"Dark Elf?"

Mercer was naturally familiar with this race. What he was puzzled about was, could the dark elves do such a thing?

As soon as this idea appeared in his mind, a nameless rage came out of nowhere and spread all over Mercer's brain instantly.

"Damn it, is it caused by changes in the timeline again? I underestimated the enemy. In other words, did Asgard fail?"

In the movie universe in Mercer's memory, the Dark Elves will use the Reality Stone to plunge the entire universe into darkness.

In the movie, Thor successfully solved the problem, which is not surprising, because the movie in which that incident happened is called "Thor", so it is normal for Thor to solve it.

But now Mercer is in a "what if" universe that is separate from the movie universe, and even above it.

Here, there is no need to consider film funding.

Everyone’s settings have also been brought into full play.

Because the dark elves in the movie universe are too weak, Mercer didn't take it seriously even if he knew they had quietly taken the Reality Stone away from the earth.

I never thought that this carelessness would cause such a big change.

Asgard receives his message and will definitely send troops to fight against the dark elves.

But what is happening on earth now can also explain that Asgard failed in the battle and failed to stop the dark elves.

"No wonder, no wonder they dare to come directly to Earth to take away the Reality Stone. It seems that everything is ready and all they need is the east wind."

Mercer's eyes narrowed, with a rare display of murderous intent. He asked Mysterio again, "What is SHIELD doing?"

"Nick Fury formed a superhero team called the Avengers and is now saving people in the city." Mysterio replied.

"I didn't expect that the first battle of the Avengers would be like this..." Mercer raised his finger and pointed into the distance and asked, "What is that?"

Where he pointed, there was a large cloud of mist, just like the usual mist, except it was red.

"That thing is officially called disaster gas. Anyone who inhales that gas will turn into a monster and cannot change back!" Mysterio said.

Mercer's eyes narrowed. In other words, those monsters they just killed were all living humans before?

"Damn Dark Elf." Mercer cursed angrily.

The lightning on his body also fluctuated due to his emotions, which scared the mysterious guest and took a few steps back.

"Boss, don't get excited, at least you have something good to say." Mysterio said quickly.


Mysterio said quickly: "Just after I appeared, SHIELD developed an energy shield, which was developed by Stark using the energy source of the sword you gave me.

It was originally intended to protect against extraterrestrial attacks, but now they use it to isolate the aerosol within the city, so the aerosol does not spread out, only in New York City.

Although it is unfair to the residents of New York City, this is a blessing among misfortunes. "

Blue energy emerged from under their feet, lifting Mercer and the two of them up, walking through the air, and surveying the entire city.

While Mercer looked elsewhere, Mysterio kept talking.

"The dark elves used part of the energy of the Reality Stone to distort reality. The impact on the earth was relatively small. They did not carry out large-scale urban destruction. They only released these aerosols, just like..."

"It's like simply cleaning up humans." Mercer took over his words.

"That's right, you are worthy of being the boss, what a quick response." Mysterio praised.

The meaning of cleaning up humans without destroying the city is obvious.

They are cleaning up the earth and clearing out a place for the dark elves to live!

Otherwise, with their technology, even though some of it is far beyond that of Earth, it would still be able to destroy at least half of human civilization.

But now that they control the Reality Stone, they only do this kind of thing, which is very strange.

Only this explanation makes sense. The dark elves want to make their home on Earth.

"Hey, why are everyone running to the earth? The earth is really that good." Mercer said helplessly.

The mysterious guest on the side couldn't help but laugh. This is a question worth thinking about.

"Boss, can you solve this mist?" Mysterio asked.

"Okay, simple."

Mercer flew higher into the air, raised his hand to face New York City in front of him, and the blue energy of the space gem turned into an empty bead in his palm.

The red mist in the entire city was sucked up like a vacuum cleaner and rushed toward the empty bead in his palm.

The process lasted only half a minute, and all the red aerosol in New York City was absorbed into this empty bead.

"Wow, boss, you are so awesome. You got it done in one go." Mysterio showed a confused face and looked at Mercer in surprise.

"Let's go find the Avengers and discuss how to resolve the matter in the future."


The two people turned into a stream of light, cut through the sky, and flew towards the center of the city.

Central District.

The Avengers are being besieged by a large group of sharp-toothed monsters, and Iron Man Stark and Captain America Carter have a perfect cooperation.

The laser in his palm shot at Carter, but was reflected by Carter's shield, cutting off many monsters.

Next to him, there was Steve Rogers who had regained consciousness. A metal arm burst out with strong power, and the skulls of the monsters exploded under his fist.

The laser shot from the side. Rogers raised his metal arm and refracted the beam like Carter, killing several monsters.

"He is indeed the best partner who ostensibly annihilated Hydra seventy years ago. He is truly amazing."

Stark sighed with emotion about the fighting power of Rogers and Carter. Both of them are super soldiers and they work well together.

Fighting with the two of them, Stark's attack methods became more varied.

Not far away, there were Hawkeye and Black Widow fighting. The two were just high-level agents among ordinary people. Relatively speaking, the attack scenes were not as cool as the three people here.

However, in the hands of the agent duo, many monsters were also killed.

"Stark, thank you so much. If you hadn't come to help, this matter would have been really difficult to solve. Thank you for forgiving me."

It was Rogers who said this.

Go back to two days ago.

After he woke up from Hydra's brainwashing, the first thing he did was come to Stark and confess.

He said that while Tony Stark was in this world, he had the need to atone for his sins.

Rogers is so persistent that even Nick Fury and Carter can't stop him.

Ordinary people might hide it when encountering such a thing, but his beliefs and character did not allow him to do so. He immediately went to Stark and confessed everything.

Suddenly coming to his home and telling himself that he killed his parents, Stark couldn't help but wonder if this was a prank show created by someone.

But the sight of Nick Fury and Carter arriving soon after gave the incident a definite credibility.

Looking at the serious man in front of him, Stark fell silent.


It's a lie not to be angry. Although Stark was a playboy in the past, he actually loved his parents a lot.

The more indulgent time before he became Iron Man was largely due to the death of his parents.

Now the murderer of his parents is standing in front of him, who can control him?

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