Bai Peng took a deep look at He Mu, then took the list and read it.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was shocked when I saw it.

Good guy, they are all products of the sacred trees of various races.

Let alone used it, they have even seen it.

"You really have these things?"

Bai Peng raised his head and asked in surprise.

"Yes, the two clan elders may not know something.

We have a share in the black market business, and our God of War City also gained a lot in the battle of the main city of Gawu. "

He Mu said seriously.

There are a lot of resources stored in the underground secret room of God of War City. Instead of keeping them there for a comeback in the future, it is better to take out some of them now and find ways to reduce the losses of God of War City.

Moreover, he didn't completely give up the idea of ​​uniting with the ancient creature family.

If we can really unite in the future, it will be beneficial to the human side in the future to subsidize the allies now.

Of course, today he will not mention the alliance, let alone make excessive demands.

The paleontological family was in the coalition army and was stared at by countless pairs of eyes.

If you do something too outrageous, if you are discovered, the consequences will be disastrous.

He was embarrassed to make such a request, even if he made it, Bai Pengye might not agree.


Bai Peng felt a little complicated when he heard this.

The paleontological family came out of the earth with the earth humans, and it turned out that they got along so well and had all kinds of resources.

Look at yourself again...

Haven't even seen it.

The gap was so big that he couldn't help but blush.

"What resource?"

You Ji next to him took the list and glanced at it, her eyes widened immediately, she couldn't help but said sourly: "You are really willing to give up so many good things!

snort! Plus, you really know the difference! I'm afraid we will make other requests! "

He Mu heard a bit of resentment from her words, and didn't know what to say for a while.

He understood what You Ji meant. The reason why he sent the list first was because he was afraid that You Ji would repeat the two requests from last time.

At that time, God of War City was going smoothly, so he never thought of agreeing.

If he mentioned it again at this time, he might really think about it.

But judging from You Ji's words at this time, she probably won't mention it.

The paleontological family is very proud, which shows it.

"You Ji, what do you think?"

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Bai Peng asked.

You Ji rolled Bai Peng's eyes, smiled lightly and said, "What can I think? Of course I agree!

It is basically impossible to obtain so many resources in normal times.

It is extremely difficult to obtain so many resources through military exploits.

How can it be easy to put some water?

But He Mu, I have agreed in advance, if you dare not keep it,

Don't blame me for being ruthless in the future! "

"Elder You Ji, don't worry! I will definitely honor it!"

He Mu looked sincere, and then he changed the subject and asked tentatively, "Can military exploits be exchanged for these?"

"That's not right, all the races prepared some scarce resources in advance before coming, gathered them together, and called them the War Merit Library.

As long as you make enough military exploits, you can get some resources from the military exploit library after the battle.

If you fish in troubled waters, even if you win in the end, you will lose a lot of resources.

As for quitting halfway, it is tantamount to giving up everything, including the previous military exploits. "

Bai Peng explained.

"I see."

He Mu's heart became more and more heavy.

It has to be said that the Red Blood Clan does have a way, and this is just a corner. God knows what other means they have to maintain the alliance.

One can imagine the difficulty of breaking up this coalition army.


"By the way, in addition to the resources you promised, we have another request."

You Ji spoke again at this time.

He Mu raised his head and said, "What request?"

You Ji's eyes suddenly became deep, and there was a faint smile in the depths of her eyes.

But no matter what expression she made, He Mu didn't respond.

Seemingly aware of the boredom, she waved her hand and said, "There is no big request, I just want you to participate in this battle as a real dragon.

Isn't that too much?

And whether we really release the water, there must be someone supervising it, right? "

He Mu was overjoyed to hear this.

What is the request here? This is something he is looking forward to.

"Thank you, Elder You Ji, for your fulfillment!"

"Fulfillment is out of the question, and this battle is extremely dangerous for us. With you here, we can reduce our losses.

But there is one thing you have to pay attention to, you must hide your human identity well, don't make it too obvious on the battlefield! "

"I know! Thank you Elder You Ji for reminding me!"

He Mu cupped his hands in thanks.

Seeing He Mu's expression, You Ji turned and looked outside, her tone became a little sad.

"I don't know if my paleontological family will be in trouble, will someone run so hard for us."

He Mu was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

Obviously, You Ji still couldn't let go of the fact that the real dragon was in the human camp.

After a moment of silence, He Mu said very seriously: "As long as the two clan elders are willing, then humans and the ancient creature clan will be friends forever!

If one day the ancient creature family is in trouble, whether it is me or Zhanshen City, we will do our best to save them! "

He Mu's words were resounding.

You Ji turned around and glanced at He Mu.

"That's nice to say, have you become the master?"

"I did it."

He Mu's tone was very firm.

You Ji frowned and said: "It seems that your status is not low in the human side now, otherwise you would never be so confident.

Did the people from Zhanshen City entrust the future of the ethnic group to you before they left? "

He Mu didn't answer, it was a tacit consent.

You Ji continued: "When the meteorite came, the human side did something wrong.

But it didn't hurt us.

The few of us just can't understand human beings, and we haven't reached the point where we have to face life and death.

And what God of War City has done in the past few years, we can all see it.

We can let go of our previous prejudices.

But Huang'er is different. The Chique family was wiped out by humans, and it can be said that the hatred is as deep as the sea.

He Mu, I will tell you the truth today.

If God of War City can pass this test, we can form an alliance with your God of War City.

But the premise is that you can convince Huang'er and give her an explanation. "

Bai Peng next to him nodded slightly when he heard this.

In fact, they have already discussed this matter.

The situation of the paleontological family is also not good, and they must find a stable and reliable ally.

God of War City is the only option.

This level is equivalent to a test. If War God City can pass this level, it means that War God City is worth relying on.

Of course, the problem is still the same as before.

They can let it go, but Ye Huang can't let it go.

It is impossible for them to rashly form an alliance with God of War City regardless of Ye Huang's feelings.

"Thank you to the two clan elders for telling me about this frankly...

By the way, where is Ye Huang? "

He Mu sensed it a little, but he didn't find any trace of Ye Huang in the camp, so he couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, You Ji glanced at He Mu with some dissatisfaction.

"It's not because of you, last time you showed great strength in the clan, Huang'er felt that it was far from you, so she went out to practice.

You may not know that real dragons and real phoenixes have always appeared in pairs in the history of my paleontological family, and it is precisely because of this that she can clearly sense your position.

The dragon and the phoenix are in harmony... oh...

Originally, she should be your good helper.

Unfortunately, you have to be an individual.

Even so, she still didn't give up and tried every means to catch up with you.

All in all, she was struggling...very bitterly. "

He Mu subconsciously looked outside when he heard the words, not knowing what to say for a while.

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