Banner came to Stark's residence and, like Mercer before, opened all the way to the underground studio.

"Dr. Banna, we meet again." Mercer smiled and shook Banner's hand.

"Just call me Banner." Banner smiled. He looked around, and his eyes suddenly focused on the confinement not far away.

Seeing his gaze, Zhuge Liang raised her hand and waved to him.

"This, what is this?"

The appearance of confinement made Banner's eyes widen.

Although he had already heard that Mercer had a luxury car that could transform into a robot, he did not expect that the latter's sanity was so high.

When he saw himself, he greeted him. Looking at it, he was no longer a simple robot, but more like a life!

"That's confinement, my subordinate, a mechanical life form." Mercer also noticed the other person's shock and introduced him with a smile.


Banner couldn't help but look at it a few more times before turning his gaze back.

He saw a 3D graphic displayed on the desktop, which looked like a communicator.

After he came in, the thing was not closed, which meant that he could see it. Banner asked: "Are you researching new equipment? Communicator."

When an uninformed person sees the buttons on the inside of the armor summoner, it is easy to think that it is a simple communicator.

Those things on the outside only make people think they are fancy designs rather than anything useful.

"You're half right, Banner. This is something that can change the world. If you see the finished product, you will be very surprised." Stark said with a smile.

"Looking at how excited you are, are you ready?" Banner also became interested, and Stark's words also whetted his appetite.

Stark looked at his watch, then looked at the machine not far ahead, "There's one minute left to get it done."

The computer projected a one-minute countdown, and the three of them looked at the decreasing line of numbers.

Until it cleared, the big machine stopped running. Stark walked quickly and took out the armor summoner he had prepared.

This machine is usually used by Stark to build steel armor. He cannot hand over the data to other factories to manufacture this kind of thing, otherwise something will happen if it is leaked.

So he also placed a working machine in the studio specifically for making steel armor. Of course, other things can also be made.

The summoner in Stark's hand shows the standard red-gold color of his armor on the sliding cover, and the rest is dotted with some gold edges.

Along with it is a badge engraved with the Iron Man mask.

"This is what you said is a good thing. It looks like a communicator, but it's a little more bells and whistles."

Banner looked left and right, but couldn't see the mystery.

"Jarvis, analyze the summoning process." Stark smiled and did not answer Banner's question. Instead, he hurriedly asked Jarvis to start data simulation.

"Okay, sir."

Jarvis responded, a 3D model of the summoner appeared on the projection, and began systematic analysis.

Both Mercer and Stark stared at the screen expectantly. Only Banner, who had just arrived, looked puzzled.

Seeing that this thing has reached the testing period, Banner stopped asking further questions and planned to see what these two guys wanted to do.

Jarvis said a few minutes later.

"Sir, the analysis is complete. The summoner is fully capable of summoning armor and can be used."

Mercer and Stark's eyes lit up.

Jarvis's results cannot be considered 100% correct, but it is a highly intelligent AI, and its calculations are comparable to those of supercomputers in major countries.

Many times, it doesn't matter if the result is 100%.

"It's useless to say more, I'll give it a try first."

Stark walked to the open space next to him with the summoner, couldn't wait to put the summoner on his wrist, and inserted the Iron Man badge into the summoner according to Mercer's previous actions.

The light and shadow energy stored in the badge was activated, and the fire light and shadow stone not far away resonated. The fiery red light pillar shot out from the light and shadow stone, covering Stark's body.

The MK3 armor on the other side also flew towards Stark under the activation of Jarvis. Before each piece of armor could reach him, it merged with the red light.

The red light dissipated, and the new Iron Man appeared in front of everyone.

The style of steel battle armor and flame dragon armor are combined into one, which is very oriental style.

Thin dragon patterns are floating on all the pieces of the armor, making the armor more three-dimensional. The shoulder armor is grasped by three-fingered dragon claws.

The red-gold helmet also has dragon horns carved on it.

The originally smooth steel armor became much more layered.


Mercer and Stark high-fived each other, while only Banner remained confused.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, what the hell, why is your armor suddenly armed?!"

Seeing Stark's transformation process with his own eyes, Banner felt that the world suddenly became a little unclear.

This is no longer just technology, right? !

Stark stopped trying to keep things secret at this time and explained everything to Banner clearly.

Hearing that Mercer actually wanted to mass-produce such armor, Banner showed the same shocked expression as Stark before.

"It's really bad if there are so many..."

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