"According to your rules, if I kill your boss, he will be your boss now, right?" Mercer put his hands in his pockets.

With his weapons put away, he looked like an ordinary handsome young man. It was unimaginable that he had just defeated the King of Assassins and the Ghost Rider.

The assassins looked at each other, as if to see if others had any other opinions.

After looking around, no one dared to speak.

They had all witnessed the battle just now, and with a single wave of their hands, there was a real sword energy that was outrageous.

As the number one killer organization in the world, they know more than others. They know that there are gods and ghosts in this universe.

But the damage caused by the sword energy slash, which was larger than a human, was still there.

Do they want to resist?

That kind of slashing attack was in front of them, and they couldn't stop another thousand of them. They could only turn into nothingness under this slashing attack.

How can they resist? All they can do is surrender.

One person half-knelt down, and immediately, another person made the same move.

Gradually, everyone knelt down in order.

"How many people are going to take the Fountain of Life?" Mercer asked.

Although I don’t know why he asked this, but now that he is the king, many assassins raised their hands honestly.

Mercer glanced around and saw that there were twenty people. He nodded, "Okay, get out of the queue and report how many days you have until the time to take the medicine."

"I still have a week."

"I have five days left."

"I still have one day."

"I, I'm going to take it today..."

As the last assassin spoke his words, his body began to twitch.

"Oops, the blood poison has started to take effect. Is there any blood in stock?" Seeing this scene, the assassins already understood what was going on, and someone shouted.

"It used to be there, but now it's gone..." A weak voice came from the group of assassins. All the assassins were stunned for a moment, and their eyes turned to somewhere behind them.

Where their eyes were focused, there was a large pool of blood that was not consistent with common sense. It was easy for people to suspect that some behemoth was injured before it flowed out.

"The blood bank was destroyed!"

Everyone was horrified. The large pool of blood was the blood they had accumulated, and it was used on this day. If the men in black were not interested and did not give them the fountain of life, this blood would be the antidote to suppress their wild and beastly nature.

"It turns out this is called blood poison. The blood bank was destroyed in the battle just now. I didn't notice it at all."

Mercer stood up and walked to the assassin who was suffering from blood poisoning. The bloodshot eyes quickly emerged, the whites of his eyes turned red, and his expression became much more ferocious.

Seeing Mercer approaching, the assassin's extreme bloodthirsty impulse made him unable to maintain his consciousness, and he rushed towards him with his ferocious mouth open.

This behavior made the surrounding assassins feel terrified. One of the characteristics of blood poison is that when the mind is infected, they will swarm the opponent regardless of whether they are strong or not.

Mercer's fighting performance just now was completely different from theirs. In a head-on conflict, the winning rate was zero!

"Very good, a ready-made example is here."

Mercer slapped the assassin with his palm, and the air around him instantly solidified, freezing him in mid-air as he was about to suddenly click his pause button.

"I don't like this kind of bloodthirsty and violent control method. We don't have to be bothered by this kind of thing in the future. It's time to update it."

A black ball the size of a little finger formed in Mercer's palm and he threw it towards the assassin.

The black dumpling stuck to the back of his hand and slowly integrated into his body in full view of everyone.

Looking at this strange scene, everyone looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

But this scene is too weird, and it doesn’t look like a good thing.

Mercer did not explain, but put his hands in his pockets and looked at the assassin in front of him with a smile.

Ten seconds later, after receiving feedback from the black light substance released in his mind, Mercer released the spatial confinement.

The assassin named Karl fell from the air and knelt on the ground, gasping for air and feeling the changes in himself. He said incredulously: "I, I'm better? That bloodthirsty feeling is gone! "

His words stirred up waves like a stone, and all the assassins were in an uproar. They hurriedly walked to him, and one or two of them touched him to check his physical condition.

"The blood poison is really gone!"


"This is a blood poison that cannot be suppressed even by sucking powder. It has been eliminated. How is it possible?"

Everyone's voices were more astonished than the others. Everyone present had been tortured by the blood poison.

They also thought of solving the problem on their own, sucking powder and taking small pills. No matter how high the dose, they could not suppress the onset of blood poisoning. Instead, they would die from overdose.

Just as they were excited, Mercer raised his hand and threw out a large number of black light dumplings, and stuck them all on their bodies.

He is using the phagocytosis of the black light virus to devour the blood poison in these people.

For the black light virus, these things are a great supplement. They can just replenish the black light substances that have just been lost, and can also play a role in controlling these assassins.

Mercer will not take back those black light viruses. Putting them in their bodies can not only remove the blood poison, but also strengthen the opponent's body. They can also be more efficient in helping him do things in the future.

Otherwise, living on blood would be too outrageous and would make you look like a vampire, and you would barely be able to go out during the day.

A minute later, everyone felt that the shackles that had been imprisoning them in the body suddenly opened, making them feel like they were choked when eating, and the relief brought by unblocking.

Without the restriction of blood poison, the attack of blood poison is more terrifying than the attack of drug addiction.

"I pay my respects to you, Your Majesty!"

An assassin immediately knelt down to Mercer to show his submission.

"Greetings, my lord!"

Everyone knelt down in unison. The previous battle between Mercer and Ghost Rider was a hammer to them, but now helping them remove the blood poison was a carrot.

With this combination of sticks and carrots, they had already obeyed the young man in front of them from the bottom of their hearts.

If they were beaten to death, they might still have objections in their hearts, but on the grounds of removing the blood poison that had troubled them for many years, they could not afford to resist at all.

Because some people have gone to the hospital to see that there is no cure for this kind of poison!

But Mercer was able to untie it, which showed that his methods were far superior to those of the previous Assassin King.

They obey such people!

Seeing the people kneeling down, Mercer nodded with satisfaction. Before he could speak, a sudden voice in his mind made his smile freeze.

"Gain power, the League of Assassins!" 』

"Activate the card, Shadow Corps!" 』

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