"Oh? Why do you ask that?" Mercer did not answer the question directly, but looked at her with a smile.

Gu Yi was not in a hurry and replied calmly: "You must know my duty, which is to protect the earth from the magic plane.

At the same time, I will use the Eyes of Agamotto to observe the future from time to time. Although I do not interfere with the future direction, I also want to see what will happen next.

The day before yesterday, when I was using the Eye of Agamotto again, the originally clear picture of the future suddenly became blurry. "

Fuzzy, the day before yesterday.

Mercer pondered, and the time she mentioned happened to be the day she turned on the system.

In other words, from that day on, the world line began to change in different directions.

"Now it's finalized. This world is really different from the one I originally knew..."

Seeing Mercer thinking, Gu Yi continued without pausing for a long time.

"I have been looking for the cause of this blur these days, and finally I found you, Alex Mercer. Your appearance made the timeline I saw blurry.

There are only two possibilities for this. One is that powerful magical creatures interfere with the timeline; the other is that creatures that do not belong to this universe arrive, thus changing the original timeline. I think Alex Mr. Kers prefers the latter. "

These words made Mercer pause for a moment when he brought the tea cup to his mouth. Then he raised the corners of his mouth slightly, drank the tea in the cup, and said slowly.

"You are indeed very powerful in this universe, Supreme Mage. I have no objection to you having this title."

These words that were almost acknowledgment made Gu Yi raise his brows without eyebrows. Although this result was expected, it still surprised Gu Yi.

"How did you come to this world? Is there anyone else with you?" Gu Yi's tone was a little urgent.

It's not surprising that she behaved like this, Mercer alone was already so powerful, and Gu Yi didn't dare to say that he could completely defeat him.

Through the brief exchange now, she could see that Mercer was not a bad guy.

But if there are "outsiders" as powerful as him, it may be harmful to the earth and even the universe!

"Don't worry, I came to this world by myself, and I think I am the only one who came to this world."

Mercer doesn't think there is a second time traveler in this world. If there is, it will definitely be a boss-level existence.

"But I'm not going to tell you where I'm from. Are you going to force me to?"

As he spoke, tiny lightning flashed on the fingertips of Mercer's hand holding the cup.

"Of course not. I invite you here this time. I really just want to chat with you." Gu Yi said with a faint smile.

It must be said that the Supreme Mage, who had lived for hundreds of years, was not angry because he saw the flash of Mercer's fingertips.

As she said, she just invited Mercer to have tea.

After absorbing so many people, Mercer also had other people's vision and views on people. After taking a deep look at Gu Ban, he saw that she had no ill intentions. The lightning on her fingertips dissipated.

"Can I ask you a favor?" Gu Yi said suddenly.

"Can I help you?"

Mercer raised his eyebrows. The dignified Supreme Mage actually wanted to ask for his help. What kind of thing would that be?

"Let's talk about it first." Mercer was not in a hurry to agree, he wanted to hear what was going on first.

"Strange... do you know?" Gu Dao said the name, and after seeing Mercer nod, he continued, "This man will be my successor in the future. According to common sense, he will experience an accident. Later, I studied here and then became the owner of this place instead of me..."

Mercer listened and nodded. He knew all these things.

Listening to these words coming from Gu Yi's mouth now, it's still a little strange. It feels like two people who have read the script are frantically revealing the plot.

"I'm afraid he won't be able to get out of that accident. If he doesn't, I hope you can help me. At least don't let him go astray. You can even... kill him!"

Such decisive words surprised Mercer.

Did Doctor Strange not get out of that car accident, or did he come to the Supreme Sanctuary to learn magic?

"If he is like this, his performance in 'Avengers 4' should not be just to control the water. He can become stronger even if he becomes black." Mercer thought to himself.

Seeing the expression on Mercer's face that alternated between solemn and weird, Ancient Yi didn't know what he was thinking, but it must have been integrated with Strange's darkening and Mercer's future, so it was like this. Wonderful expression.

Gu Yi sighed helplessly, there was nothing he could do.

Looking around on Earth, if something happens to Strange in the future, the Avengers will definitely be unreliable.

The combat power of the two sides is not at the same level at all. A magic master who is proficient in magic and has turned dark can kill everyone silently.

Even one second he was laughing and joking with his companions, and the next second he was walking into a fantasy world.

And all of this, the person involved will not have any reaction, just like falling asleep suddenly. If it were not for external interference, you would not realize that you have just fallen asleep.

This is the real reason why Gu Yi invited Mercer to come here for tea.

It is not because his strength may harm the earth, nor is it because he is afraid that there are "outsiders" like him, but because he is afraid that Strange will not be able to hold the position of Supreme Mage.

"Why do you have to ask him to be the Supreme Mage? You are obviously very strong."

Mercer did not agree immediately. After all, this was not a trivial matter. Since ancient times, emotions have been a factor that can easily change.

If I agree, I will have to face the darkened Doctor Strange in the future. It is really unimaginable how difficult the opponent will be.

"Do you know how I am alive today?" Ancient One asked.

Mercer looked around and saw no one, then whispered: "Dormammu?"

This word made Gu Yi's calm expression finally change. It was obvious that Mercer knew more than she imagined.

Gu Yi laughed and shook his head, "This feels really wonderful. It seems that I can't hide anything from you. What universe do you come from?"

Mercer picked up the teacup and took a sip, pretending to be mysterious and didn't say anything.

Seeing that the other party already knew everything, Gu Yi simply said it generously.

"Yes, I rely on Dormammu's magic power to survive. Although it has allowed me to live for hundreds of years, it is a dark thing in high latitudes, and I cannot always absorb its energy to survive.

I absorbed it before because I couldn't find a suitable successor. Now that I have found it, I can no longer absorb its energy, so I can retire early. "

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