dimensional world, another iron rule is constructed, which belongs to its own way and its own law.

Originally, there was an extra iron rule for the number of one yuan, just like this.

Then, using your own Dao as the base point, you can control the 129,900 iron rules, which is many times faster than slowly groping.

It is for this reason that the Lord of Truth, a "rising star", has caught up with the Master of Civilization, and can count on the Master of Civilization.


"It really is an extraordinary idea!"

Looking at the record on how to structure his own iron rules recorded above, Li Yue was very impressed.

Created its own laws in the multiverse out of thin air, and under the operation of this law, it deeply fits the entire multiverse, and the power that can be mobilized is even more terrifying.

Li Yue looked at it for more than ten minutes before he finished browsing the information.

"So, now go to the structure!"

Who would have thought of this method if they hadn't seen the four extra distinct chains in the line space?

Shaking his head, Li Yue's thoughts once again came to the empty space with only intertwined lines.

This place is the place of origin, the place of truth, and the place of Tao.

As far as the eye can see, the lines are intertwined and extended, and each line represents a law of the universe. If you control them, you can modify the universe.

And in the depths of these 129,600 lines, there are four completely different thick chains. These four chains are the Tao of the four poles, belonging to their iron rules.

For example, the master of civilization, although he is not the pioneer, will naturally build it after seeing it with his knowledge.

And his way is civilization.

After he structured it, there was a definition of civilization in the multiverse.

This is his iron law, endless and eternal.

And as long as there is a civilization in the multiverse, even if it is a race, a country, or even a person, as long as it represents a civilization, then the civilization will never be broken, and it will continue to provide strength for the ruler of civilization.

Another example is the Lord of Truth, he is the pioneer who opened up this road, and the way he constructed is 'truth'.

Since then, this definition of truth has existed in the world. As long as there are people in the world who pursue the truth, then the truth will not be destroyed, and the iron rule will not be broken.

For example, chaos, with the same definition, as long as there is chaos and fighting, the chaos iron will not be disconnected, and it will continuously provide power.

And the Tao of the Pangu structure is power.

Simple and crude, but also very powerful.

It was really for this reason that he was able to slay the Lord of Civilization as soon as he proved the Dao, because Pan Gu represented the definition of power.


Looking at the four iron rules in the line space, Li Yue felt a little emotional in his heart.

The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants enjoyed the shade.

Whether it's truth or civilization, these two irons are not terrible, but Pangu's power is much simpler and rougher. As long as there is power, he will have a steady stream of power.

It may sound contradictory, but it is the truth.

"One person can only build one way."

"But the structure of this way is related to the future strength."

How to structure is not a problem, the question is how to structure.

Li Yue lowered his head, his pupils flickered, and fell into deep thought.

His cultivation speed is very fast, and it involves a wide range of aspects, but everyone who has reached this point has reached the same goal by different routes, and they have all reached the end of the extreme, with nowhere to go.

Open up a way of your own, and build it in the operation place of the multiverse, you can control the basic laws of the operation of the 129,900 universes faster, and you can also exert stronger strength.

But at this moment, he didn't know what kind of Tao should be defined by the framework.

In fact, he can build whatever he wants, what is "Sima", as long as Sima is there, his way will not be broken, and his power will continue to flow. It sounds quite strong, but is it useful?

And death is the basic rule of the operation of the universe, which exists and cannot be recreated.

Only by creating a way that is completely different from the 129,904 rules, is it truly your own.

"What if? What if I construct an 'eternal' way?"

As long as there is eternity in the world, then this path will not be cut off, and he will gain strength from afar, but... does this time really exist in eternity?

After all, no one has ever achieved it.

They are all exploring, they are all pursuing.

If it doesn't exist, then the architecture will fail and the iron will collapse.

And the collapse of iron means that there is no eternity in this world, and there is no so-called six-dimensional.

There is no eternity, so is practice meaningful?

Li Yue didn't know if Civilization Juggernaut and others had done it. After all, the iron rule collapsed, and no one knew if it could be restructured. After all, no one dared to experiment with this.

Whether it is the Lord of Truth, the Lord of Civilization, the Lord of Chaos, or Pan Gu, they dare not try because their circumstances do not allow them to do so.

The same is true for Li Yue now. If he constructs an iron rule and definition of 'eternity', but eternity does not exist, then he will undoubtedly lose in the struggle with the civilization master.

Can't afford to gamble.

"Is there eternity in this world? If it exists, where is it...?"

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