Mechanical disaster...

"That is, the fourth major disaster of our Beasts Pirates?!"

To the endowers, look at the slightly immature faces above.

Look at each other.

Twenty-five years old.


It's only been a year!

Just appoint the big kanban, the other three plagues do not have such a speed!


As expected, it will soon cause an uproar!


The crowd did not dare to question it.

At least.

The level below the flying sexters did not dare to say anything, and after being stunned, a burst of cheers on the 'surface' broke out!

"Big Kanban..."

Quinn groaned slightly, immediately chewed on his cigar, and grinned: "Luo Xing, your status will be the same as mine in the future!" ”

Envy, envy, admiration?

How to say it.

It's all right.

As for whether the decision of 'mechanical disaster' will be too hasty, does Luo Xing's loyalty need to be considered?

These questions.

Neither he nor Kaido was worried.

Without him.

Luo Xing from start to finish.

The performance is harmless to humans and animals, a mature... A young man who doesn't talk much.


But also more honest.

Especially in terms of individual strength.

Not strong.

Nothing threatening.

It can be treated as a model of [Vegapunk]...

"It's Captain Kaido."

Luo Xing's mouth hooked, and he showed modestity: "It is an honor to serve our Beasts Pirates, research and development." ”

In fact.

He was twenty-five years old in disguise when he first joined the group, and his real age was fifteen.

Now it seems.

This step is right, reduce the impact, and not so shocking to the world...

"Well said."

Quinn laughed.


Luo Xing got closer, and his heart moved: "There is also a research and development direction, success, can forge a stronger new robot..."

There are two billion Berry left before the shortfall of the King Tiger.

Can come.

Nature is the best!

"Luo Xing little brother."

Quinn's smile froze, and the cigarette butt trembled slightly: "The steps must be taken step by step, let's do the present well first." ”

This guy.

What is hidden in the head, so soon there are ideas again ?!

"Boy. Quinn was right. ”

Kaido also nodded, "Build the assembly line first, wait a month, and then Laozi will fully fund you!" ”

"During this time, you should rest."

His tone.

It's like something big in a month.


He added faintly: "Your robot, but you can set it up to be completely loyal to us Beasts Pirates." ”


No one would be a fool to get this far!

Not to mention Kaido, only he knows what is going on in his heart.

"My panther beast, absolutely loyal!"

Luo Xing's face remained unchanged.

There was a sense of urgency in the bottom of my heart, but it didn't show it on my face.


Also limit yourself to money?


Will he be willing to become a puppet?!

"Very good!"

Kaido nodded in satisfaction, and then changed the conversation: "You have to be really keen on research and development, and you can make up your own money." ”

"As long as you don't do anything to your own people."

"No Wanokuni, whatever else you want!"

He left some leeway.


Quinn on the side sounds like, under the restrictions, do you still want to rob those fart people's money?


Luo Xing smiled instead: "Captain Kaido, if you really get together, don't get stuck in the material I want at that time." ”

Now it seems.

Just having a green leopard beast is completely insecure!

As for the Beast Force?

It is also difficult to form confrontation until an effective scale is formed.

He clenched his fists slightly.

There is only the Tiger King, although there is still two billion short, but Luo Xing already has an idea...

"Well, of course! Oooo ”

Kaido laughed.

It's very old-fashioned.


Several people have their own thoughts in their hearts.

Luo Xing's eyes flickered, not knowing what to think again.

Think of the good.

The identity of the big kanban.

It's actually good, at least within Wanokuni, you can do a lot!


Since after the rabbit bowl.

The name of Hundred Beasts [Mechanical Disaster] began to spread wildly from the quarry, and it didn't take long to arrive on Ghost Island.

After Kaido's mouth, broadcast confirmation!


The whole island exploded!

Guards, patrols, and those preparing to go out on a mission, hearing this news, all put down the work at hand.

Start the buzz!

"The fourth calamity! Is this true?! ”

"Nonsense, can't you hear Lord Kaido?!"

"What's the situation?"

"It seems that there is a great contribution, research and creation of a war machine! Even Lord Fu can't deal with it! ”

"Mechanical disaster, I heard that it is a little ghost..."

"Hey, are you looking for death? Dare to speak like that! ”


Remove the middle and lower layers.

When the high-level flying sexters learned the news, they immediately looked for Fuz Förze!

F4 floor.

Cat Cafe.


The door was violently smashed open!

"Foz Fow, how did you do it, you can't beat a robot?"

Runmei, who was wearing a colorful mask, stepped on the red high heel, and her tone was very rushed when she first met: "It's really weak... Are you still us flying sextuplets! ”

Welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday, read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

Grab it now (Event period: October 1st to October 7th)

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