Seeing the other party's painful expression, Mercer was very satisfied with his skill.

This is the skill he thought of when he manipulated black light matter to absorb the energy of Kyber crystal.

Let the black light substance turn into thousands of threads and penetrate it into the opponent's body.

The extremely fine black light thread can achieve precise actions of swallowing the opponent's blood cells.

Under Mercer's control, he could produce corresponding substances to replace the lost blood cells, thereby maintaining the opponent's life.

Mercer didn't know how painful this was, but in his imagination, it was definitely more painful than a sudden cramp in his calf in the middle of the night, and it was full of pain.

In less than a minute, a smelly liquid came from the Hydra warrior, and he was tortured to the point of incontinence.

The Hydra warrior stared directly at Mercer, as if to say that he agreed to tell everything.

But Mercer didn't care at all, the smile on his face remained the same and the movements of his hands remained the same.

They wanted to kill themselves, but the other Hydra warriors died in the explosion, which was their relief.

Mercer's eyes showed a cruel look, then you, a living Hydra warrior, will suffer for them.

This painful process did not last long. To outsiders, it only lasted two minutes.

But when Mercer retracted his hands, the Hydra warrior felt that several hours had passed, his whole body was exhausted and he fainted.

"The attack was a little harsh, but he will tell everything when he wakes up."

Mercer took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped his palms, and smiled lightly at a few people.

Carter and others: "..."

They don't know what to say at this time. Do you call this a little?

The Hydra warrior passed out, the expression on his face was still distorted, and he was incontinent.

Looking at the smile on the young man's face, it seemed as if the torture just now was not done by him.

What a powerful psychological ability this must be!

"Are you in a hurry to go back? Why not sit here for a while?"

Carter hesitated and said.

She also didn't expect Mercer to resolve the matter so quickly. From the time he came in to the end, it only took five minutes.

I and others had just tortured the Hydra warrior for dozens of minutes.

"We can chat, but I want to change rooms." Mercer pointed to the ground where the Hydra warrior was incontinent.

"Of course." Carter nodded.

Natasha and Nick Fury could tell that they both knew each other, so they stayed to deal with the follow-up matters.

Let the two of them chat. Since they are not familiar with Mercer, they might not be able to talk as much in person as they would in private.

The two came to the next room, which was a room where Nick Fury and the two could be seen. Only then did Mercer realize that this was an interrogation room.

The two found chairs and sat down. After a brief silence, Carter spoke first.

"Your abilities are very powerful."

Hearing this, Mercer raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

"Consider joining S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Carter then asked.

"I don't think about it." Mercer shook his head and said, "I don't want to be constrained by rules and regulations, so I'd rather be at my own ease."

Carter nodded silently, not surprised by this answer.

Through the single-sided glass, Mercer looked at Nick Fury and the two cleaning the room, then looked at Carter and said.

"When that guy wakes up, what he says may shock you. Are you... ready?"

Carter was stunned by these words. She recalled the fang that Mercer had given her earlier, and she sighed and said.

"So what if you're not ready? This kind of thing never happens when you're ready."

Mercer nodded quietly, she was right.

It's like she wasn't ready to be frozen until now, it was all sudden.

Mercer was not ready before he turned on the system and obtained the black light virus.

This night, too many things happened.

"What are you going to do if it's as you and I imagine it is?"

Mercer's words had no beginning or end. If anyone else were present, they would definitely not understand what they were talking about.

But Carter and he both knew very well that they were talking about Hydra.

There was only calmness in Carter's eyes, and he said slowly: "Seventy years ago, I was their mortal enemy. Seventy years later, I am still the same. If they are immortal, I will not die!"

These words made Mercer very happy. It seems that no matter which time and space the American team is in, they will not disappoint.

They will all fight against Hydra, and they will all be Hydra's mortal enemies.

"It sounds like there's a hidden secret in this?"

Mercer heard that there was something else in Carter's words, and it was not just because the two sides were mortal enemies.

Carter was silent for a moment, then took out a bronze pocket watch about half a finger thick from his arms and opened it.

This is a very ordinary pocket watch, but on the flip cover of the pocket watch, there is a cropped photo.

It was a thin man wearing white clothes.

Seeing this pocket watch and this person, Mercer's eyes narrowed slightly. The man on it is Steve Rogers!

That is the original Captain America in Mercer's memory.

His photo is actually in this position now. It used to be Steve Rogers holding this pocket watch, and the person in the photo was Carter.

"This is my...comrade-in-arms. He died on Hydra. I originally thought that Hydra was destroyed seventy years ago, but I didn't expect that they are still alive today. In other words, I still have his hatred." Didn’t report it.”

Carter looked at the man in the photo of the pocket watch, and his words contained an unquestionable decisiveness.

For a moment, she put away the faint sadness on her face, squeezed out a smile, and said.

"I'm sorry for letting you know about this."

"It's okay." Mercer shook his head gently and said, "Then, just wait until the matter is finalized."

Time passed by minute by minute.

The wait didn't last long. After about ten minutes, Natasha took a bucket of water and poured it on the Hydra warrior, who woke up immediately.

After being tortured by Mercer and taking such a short rest, the Hydra warriors who were awakened already showed signs of trance.

I'm afraid if you torture him any longer, he will completely lose his mind.

"Are you willing to speak out now?"

Natasha leaned over to the Hydra warrior and asked him with narrowed eyes.

The Hydra warrior did not dare to be harsh now. Although the punishment time was short, the pain was very long. This kind of pain was worse than death. Even with his experience as a mercenary, he had never felt it before.

After some confusion in his heart, the Hydra warrior told everything he knew.

Natasha took out the recording equipment in time and recorded it from beginning to end.

The Hydra warrior spoke alone for about ten minutes, telling everything he knew.

After saying it, he felt relieved.

Now that the words have been spoken, the other party has no reason to torture him anymore. Even if they want to kill him directly, it is still better than the torture just now.

Seeing the relieved look on the Hydra warrior's face, Natasha and Nick Fury looked at each other, and both could see the shock in each other's eyes.

Hydra has actually existed under their noses for so many years!

He even infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D.!

At least 50% of the people in S.H.I.E.L.D. are from Hydra, half of them!

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