I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 402 Alternative revenge

"He Mu, I have something I want to give you."

As soon as he entered He Mu Nana's mansion, Zhou Weiran opened his mouth,

And his tone was extremely calm, as if what he was about to give was insignificant.

He Mu smiled and said, "Uncle Zhou, that's such a coincidence, I also have something to give you."


Zhou Weiran's eyes lit up.

During the war in Jiawu City, He Mu followed several incarnations of Zhen Shenwei to the main city of Jiawu, and he knew the news.

Could it be that He Mu also wants to be like Wang Xun...

Thinking of this, Zhou Weiran was a little moved.

It is precisely because of these people who are willing to contribute that Zhanshen City has come to where it is today.

In his eyes, regardless of their age, regardless of their strength, these people are his comrades-in-arms and the spiritual support behind him.

While talking, the two entered He Mu's practice room.

The training room is not covered with a floor like Wang Xun's training room, but it is very clean.

Zhou Weiran was slightly disappointed, but it didn't show on his face.

"He Mu, what do you want to give me?"

"Uncle Zhou! Look at this!"

He Mu didn't move, but took out a book from his arms.

"This is the spell book of the Jiawu tribe!"

Zhou Weiran glanced at the book, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Wang Xun also has the spell book, and there are more than a dozen of them.

In contrast, He Mu's book seems a bit tasteless.

Although he thought so in his heart, he still put on a rather surprised expression on his face, and praised: "Good boy, it's hard for you.

In such a dangerous situation, you know how to bring back a spell book, good job! "

"Uncle Zhou won the prize, and it was a coincidence that I got this book.

If my guess is correct, this book should record all the spells of the Jiawu tribe. "

"All spells?"

Zhou Weiran frowned, but he didn't take it too seriously.

"Well, this book was written by Jialie, the young patriarch of the Jiawu clan. I have read dozens of spell books in the main city of Gawu. This book is the most complete, including those dozens of spell books. In addition to all the contents, there are also a large number of secret arts that are not in those books."

While talking, He Mu flipped through the book quickly until he reached the last page, where the spells recorded in the red text were.

Zhou Weiran's expression froze when he heard this, and then he directly took the book and started to read it by himself.

The more he flipped, the more his face changed, it was like "turning his face like flipping a book".

"This... grass! So complete!"

Zhou Weiran was so excited that he couldn't help himself, the excitement he had pretended before was overwhelmed by his true feelings.

Before he could give a big compliment, He Mu took out another book from his bosom.

"Uncle Zhou, this is the incarnation book of the Jiawu tribe, which contains detailed methods for cultivating incarnations."

He Mu introduced it while sending it to Zhou Weiran.

Zhou Weiran's hands trembled slightly when he heard this, and then he quickly took the book and began to read it.

"...where did you find these two books?

OK! Very good! With these two books,

We human beings on Earth can completely break the Jinyang Clan's monopoly on spells and avatars! "

"It fell from the sky. I suspect that Karleth threw it to me on purpose."

He Mu replied truthfully.


"Uncle Zhou, don't worry, there is this."

He Mu took the branch of the sacred tree from the shelf next to it and brought it to Zhou Weiran.

Seeing the branch of the sacred tree, Zhou Weiran's eyes lit up, and at the same time, red mist erupted all over his body, instantly covering the entire secret room.

"He Mu, don't lie to me... this also fell from the sky?"

"Yes, they all fell from the sky."

He Mu said helplessly.

"King Jialei lost it? And threw it all to you?"

"Isn't that the case?"

"Why did he throw it to you?"

"How do I know..."

The two asked and answered, and finally fell silent.

The atmosphere in the training room gradually became weird.

After waiting for a while, He Mu took the initiative to say: "Uncle Zhou, you can use this stem. If you can go one step further and become the true king of the fourth step, then our God of War City will be able to protect itself a bit more."

Recommended, it's really good, it's worth pretending, after all, you can cache books and read aloud offline!

Hearing this, Zhou Weiran subconsciously seemed to refuse, but he swallowed the words as soon as they reached his lips.

Just as Wang Xun chose to give resources to others, He Mu also made the same choice.

Although it is not the most beneficial choice for oneself, it is the most beneficial choice for the entire War God City and even the entire human race.

If he refused...it would be a little hypocritical.

Thinking of this, Zhou Weiran laughed softly.

Although the current situation of human beings is still not very good, but at this moment his heart is full of hope.

The belief that had been shaken in the past was once again firm.

God of War City, human beings on Earth, will be able to rise one day sooner or later, no longer need to be attached to other races.

"He Mu, since this is the case, I will be disrespectful.

I have to say, you kid is really a lucky person.

Falling from the sky... haha, it's really you! "

Seeing that Zhou Weiran did not refuse, He Mu was relieved.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the short blade again.

"Anything else? Is this Jialei taking you as his successor?"

Zhou Weiran looked at the short blade, feeling a little numb in his heart.

"Uncle Zhou, this is not just a powerful weapon..."

"How to say?"

"Is such that……"


He Mu explained patiently.

Zhou Weiran had mixed feelings when he learned that the short blade involved Jialie's private collection.

At this moment, he vaguely understood Jialie's distorted mentality back then.

If you die yourself, don't even think about living well.

It is up to you to cultivate a great enemy.

This is also a kind of revenge.

"Uncle Zhou, do you want to take things out?"

He Mu asked next to him.

Zhou Weiran waved his hand.

"Don't worry, the war has just ended, and the Jinyang Clan might send people to our God of War City.

If they discovered a large number of resources of unknown origin, they might leave directly, and they would also feel suspicious.

Let's wait until the situation stabilizes before taking these resources.

Since it was left by King Jialei, it must have been well hidden so that it would not be discovered and taken away by others.

As for the short blade, keep it for yourself first. "


By the way, Uncle Zhou, what do you want to give me? "

He Mu asked curiously.

Zhou Weiran smiled sarcastically.

Originally, he was worried that giving those resources to He Mu would cause great psychological pressure on He Mu.

Fortunately, He Mu's pressure is not so great now, and his own pressure has increased first.

"It's like this, Wang Xun has harvested a lot of resources in the main city of Gawu, most of which are necessary for the incarnation...

I am ready to distribute those resources to you. "

He Mu was silent after hearing this.

After a long time, he said: "Well, I will return the resources to the senior after taking the resources from Jialie."

"You are right to think so, we are not only stronger for ourselves...

It's just that I don't know if there are any other sacred tree products from other clans in the batch of resources in Jialei. "

Zhou Weiran sighed softly.

The incarnation requires a lot of resources, including the holy fruits of the holy trees of all races.

The eight major clans can exchange with each other, but the city of God of War cannot.

And if He Mu wants to walk the ultimate path and step into the real king state quickly, he must find a way to obtain the holy fruit of other clans.

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