After everyone finished eating, they went to rest.

Now is a special period. There are no mobile phones and no Internet. The best thing to do after dinner in the evening is to go to bed as early as possible and reserve physical energy.

You don’t know when an emergency will come. Without ensuring your absolute safety, taking a quick rest is the best choice.

Eleven o'clock at night.

Mercer took the map he found in the camp, walked quickly to the tent where Zong Yi was, stood at the door and asked softly.

"Captain Zong, are you asleep?"

Zong Yi's energetic voice immediately came from inside, "Not yet, please come in."

Mercer walked in, without any courtesy, took out the map and spread it out on the table.

"Captain Zong, I have something to ask you about the future route."

The map was laid out on top, with a red circle on it.

"Let me confirm, this is Yellowstone City, right?"

Zong Yi looked at the map above and nodded, "Yes, this is where we are going."

"About ten kilometers..." Remembering the distance he mentioned before, Mercer asked again, "Which direction is it?"

Although he didn't know why Mercer asked these questions, he still pointed in a direction.

Mercer nodded, "Captain Zong, let everyone pack their things, we will go immediately."

It's just a little distance away, and with the power of the space gem, we can get there easily, so why wait until morning.

"What are you going to do?" Zong Yi asked.

I had seen him take out a pile of food with bare hands before, so I didn't doubt whether he could do it. I just asked him how to do it.

"Let's call everyone out first, I won't let you down." Mercer took the risk.


The dark tents lit up one after another. Under Zong Yi's explanation, everyone quickly started packing their things without asking why.

In order to move, everyone did not bring any large items except a few sets of clothes, food, tents, etc. In less than five minutes, everyone packed up and gathered together.

If this was done in peacetime, someone would definitely be procrastinating, but now it is so skillful that it makes people feel distressed.

"Okay, everyone is here, what are you going to do?" Zong Yi asked.

Mercer smiled slightly and activated the space gem ring on his finger.

Everyone felt their eyes blurred. When they took a closer look, they saw a city in front of them.

There are two words written on the gate of the city, Huangshi.

"Yellowstone City? We have arrived at Yellowstone City!"

"What just happened!"

"I don't know, but what I know is that we have arrived in Yellowstone City!"

The crowd cheered, but the cheers did not last long.

"Everyone raise their hands and hold their heads in their hands!"

A cold shout came from the loudspeaker on the city wall, and all the guard soldiers above pointed their weapons at them at the same time.

A large group of people suddenly appeared, and they immediately raised their alert to full, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"Don't panic, everyone. If so many of us show up at once, it will definitely make them nervous. Just do as you please!"

Zong Yi stood up in time and shouted to the group of people he brought. Several other soldiers also shouted with him, and quickly calmed everyone down.

Seeing that the mood of the crowd had calmed down, Zong Yi raised his hands and walked forward, shouting as he walked.

"My name is Zong Yi, and I am the captain of the Wolf Warriors Special Forces. I am leading civilian No. 84 and four soldiers to take refuge!"

"Soldier, please stand where you are. We are going to verify now and be prepared to be inspected."

The city wall immediately replied.

After hearing this, Zong Yi stopped moving forward and made a gesture behind him.

The members of the special forces team behind knew what it meant at a glance and said: "Okay, everyone will rest where they are and wait for their inspection. After the inspection is completed, you can enter the city!"

Soon, five jeeps carrying heavily armed Daxia soldiers drove out of the city and inspected the people entering the city one by one.

Everyone was very cooperative and the process was quick.

After entering the city, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Now they were really relieved.

Zong Yi walked at the back to make sure no one was left behind. When he saw Mercer still standing not far away, he shouted to him.

"Mercer, you won't go into the city?"

"No more, let me take a look around here. There may be people like you. I have to bring them back." Mercer said.

Seeing that this boy who was at least ten years younger than himself had such a determined goal, Zong Yi didn't know what to say for a moment.

After a moment of silence, he looked at Mercer not far away and gave him a standard military salute.

Mercer waved to him, turned around and ran away.

It wasn't until he couldn't see the retreating figure that Zong Yi came back to his senses and turned around to enter the city.

That night, Mercer did find several groups like Zong Yi who led the people to take refuge in Huangshi City.

He brought them all to the gate of Yellowstone City.

There were suddenly a lot of people in the city, and even late at night, it was lively inside.

Many residents who already lived there came downstairs to help newcomers find suitable houses.

After all, the soldiers have to stick to their posts, and they can't be taken away one by one to be assigned housing.

Fortunately, the residents consciously came forward to share the burden, which made the soldiers feel a lot more relaxed.

Some people even reunited with their lost relatives and friends, and the scene was extremely touching.

The soldiers in the city only knew that these miraculous things were all done by a young man named Mercer.

Although I have never seen him before, Mercer is already famous in Yellowstone City.

Heaven and earth, a double room.

Listening to the soldier's report, a red-haired woman wearing black armor frowned slightly.

"You mean, a teenager sent more than 3,000 people to the gate of Yellowstone City overnight?"

She is Qiangwei, an active soldier of the Xiongbing Company, and possesses the gene of time and space.

"Yes, Sergeant Rose, we have always wanted to verify this boy's identity, but there is no identity information about him in the database, and we can't see anyone."

The soldier who reported told everything he knew.

"Is there anything strange about the people who came in?"

"No." The soldier shook his head, "Everyone has done a strict dark energy detection. They are all ordinary people. They confirmed that there is no problem..."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, are you saying that he made people appear out of thin air?"

A dark-haired woman wearing a black leather jacket interrupted them and asked quickly.

The woman who asked the question was called Liang Bing. She was an unknown woman whom Qiangwei met on the road. The only thing that was certain was that she was not human.

"Yes." The soldier replied truthfully.

"Oh." Liang Bing responded with a long voice, his eyes flickering, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Okay, we get it, thank you for your hard work." Qiangwei nodded towards him and said.

The soldier saluted, closed the door and left.

"Qiangwei, judging from the soldier's description, this person's ability is very similar to your time and space ability." A blond woman sitting on the bay window said.

This is an angel, Angel Yan.

Now that her body is damaged, she has no choice but to hide her wings to prevent further energy loss.

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