Mercer walked out of the warehouse and said to the sky: "Heimdall, can you hear me?"

The sky was quiet.

It was so quiet that Mysterio looked at Mercer with a strange look.

Mercer did not intend to explain to him, but looked to the sky and said: "Heimdall, the Reality Stone has been snatched away by the dark elves. Please convey it to Odin quickly. If this kind of thing falls into their hands, the universe will definitely be destroyed again." Into darkness.”

After he finished speaking, the sky was still a little quiet.

Under the extremely embarrassed look of Mysterio, Mercer left after speaking.

"Hey, wait for me!" Mysterio quickly followed.

God's Domain, Asgard.

Heimdall stood in the teleportation room of the Rainbow Bridge, his eyes as deep as the starry sky slowly swept, and he could see everything in the universe.

Suddenly, a human voice sounded next to him.

"Heimdall, you can hear me..."

Heimdall moved his gaze and instantly locked onto a planet that was not that big among the thousands of stars, the Earth.

His eyes penetrated everything, and finally landed on a human being, none other than Mercer.

The special pupil power scanned Mercer, and the latter had extremely strong mental power. He could clearly feel the scanning of this pupil power.

"Heimdall, the Reality Stone was..."

"Looking at what Mercer said, Heimdall's pupils shrank, his eyes immediately retracted, he pulled out the long sword used to open the Rainbow Bridge, ran away with the sword, and went to find Odin.

As the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, he naturally knew what would happen if the Reality Stone fell into the hands of the Dark Elf, so he ran to find Odin in such a hurry.

Holy City Hall.

Odin was listening to his men report relevant information from the other nine realms, nodding from time to time.

Brother and sister Loki and Thor were also reading books nearby. Loki's face was bruised and swollen, as if he had been beaten not long ago.


A voice came from far and near, and Heimdall's figure immediately appeared in the hall.

Looking at him covered in dust, Odin said: "Heimdall, if you don't guard the Rainbow Bridge well, why did you come here?"

"Your Majesty, there is news that the Reality Stone has been stolen by the dark elves!"

With these words, the originally noisy hall instantly fell silent, and everyone looked at Heimdall.

"Where did the news come from?" Odin frowned and asked.

"Earth, Mercer."

Two simple words said it all.

Loki stood up directly, "Mercer, I want to settle the score with him..."

As soon as he stood up, Thor pulled him down, "Okay, brother, have a bigger belly. It wasn't enough when you brought your guards there last time. What else do you want this time?"

"Last time, last time it was an accident. I underestimated my enemy. It's absolutely impossible to do it again!"

Loki explained, but Thor smiled disdainfully in return.

"Sister, your brother was beaten, and you didn't know how to help." Loki complained.

"Haha, I didn't see you coming to help me when I fell to the mortal world. Sit tight!" Thor shouted.

Loki curled his lips and sat down honestly.

If Mercer saw this scene, he would definitely be surprised, why did Loki become so obedient?

Odin, the leader, stood up and waved his hand.

"Thor, Loki, you two immediately lead the army to search for the whereabouts of the dark elves. Once found, execute them on the spot!"


"Hmph, dark elves, I didn't want to massacre you all before, but I still have other ideas. Don't blame us this time!"

Odin's cold words echoed in the hall.

After Thor and Loki left, Odin said again: "Heimdall, give some gifts to the human named Mercer, and treat it as a gift for him to tell us this news."

"Understood, I'll get ready right now." Heimdall nodded.

The gifts are prepared by Asgard's guards and Heimdall can teleport them there.

Odin's whisper echoed in the hall.

"Mercer... is a very interesting human being. I really want to meet him if I have the chance."


Mercer took the mysterious guest back home.

"Go up to the second floor and turn right. The first room on the right is your room. You can use it as you wish." Mercer handed a room key to the mysterious guest.

The mysterious guest took the key and looked happy. For a moment, he suddenly remembered something and said: "What, I don't have money to pay for the room..."

"Being my thug is enough." Mercer said.

"No problem!" Mysterio took his key and ran back to his room.

"Why are you back?" Ganata's voice suddenly came. Mercer turned around and saw that Ganata was standing behind him.

Mercer asked: "You are the one, I haven't seen you these days. Where have you gone?"

"Me, I'm just playing around. Don't you have something to do? Then I'll be busy with my business." Ganata said.

"Who is that person?" She saw the mysterious guest who had just walked into the room.

"His name is Quentin Baker. He is my new subordinate and new resident." Mercer said.

Ganata nodded, "You are quite powerful. You have gained a younger brother after being out for such a short time."

Mercer smiled and said, "Well, to celebrate the new arrival, we will have barbecue tonight!"

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