I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 406: The Secret Treasure of Jialei

"The black market, Jialie's private collection, Phoenix City..."

While Elantra regretted, He Mu secretly planned the course of action this time.


More than an hour later, Elantra led the people into a wilderness.

The land in this place is barren, the plants are scarce, and the red mist is even thinner. It is a wasteland.

Elantra looked and looked, and finally made a decision.

"It's built right here.

The quality doesn't have to be too good, as long as it won't be blown down by wind and sand. "

As soon as he gave the order, twenty reserve guards immediately started to move.

Although the lunar land is as hard as iron, it cannot be difficult for the Red Mist Warriors of the Imperial Sky Realm.

Ping pong pong...

There was a loud noise, and large expanses of red soil were dug out.

Immediately after that is cutting and shaping... 毊灪 miaobifang.com 毊灪

In the end, it was built like building blocks.

In about an hour, a simple building with a square shape and an area of ​​about two hectares appeared on the desert.


After the prototype of the black market was built, He Mu silently observed the surrounding environment and remembered the specific location in his mind.

Then he left the team and flew towards the direction that Jialie had instructed.

"Two thousand kilometers to the west of the main city of Gawu..."

Although the address was somewhat vague, He Mu did not panic.

Flying all the way, two thousand kilometers is nothing to him.

After flying for about an hour, the short blade in his arms faintly sensed it.

He Mu took out the short blade and held it in his hand.

A vague pulling force came from the west.

"This thing will indeed give birth to an induction."

He Mu felt relieved a lot, and immediately flew towards the direction where the pulling force came from.

The pulling force of Yue Fei became stronger, and after flying for more than ten kilometers, he didn't need to hold the short blade, and the short blade would automatically fly forward.

In the end, the short blade hit the ground directly and pierced into the ground.

Seeing this, He Mu immediately dug the surrounding soil, digging more than ten meters deep, and then saw the short blade again.

At this time, the short blade was inserted straight into a layer of strange stone slabs, leaving only the handle of the blade exposed.

He Mu held the handle of the blade and pulled it out forcefully.


There was a rumbling sound, and the short blade was pulled out by him.

But outside the short blade, there is an extra layer of scabbard.

"I see……"

Seeing this scene, He Mu was stunned.

There is a force of attraction between the short blade and the scabbard like a magnet.

This suction is extremely strong, so it can be sensed more than ten kilometers away.

And after pulling out the scabbard through the short blade...

He Mu subconsciously looked at the hole in the ground.


There was a roaring sound, and the peculiar stone slabs were separated, revealing a passage the size of a person.

"What a neat design."

He Mu sighed softly.

Just as he thought, the scabbard is the door switch of the secret room, pull out the scabbard, and the door will open.

Cautiously entering the gate, an extremely thick red mist rushed over in an instant.

He Mu looked back at the stone slab, and found that there were extremely complicated lines engraved on the slate.

This should be a countermeasure.

If someone finds this place and wants to forcibly destroy the stone slab to enter, it may trigger some kind of spell and destroy the resources in the secret room.

Taking a deep breath, He Mu turned his head and looked straight ahead.

This secret room is smaller than he imagined, only about fifty square meters.

There are tall three-tier shelves on the three walls except the entrance, and the shelves are full of various things.

And in the open space in the middle of the secret room, there are neatly placed black boxes one after another,

There are twenty-two in total.

"This is a pure storage warehouse..."

He Mu said to himself.

This trip did not encounter any traps or twists and turns, all of Jialei's things were just placed in front of him.

All this is much easier than he imagined.

Letting out a breath, He Mu walked to the first box and slowly opened it.

Inside is the Red Mist King Fruit, a box full of hundreds of them.

The Red Mist King Fruit is a precious fruit mutated from the Red Mist Fruit, and only one out of a thousand Red Mist Fruits has a chance to be born.

This is the resource needed by a real king-level powerhouse,

"nice one……"

He Mu praised and opened the second box.

It is full of a box, and it is the resources that only real king-level powerhouses need.

Open the third box, and there is a bunch of dark fruits inside, stacked in the box like grenades.

"The sacred fruit of Gawu... huh, it looks like there are seventy or eighty of them."

He Mu suppressed the excitement in his heart and closed the box.

Although he had made some preparations in his heart before coming here, he was still uncontrollably surprised when he saw these things.

This Jialie is worthy of being the young patriarch of the Jiawu tribe, a four-step true king-level powerhouse.

This level of wealth is not comparable to that of a real king like Uncle Zhou.

That is, in the entire War God City, no one is rich.

Open the fourth chest... the fifth chest...

Boxes of resources appeared in front of He Mu.

But there is a box here for all the resources that are unique to the Jiawu tribe or that are needed by true king-level powerhouses and that can be obtained in batches.

After looking through all the boxes, He Mu turned his attention to the storage rack.

First of all, what he saw was a golden flame-like fruit. If nothing else happened, it should be the holy fruit of Jinyang.嬯寷 bⅹшⅹ С〇 寷

Looking at other things, they are also extremely precious.

In addition to cultivation resources, there are also some weapons and equipment, refining materials, books and other sundries.

These should all be obtained by chance by Jialei, some from other races, and some from other special places.

All in all, it is irreproducible.

"Unfortunately, there is only one Golden Sun Sacred Fruit..."

He Mu said with some regret when he took down the holy golden sun fruit.

Most of these resources on the shelf are what real king-level powerhouses need, and the cultivation resources needed for incarnation are only the Golden Sun Sacred Fruit.

As for the holy fruit of other races, he did not see it.

In fact, this is also easy to understand.

It is definitely not easy for the Jiawu tribe to obtain the products of other tribes' sacred trees.

If one can get a little, it will be used up by the talented people in the clan immediately. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Jialei to accumulate such things.

It is already an unexpected joy to have a golden yang fruit.

Maybe Jialie himself snatched it from the Jinyang clan.

Therefore, other resources that I need at this stage of incarnation still have to be obtained through the black market.

"As long as the black market plan can be carried out smoothly, a small part of the resources here will be enough to exchange for what I want..."

He Mu looked at the resources in this warehouse and thought to himself.

But the most urgent task now is to find a way to transport all the things here back to the City of War God.淗攮攮

Although I knew there were a lot of resources here before, I didn't come to take a look in person, so I didn't have a concept in my mind.

Now that he has witnessed these resources with his own eyes, he is not at ease to put these things here.

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