"Great God, please accept the call of your followers, come to this world, and let the ignorant people in the world accept your baptism..."

Looking at the other person's lips, even with small movements, Mercer could easily read the other person's lip language. This is the ultimate observation power of the Sharingan.

"These summoning spells are too good to be true..."

Mercer was a little speechless, and the Loki you want to summon is not a great god, he is just a guy who can't get the throne and behaves like a child.

"Gu Yi, are you kidding me? Where did the sub-dimensional creatures come from? I thought I would have something good to eat."

Mercer had a look of pity on his face. Now that he had learned magic, and he had an insurance policy like Ganata by his side, he really wanted to see how powerful the dimensional creatures could be.

"I'm going to use the bathroom." After first telling Peter the reason for leaving, Mercer turned to Ganata beside him and said, "I have an idea, and I'll leave it to you. If anything goes wrong, Save as many people as you can."

As he spoke, Mercer felt that it was not enough, so he added, "You can save five people in exchange for one thunder bead."

Unexpectedly, such a sentence made Ganata show an unhappy expression, "Do I only know how to eat in your eyes? Am I not worthy of your trust? If so, your planet would have been eaten by me long ago."

Hearing this, Mercer was stunned, and then he realized the mistake in his language, "Sorry, sorry, I didn't organize my words well. It's my fault. Then I leave it to you, good partner!"

"Hmph, who would be a good partner for you..."

Ganata turned her head away, but the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned.

The man was chanting a spell, intending to use the space magic he had learned and the powerful energy of the Universe Rubik's Cube to summon a powerful evil god.

Just when he was reading enthusiastically, a boy ran towards him, but he didn't pay much attention.

Judging from the boy's expression, he seemed to be looking for the toilet and ran towards me, probably to ask where the toilet was. I had been standing here for a long time, and at least five people came to ask.

The man only thought it was a good disguise and had no explanation. Now he saw the boy running towards him and he had no reaction.

"Do you want to ask about the toilet? The toilet is..." Seeing the other party running in front of him, the man said smoothly, but before he finished speaking, he saw the Sharingan of the three magatama flowing in Mercer's eyes.

At that moment, he was shaken, a severe dizziness hit his head, and his body fell forward stiffly.

"Sir, sir, what's wrong with you, come here quickly, this man suddenly fainted!"

Mercer shouted in a playful manner. Seeing the strangeness here, several Hydra members immediately ran towards here.

Seeing the man collapsed on the ground, someone bent down and stretched out his fingers between his neck. His pupils suddenly shrank, and then he shook his head slightly towards the other people.


A person actually died quietly under their noses? They stared at Mercer with sharp eyes and asked in a deep voice, "What just happened?"

A look of panic and bewilderment appeared on his face, and Mercer was speechless like a child who really didn't know what was going on.

"I, I just wanted to ask him where the toilet is, but he fainted as soon as he walked over. I don't know..."

There was a Hydra member next to him who stared closely at Mercer's expression. When the latter finished speaking, he quietly shook his head to several others, indicating that what the boy said was not wrong.

"Take him out first, and that matter... will be delayed for a while."

Two Hydra members came up to hold the man and helped him out. At the same time, he pressed the headset in his ear and whispered.

"Attention all units, people from SHIELD have sneaked in. Manton is dead, so be on guard!"

This was just a minor episode to others, and no one paid much attention to it.

"It's so easy to kill an ordinary person with the power of my eyes. Now I can really kill people with my eyes..."

Looking at the man being dragged away, Mercer murmured, "It should be okay now, we can let SHIELD come in and clean up the mess..."

Just when he thought things were about to come to an end, the building suddenly shook violently.

Everyone didn't know what happened and looked around with confused expressions.

Only Mercer, Ganata and Peter looked at the Cosmic Cube machine next to them in astonishment.

Blue light shines from the Rubik's Cube, impacting the seemingly hard glass shield.

Although others didn't know what was going on in this strange scene, they could tell that it must be a bad sign and ran outside screaming.

One person led ten people, and the people in the venue quickly ran outside in a swarm.

Such a chaotic run would definitely lead to a stampede, and many people could already be seen falling to the ground.


Mercer saw a girl falling to the ground and about to be stepped on her head.

Suddenly, a white thread shot out of nowhere and stuck to the person's ankle, causing her next landing point to change. The sole of his foot barely brushed her cheek.

Turning his eyes, Mercer saw Peter running into the safe passage next to him. Within half a minute, a red and blue figure jumped in from an open window above the gymnasium.

Seeing the figure in the red and blue suit, Mercer immediately recognized it. This was Peter Parker and Spider-Man!

With his joining, the evacuation of people around him became slightly better, at least there was no stampede that hurt people.

After evacuating most of the people, there were still about thirty people left inside. In fact, Mercer was surprised that there were so many people left.

Because except for Mercer, Ganata, and Peter who transformed into Spider-Man, the rest of these people are actually Hydra!

More than Mercer expected!

"What happened to the device? It went out of control?"

Several people rushed to the machine, and several hands moved quickly on the keyboard, but no matter what they did, the vibration on it was still not small.

"Did you do it!?"

Those who are still here at this time are definitely not ordinary people. Seeing the strangely dressed Peter and Mercer still here, their faces darkened.

Thinking of what just happened and the spell caster who suddenly fell to the ground.

Mercer had just approached him and was still here, so the answer was obvious.

He was responsible for the caster's death. Was he a member of SHIELD? I have never heard of such a young member of SHIELD.

At this moment, both Mercer and Ganata experienced a change and returned to their original appearance.

Those Hydra members didn't know Ganata, but they all knew Mercer. They saw that the previously ordinary boy suddenly transformed into the object of their attention.

No one expected that the opponent's disguise skills were so high. There were several Hydra members who were relatively close to Mercer just now, but they didn't notice anything wrong with the latter's face at all.

Peter was stunned to see that the boy who had been chatting with him a few minutes ago had suddenly transformed into such a handsome man.

Of course, being handsome is secondary. The point is, they seem to be here for the blue square.

"Isn't that just an exhibit..." Peter murmured under the mask, looking at the Cosmic Cube and not knowing what he was thinking.

"These bastards, they are the ones who harmed...!"

The angry scolding stopped suddenly, and the glass grid holding the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was instantly shattered by the energy, and the blue energy shot forward with a "bang" of light.

The end of the light produced spatial fluctuations, and a giant portal four to five meters high opened there.

Immediately afterwards, several scarlet phantoms stretched out from it and instantly entangled the three Hydra members who had not yet reacted.

As soon as the ear-piercing screams sounded, they were dragged into the portal by the phantom.

More phantoms appeared from the portal, allowing Mercer and the others to see clearly the true appearance of the thing that took people's lives in an instant.

The several phantoms dancing wildly in mid-air turned out to be... squid-like tentacles!

"This is...the Old One!"

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