The Ancient One is no longer just the leader of the Holy Sanctuary, but also the spiritual pillar of the mages.

It was precisely because of her existence that those mages persisted.

If the upright Mage Supreme actually draws the power of the evil god to live forever, no matter what the purpose is, no one can trust her anymore.

The actual situation forced Gu Yi to do this, so she moved behind the scenes, no longer appeared in front of everyone, and faded out of public view.

Secretly absorbing the power of Dormammu, he seeks immortality while searching for the right person. As long as he finds the right person, Ancient One will immediately stop this behavior.

The good times do not last long, and there is no harm in absorbing the power of Dormammu. The power of a dark dimension monarch cannot be absorbed just by absorbing it.

The Ancient One was the Sorcerer Supreme, and the disadvantages of drawing on Dormammu's power took a long time to become apparent.

Gu Yi, who had just reached the age of 100, began to lose her mind. She absorbed too much power from Dormammu, causing her personality to gradually split into two, good and evil.

The separated personality was the vicious Ancient One that Mercer had encountered before.

The vicious Ancient One has always said that she should occupy the earth, and there is no need to spend all this time to protect such a world.

Shanxing Guyi sticks to his original intention, has been looking for the right candidate, and is waiting for the end of his life.

But the situation is different now. The two personalities are divided into two, each holding their own ideas.

As a result, the vicious Ancient One lurked for decades.

Decades later, the evil Ancient One broke out and started a war with the good Ancient One.

In that battle, the evil Ancient One won. She removed the good Ancient One from her body and imprisoned him to treat her for pleasure.

Also because it was difficult to recover after the war, the vicious Ancient One could not realize her idea of ​​dominating the world right away, so she had to restore her own energy over time.

Time has come to modern times.

The energy of the vicious Ancient One has returned to its full strength. He thought he could start his own plan, but when he used the gem to peek into the future, he couldn't see clearly the direction of the world.

The future of the world suddenly changed, which made the vicious Ancient One find Mercer, and secretly thought about how to kill him.

Mercer also knew what happened next and nodded silently.

This process was not too unexpected. On the contrary, he felt that this was the normal setting.

Dormammu, as the monarch of the dark dimension, is also a mortal enemy of the Sorcerer Supreme.

For such a being, the Supreme Mage actually extracts his power from time to time to achieve immortality, and Dormammu can't stop him?

Nothing feels right no matter how you think about it.

Now it seems that Dormammu knew what would happen and allowed it to happen.

If Mercer hadn't traveled to this world midway, disrupting the original timeline.

According to the development of the next time, the Ancient One will dominate the earth and absorb more and more of Dormammu's power. In the end, he will definitely become his believer, and the universe will fall into the hands of Dormammu.

A multiverse-level existence cannot be shaken by ordinary people.

"By the way, how did you know I'm here?" Gu Yi asked the doubts that arose when he saw Mercer.

Mercer truthfully told her the ins and outs of his encounter with the vicious Ancient Yi, which made Ancient Yi stunned for a moment.

After a while, Gu Yi came back to his senses and let out a long sigh.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing. In the words of your country, heroes are born out of boys!"

"Do you still understand Chinese?"

Mercer was a little surprised. Gu Yi's accent was standard Mandarin, so standard that he thought the latter was really an authentic Chinese.

"The more you travel around the world, the more languages ​​you know." Gu Yi smiled disapprovingly, and then asked in Chinese, "How is the world now?"

Mercer smiled, "Not bad. Although countries are still fighting openly and covertly, compared to the world you know, there have been earth-shaking changes. Technology has developed well. It may take you a long time to accept it."

Gu Yi smiled and waved his hand, saying: "Fights between countries will happen at any time. I'm not surprised. But I am very curious about technology. What will it develop now?"

Mercer smiled and took Gu Yi out without elaborating too much on this matter.

Seeing the greatly changed Holy of Holies, Gu opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything for a while.

Through the window of the Holy of Holies, she saw the steel forest outside, and she was a little lost in thought.

"It seems that I really missed a lot..."

"It's nothing, you can make it up, but I'm curious, what will you do with your current condition? Will you die in the light?" Mercer asked.

"Don't worry, I'm not the kind of 'ghost' you imagined." Gu Yi said with a smile. She had been to China and knew the legends of gods and ghosts in China, so she could naturally understand the meaning of his words.

"The previous seal has been unlocked. Some of the magic books I have stored are condensed into entities using magic. Just make a new one."

Although her voice was still a little weak, her smile no longer looked exhausted, but instead contained a sense of relief.

After being trapped for hundreds of years, not being tortured to death, but seeing the world again, Gu Yi was already very satisfied.

"By the way, I have a question, why didn't Ancient One use the Time Stone when he fought with me?" Mercer asked.

If the time gem is used in combat, it is also a difficult thing to understand.

Turning back time and space from time to time is equivalent to predicting Mercer's behavior. If there is a fight, no matter how you attack, the other party will be able to resolve it.

Gu Yi smiled and said: "She can't use it. In the previous battle with me, half of the time stone's power was sealed. The current time stone can only detect the future at most, but cannot travel through it.

It is also because of this that every time she comes to torture me, she will double the torture. She will let me go if she asks me to unlock the seal of the time stone. Who would believe this? "

"That's right, well done." Mercer nodded.

I had been wary of this matter at that time, thinking that she would save it until some time before using it, but I didn't expect that the time stone had a seal and the vicious Ancient One couldn't use it.

Mercer suddenly remembered something, and suddenly became a little panicked when he spoke, "Ah, no, I threw that Ancient One into another dimension. Wouldn't the Time Stone also follow her to that dimension and be unable to be retrieved?"

"Other dimensions?" Gu Yi was silent for a while, squinted her eyes slightly and sensed it for a while, then raised her hand and pinched it with three fingers, and a gem glowing with green light appeared in her fingers.

"This gem has lost the ability to control time and is of no use in actual combat. She didn't take it away."

"That's good, that's good." Mercer breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he was still under control.

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