He talked about the benefits that joining the Celestial Clan would bring to the Celestial Clan.

This is more useful than talking about other fancy things.

"Stark, don't you think about it anymore?" Mercer asked.

"I don't want to think about it anymore. Thinking too much about some things is not a good thing. Being impulsive is not bad at all."

Stark smiled and said: "What's more, this is an opportunity to become a god, I can't let it go."

"Okay, I'm also short of people now. It would be great if you could join me."

Moser said.

You cannot lose touch with the times.

With Stark's financial resources and identity, it is also convenient for external actions.

With Stark's lessons learned, Nick Fury and Natasha also started talking.

"I will also join. As the director of SHIELD, I can monitor the entire earth. Although I believe you already have this technology, SHIELD's energy in the outside world will not let you down."

Nick Fury said along with Natasha.

Mercer thought for a moment and nodded.

"Then you will form a separate branch, codenamed the Martial God Army, while our Yunxiao Heavenly Court will be called the Celestial God Army."

The few armies he has separated from the Celestial Clan, even the team led by Thanos with the weakest combat power, can crush the firepower of all countries on the earth.

There is too much difference, and it feels like killing a chicken with a bull's-eye.

A strong mortal army is also necessary.

Ever since, Mercer also agreed.

Nick Fury represents S.H.I.E.L.D. and joins the Celestials.

He would then select some trustworthy veterans from S.H.I.E.L.D. and give them the option of receiving otherworldly opportunities.

"Okay, I'll give you something. This is the teleportation device used to teleport to our base camp. You can go and take a look when you have time."

Mercer raised his hand and drew his fingers in the air. A triangle flew out from his fingertips, split into three in mid-air, and sank into the heads of the three Starks.

Immediately afterwards, they had information about Yunxiao Tianting and Buzhou Mountain in their minds, as well as basic information about Liang Bing and the others.

This saves them having to introduce themselves later.

At Mercer's level, if you want to know something, just ask the other party to transmit it directly, and you can learn it immediately.

The backward teaching method of teaching by words and deeds is no longer useful here in the Celestial Clan.

What was in the mind made Nick Fury and the three of them stunned.

It turns out that there are two such huge islands hovering in the sky, and the plasma weapons in them can return the earth's surface directly to the uninhabited era in ten seconds.

If Mercer thought about it, they really didn't even know how to die.

There is a gap of tens of thousands of years between Earth's technology and Mercer's technology, and even Stark would feel inferior.

"How long will it take for the god to wake up?" Stark asked.

"Within a few years, Ganata said before that there are moves on the part of the Celestial God Group. Within a hundred years, they may have to launch a big reshuffle. By then, all living planets in the universe will know of their existence and become Their slaves!”

Mercer said.

"If this is the case, the god of the earth will definitely become their accomplice. After all, when a god is born, the life of a planet will be lost, and they never care about this.

In this case, we have no mercy for them. "

"You mean...actively declaring war?"

Stark hesitated for a while before saying this.


Mercer nodded slowly.

I have never met anyone with matching strength. Now, I have met him, and he is directly the top force in the universe, the Celestial Group.

Once there is a fight, it will definitely be a heroic sacrifice.

Suddenly, the corner of Mercer's mouth curled up, and he suddenly had an idea of ​​how to deal with the god seed.

Use his energy to strengthen the people of the Celestial Clan!

The current ranking of the Celestial Clan's combat power is that Mercer is equal to Ganata, greater than Liang Bing, greater than Mysterio, and equal to Thanos.

Arranged from top to bottom, if it were Diablo, his combat power would be below Ganata and above Liang Bing.

But if you want a god from the movie universe to serve as a power source, you might as well use zombie sentries.

"This will be a war for all mankind."

Nick Fury muttered.

Mercer said: "Okay, I'll go back and prepare first. If anything happens, I'll find you again."

"Okay, I'll wait for your news." Stark nodded.

After saying that, Mercer went back to the Heavenly Palace to start preparations for entering the earth's core.

Pim, who was surrounded by several senior agents, had iron shackles on his hands and feet.

Now they are taking Pim to Iron Mountain Prison, the highest level of protection, where Pim will spend the rest of his life.

No one noticed that at this time, his left hand gently pressed on the back of his right hand, tapping rhythmically.

"What's the noise? Why are there mosquitoes in the car?"

One of the agents fanned the air and heard the buzz of mosquitoes in the air.

After reaching out and fanning it several times, the buzzing sound disappeared.

The next second, the agent's body suddenly went limp, and he collapsed on the ground like a pile of mud, bleeding from all his orifices!

"Barry! What's wrong with you?"

Seeing him like this, the people next to him exclaimed and hurriedly knelt down to check. As soon as they knelt down, they heard the buzzing sound of flying mosquitoes in their ears.

The next second, he fell to the ground like the first person before.

"Hey Hey Hey……"

At this time, Pim smiled sinisterly.

"Asshole, what are you laughing at..."

Before the strong detective could finish speaking, his body suddenly softened and he collapsed directly to the ground.

Within half a minute, all the strong men from SHIELD fell to the ground, bleeding from their orifices!

The state of death was just like that of Natasha in the illusion before!

"Honey, you can start eating like crazy and let terror spread throughout the city!"

Pim's crazy smile sounded. He directly pulled out the bayonet beside him and inserted it into the back of his right hand.

A device implanted under the skin was stabbed directly by him. The next second, his body went limp like the previous ones and he died on the ground.

And the state of death is still bleeding from all the orifices!

More than ten seconds passed, and several people in the car struggled to stand up, looking around with bloodshot eyes, but there was no communication between them.

His face twitched irregularly, and a hoarse growl of unknown meaning came from his mouth.


Are you still human...?

At this moment, the vehicle had already entered Tieshan Prison.

The hum in the carriage disappeared.

The policeman who came to open the door was knocked down by several "people" in the car.

Terror began to spread.

No one outside knows what is going on here.

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