The sudden sound was extremely loud on this quiet floor. The man's eyes narrowed, his right hand reached to his waist, he took out a pistol, and fired several shots without turning his head.

The sound of metal hitting hard objects sounded behind him, and the man turned his head.

Behind him, Mercer's forearm formed a shield half a man's height, blocking the incoming bullets one by one.

This is a black light shield that hates deterioration. Although Mercer believed that he could recover with the help of the black light substance after being shot.

But that didn't mean he wanted to be hit by a gun. The pain was still there, and he didn't want to experience the pain.

"What the hell?"

Seeing that several shots were blocked by the opponent, a look of surprise appeared in the man's eyes.

He was about to make another attack, but saw Mercer running over and punching him directly.

"So fast!"

The man simply dropped the gun in his hand and raised his hand to hold it in front of him.

This punch hit the man's arm. The severe pain on his arm made him grit his teeth and take a breath. The surprise in his eyes was even worse.

"Is this the power that normal people can have?!"

The punch just now was too powerful to be punched by a human being. The man felt as if a high-speed motorcycle had hit him head-on.

With just one punch, his forearm was already useless.

He wanted to lift it up again, but the severe pain in his arm forced the man to give up the idea.

"Still haven't you controlled the intensity? It seems I have to control it a bit in this regard."

A somewhat disappointed voice slowly sounded, and Mercer shook his head with a pity look on his face.

His original intention was to lower his strength and test how strong the fighting skills he had absorbed, which abhorred ordinary human postures, were.

But he had obviously suppressed his own strength to one-tenth, and this punch still brought a critical blow to the opponent, which was no longer something that normal people could withstand.

Although the man was a killer, his physical strength was still at the level of a normal human being, and it was impossible to block Mercer's punch.

"Wait a minute, let's discuss the conditions..."

The man raised his hands that were numb with pain, not wanting Mercer to do anything again.

Before he could finish his words, a non-fancy kick kept magnifying in the man's eyes.


This foot stepped directly on the man's head, a dull sound was heard, and the huge force directly crushed his head.

With the man at the center of the ground, countless cracks spread to all sides, which is enough to show how powerful this kick is.

Crushing is basically a battle without any suspense.

After crushing the opponent's head, a black light substance appeared on Mercer's feet, which came into contact with the lifeless man at his feet.

The latter turned into streams of black and red liquid and blended into Mercer's body.

In the blink of an eye, Mercer transformed into a man.

"It's indeed someone sent by Hydra!"

After going through the man's memories in his mind, Mercer knew clearly that this guy was a killer who cooperated with Hydra, and his purpose was to get rid of him, or to subdue him.

"Hydra, it seems I have to find time to meet this organization."

His eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a sense of danger. Mercer didn't want to be at odds with Hydra, but they came to mess with him.

If you don't wipe out this evil force, you will lose face.

Now they still want to mess with him, and Mercer doesn't mind taking action to pull out this cancer.

After tidying up the things on the ground, Mercer took the sniper rifle away without ceremony.

It's definitely not good to put this away. Although I won't use it, it's not bad to keep it as a collection.

After returning downstairs, Mercer called Carter to come down and told her that the matter had been resolved.

Carter was not too surprised that the matter could be resolved so quickly. After all, Mercer was someone who could easily suppress hatred and beat him.

He said that there must be a way to deal with the sniper, and Carter wasn't that worried.

The sound of a roaring engine came from the side, and Qin himself drove from a short distance away and stopped next to Mercer.

"Would you like to get in the car and take a walk?"

"Is this your car?"

Carter was stunned and looked at the opened car door. There was no one inside before Mercer got in. So how did it get here just now?

Mercer smiled and opened the car door on the other side for Carter in a very gentlemanly manner, making a gesture of inviting him.

Carter was stunned for a moment, and his view of the boy in front of him became increasingly blurred.

Not long ago, he was clearly just a poor high school student, so why is he driving a Lamborghini now?

"Lockdown, this is Carter, say hi."

Mercer said while fastening his seat belt.

Carter was a little confused, and suddenly heard a mechanical sound coming from the car.

"Hello, Ms. Carter, this is Confinement." Confinement's voice sounded, startling her.

"This is artificial intelligence?"

Looking curiously at the interior of the Lamborghini, Carter saw artificial intelligence, Stark's artificial intelligence Jarvis.

"I have my own life, please don't confuse me with low-end technology like artificial intelligence."

The confinement arrogant voice came out.

Carter: "..."

Is artificial intelligence low-end technology?

Artificial intelligence is not widespread on earth at all. The mobile phones among civilians only have AI that can ask fixed questions.

To say that artificial intelligence is lagging behind, how far ahead do you have to be to say this?

"Let's take a stroll first and see where there are houses for sale. Find a place to live first."

Mercer gave the order for confinement, and the vehicle started moving.

In the car, the two of them chatted about each other, mainly talking about their past.

There's nothing much to say about Mercer's past, so I just listened to what Carter said.

"Creator, we are being followed."

The sound of confinement suddenly sounded, and the rearview mirror in the car automatically adjusted its angle to shine on a black van behind it.

"This car followed us for two blocks and maintained a constant speed. Judging from the current time period, there should not be a car following us for such a long time."

Through the rearview mirror, both Mercers saw the van behind them.

You can't see anything inside the car from the front window, which is not the case with normal cars.

"This is special bulletproof glass!" Carter said immediately.

This kind of glass is not only bullet-proof, so that the situation inside the car cannot be seen, but also to prevent the people inside from being exposed.

"Confinement, see if we can get rid of them." Mercer said.

The Lamborghini's speed suddenly increased, and it suddenly rushed into a lane with a lot of traffic.

A Lamborghini is extremely conspicuous in the traffic, not entirely because it drives very fast, but more because the car's skills are so good.

I can always find a gap in the car and get in. The van following behind me obviously can't keep up after several turns.

"Oh, it seems they don't want to waste time with us anymore."

Two vans suddenly appeared three hundred meters ahead, and Mercer immediately thought of the movies he had seen in his previous life.

In "Captain America 2", Nick Fury was surrounded by several vans from Hydra.

Now it seems that it is of the same origin as the vans in front of me.

He thought about it in his mind, and then said to the confinement: "There are enemies ahead. You should be able to tell who they are, right?"

"Creator, if this little thing troubles me, you underestimate my title as Cybertron's number one killer."

There was a voice of dissatisfaction with the confinement in the car, which made Mercer couldn't help but smile, but Carter still didn't know what he was going to do.

"Very good. You are responsible for the cars in front, and leave the ones behind to me."

"no problem!"

The two chatted very quickly and reached a consensus immediately. Mercer smiled and said to Carter beside him.

"Get ready, it's time to eject."


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