"How could it be her?"

A figure in the depths of memory gradually overlapped with the figure perceived by Hong Wu, He Mu was shocked.

He never thought that after coming to the moon, he could still meet his acquaintances on the earth.

"Is it the same appearance?"

"It's unlikely...it should be her, how did she come to the moon?"

A series of questions emerged one after another in He Mu's mind.


Because of the imperceptible hole, the outside sound also reached He Mu's ears.

"Jin Yan is still much weaker than the Green Demon..."

"That's true, but he is not at a loss. I guess he has taken advantage of Chi Xie, otherwise why would he work so hard to consume the green demon?"

"That's right, people of the Jinyang clan are very smart."


"Good guy... There was a direct fight outside."

After listening for a while, He Mu finally understood what happened outside, which made him even more speechless.

Originally, I wanted to quietly absorb some abyss fruit and run away, but now, this place has become the most lively place in Meteor Abyss.

He Mu calmed down and continued to listen, and various conversations fell into his ears.

Most of them are about who is strong and who is weak.

Judging from the number of people speaking, it is estimated that there are hundreds of people.


After a full hour, He Mu finally heard something different.

"The Zilin tribe is so cowardly. Their people were trapped here as trophies, and they didn't even dare to fart."

"Hehe, I don't dare to take a chance. The vassal races under my command probably want to find a new home."


I heard that the Jiawu tribe is not having a good time... being oppressed by the Jinyang tribe, and being harassed by the Green Demon tribe, they may not be comparable to the Blue Spirit tribe in terms of strength..."

"You fart!"

"What? Don't let anyone tell you. If you have the guts, fight us!"


Listening to these discussions, He Mu quickly made an analysis in his mind and came to some conclusions.

Ye Huang's current situation is probably not very good.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be here motionless or making a sound.

Moreover, the people who heard the voices were far away, and she was the only one sticking to the cliff.

If nothing else, the trophy those people were talking about was probably her.

"A contest for a woman?"

He Mu couldn't figure out the key point for a while, but it looked like this was indeed the case.

After roughly figuring out the situation, He Mu faced a difficult problem.

What should he do?

Should he take the risk to save Ye Huang?

To be honest, if he didn't carry so many things on his body, purely out of personal emotion, he would want to save.

In the first battle at the experimental base, Ye Huang sacrificed his life to save him and betrayed the Jiawu tribe, and he always kept this favor in his heart.


The responsibility on him now is too great, if it weren't for this, he wouldn't be so cautious.

If it is saved, in case something happens, he cannot bear the responsibility.

After being tangled in his heart for a moment, He Mu decided to wait and see how the situation develops.


Around the cliff, fights were going on one after another.

Three hours passed before I knew it.

At this time, only Chi Xie and Qing Mo were left on the field.

Before that, both of them had fought several games respectively, so neither of them was in full condition.

Even so, both of their eyes were extremely bright.

Especially Chi Xie, since he lost to the Green Demon last time, he has been criticized by people in the clan, and he has been humiliated. Now that he finally has a chance to regain his position, his heart is full of uncontrollable excitement .

But the excitement is the excitement, he is still rational in his heart and will not mess around.

The green devil is extremely powerful and is good at various spells. If the avatar is not used, the green devil has the upper hand.

If he wants to win, he can't head-to-head with the opponent in the field that the opponent is good at.

As for how to win...

He had already thought about the countermeasures in his heart, after all, he had already deduced countless battles with the green devil in his mind.


"Chi Xie, looking at you like this, I'm afraid you have studied me a lot. You are the arrogance of the Scarlet Blood Clan. If you study me so carefully, you will lose your identity."

Not far away, Qingmo's tone was slightly teasing, and there was even a trace of provocation in his eyes.

Chi Xie was calm in his heart, he was already immune to this kind of provocation before the start of the battle.

Without waiting for the green demon to continue, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed forward. In an instant, a beam of red mist shot towards the green demon.

The speed of this red mist beam of light is as fast as lightning.

The green devil was not in a hurry, seeing the beam of light approaching, the red light under his feet flickered, and his whole body deviated seven or eight meters like teleporting, avoiding the red beam of light.

This seemingly simple routine made Chi Xie's heart sink.

Compared with before, this green devil's use of spells is much stronger.

The power of his attack just now was not strong, and he expected that he would not be able to hurt the green demon.

But he didn't expect that the green demon only consumed a very small amount of red mist to defuse his attack.

The offensive and defensive battles between people with similar strengths have to compete for efficiency from the very beginning. Using a small amount of red mist to consume a large amount of red mist on the opponent is the goal in the early stage of the battle.

But now it seems that he fell into a disadvantage in the first round.

After gritting his teeth, he launched another attack, but the blue demon in the distance did not dodge this time, but directly chose to fight back.

The two sides immediately launched a fierce confrontation.

The people around watched the two fighting silently, and the voice of discussion became smaller and smaller.

This battle is basically the pinnacle of the Consolidated Realm, and no one wants to miss any details.

After all, for them, this is not just about watching a show, but more about learning.

As the time passed, the two of them didn't intend to decide the winner at once, but kept using various spells to confront each other hundreds of meters apart.

This really opened the eyes of everyone around.

Just talking about the green demon, in just half an hour, he cast thirty or forty kinds of spells.

These spells are divided into four categories: attack, defense, body control, and attack are divided into feint, fast attack, interference, killing, etc... The same is true for the other major categories.

All in all, each spell has its unique effect, as long as it is released at the right time, it can exert effects that other spells cannot.

And the green devil can be called a master of spells, using every spell just right, never wasting a single bit of red mist.

It's like cooking. Everyone uses the same ingredients and seasonings, but the things they make are quite different.

This kind of textbook-like performance made many people present gasp in amazement, and some people even had beads of sweat on their foreheads.

They are talented experts of all races, but at this moment, they realized the gap.

they know……

This is the level that a top Tianjiao should have, and they are still far from this level.


In fact, not only them, but also Ye Huang who was forced to the edge of the cliff.

This is the first time she has seen so many complicated spells at once.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the green demon didn't use his avatar, she might not be an opponent.

Comparing the blue-eyed clan she was fighting against with the blue-eyed demons earlier, they are like heaven and earth!

After the shock, the heart is full of despair.

Not only despair of their own situation, but also despair of the future of the ethnic group.

The strength of these alien races is too strong, and the level of my own use of red mist is almost the same as that of elementary school students and college students.

This kind of gap cannot be made up in a short time or by one or two top people, it is a gap in foundation.

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