Chapter 147 I regret it now, I regret it very much.

Harry became the savior again, but this time he was only the savior of Gryffindor House.

The game was over, and

Angelina was still floating in the sky in a daze. It wasn’t until the deafening cheers came that she realized they had won. She looked around, then dropped to the ground to join the carnival little lions.

“It’s tricky,” Cedric said to Ives with a solemn expression. Harry’s strength showed a little pressure on him.

Ives put his arms around his shoulders and agreed:”Harry’s skills are very good.”

“His Wronsky fake just now was perfect!”Qiu joined the conversation between the two.

She was very confident in her own skills, but the performance of Nimbus 2001 was too powerful, and Harry’s speed was far faster than hers. At the same time, Qiu was not confident that she could do that kind of thing. Using Wronsky’s fake move at high speed.

After this game, the other two houses will have to re-examine the strength of the Gryffindor team.

As for Slytherin, they have already lost to Gryffindor by 100 points. There is no chance to play against Gryffindor again during the school year.

During the Slytherin half,

Flint looked at Draco speechlessly, without any courage at all, why are you playing Quidditch?

Although he wanted to say so, But when he thought about Draco being the financial backer of the team, he could only choose to swallow his breath.

Flint forced a smile and encouraged dryly:”Come on next game.”

At the guest of honor,

Professor McGonagall’s face turned red with excitement. She had already given up hope for this year’s Quidditch Cup, as long as she didn’t come in last. But now, Harry has given her a little hope.

Maybe Can she win the championship this year? She thought to herself


Two more days passed before

Lockhart finally showed up in the castle.

The strange thing is that he has been wearing a lace hat, but judging from the blond hair peeking out from the brim of his hat, his hair should have grown back.

When everyone was confused, George and Fred passed by Lockhart naturally. Suddenly, they reached out and took off his hat in one fell swoop.

All the little wizards who were distracted and paying attention to the situation over there burst into laughter at the same time. It turned out that Lockhart’s head was still bare – he had become a Mediterranean Sea.

Amid the ridicule, Lockhart covered his head with his hands in panic and quickly left the auditorium.

A month ago, when Lockhart was transferred from the school hospital to St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies, after being examined by St. Mungo’s healers, they decided to name the disease after Lockhart.

As we all know, when a doctor decides to name a condition after you, it probably means… there’s no hope for you.

Fortunately, Lockhart’s hair only failed to grow back on the top of his head and his life was not in danger.

In fact, he didn’t want to go back to Hogwarts at all. He would rather just hang out in the hospital for this year. But Dumbledore repeatedly emphasized to him that whether he had hair or not would not affect his normal teaching. If he asked for leave again, it would be considered a breach of contract.

As a last resort, Lockhart had no choice but to return to school to replace Snape.

He regrets it now, very much.

Why did he so blindly agree to Dumbledore’s invitation to come to Hogwarts as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor? Why didn’t he ask about the situation in advance?

Lockhart returned to his office and slumped behind the door. He hid well at St. Mungo’s, where the therapists were very professional and willing to keep his secrets.

But this time around the Weasley brothers, everyone will probably know that he has become a Mediterranean.

Lockhart was already thinking about what tomorrow’s Daily Prophet would write:

Shock! Gilderoy Lockhart, an internationally renowned figure and author and recipient of the Order of Merlin, Third Class, went bald at an early age? There are pictures and there is truth.

Then attach a high-definition photo of him after he went bald.

This one report alone could wipe out all his previous efforts.

Lockhart’s expression was gloomy. He now hated Dumbledore who invited him to Hogwarts, Snape who gave him the wrong medicine, and George and Fred who took off his hat…

He slowly exhaled a breath and took out a diary from his arms, which he got from the black market.

Although he couldn’t remember why he bought it, the contents written in the diary were very helpful to him, and the hair on his temples and forehead grew back with the help of this diary.

Lockhart picked up his quill, dipped it in some ink, and wrote a few lines in his diary:

【You said you have a way to make all my hair grow back, is that true? 】

Under his gaze, the few lines of ink he left spontaneously connected together and re-formed a sentence:

【Of course, my promise is always valid】


The January period has arrived, and Avis looked at the full moon hanging in the sky, cloudless. He nodded with satisfaction, which meant that he no longer had to hold the damn mandrake blade in his mouth.

God knows how he spent the month of practicing Animagus. Even when he was sleeping, he would wake up subconsciously, for fear that he would accidentally swallow the leaves.

Fortunately everything went smoothly.

After Ivis said goodbye to Hermione and the others, he cast a Disillusionment Charm on himself and walked out of the Room of Requirement – he had to go to the high platform to receive the moonlight.

He climbed up to the Astronomy Tower, the tallest tower in Hogwarts, where they usually studied astronomy.

The terrain here is high enough and the view is wide enough.

Ives took out his notes and reviewed the steps carefully, then took out the leaf that had been in his mouth for a month.

Then he took out a crystal vial from his pocket, put in the various complex materials prepared in advance one by one, and finally added a piece of his hair.

Ives sincerely thanked Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout from the bottom of his heart for their friendly sponsorship of these hard-to-find materials.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, the slightly turbid potion in the crystal vial was faintly emitting a crystal shimmer. He could clearly feel that the potion in front of him seemed to have undergone some subtle changes…

After doing all this, he put away the potion. Potion, quickly walked towards the underground classroom.

There are many abandoned classrooms underground in Hogwarts where almost no one passes by. Professor McGonagall specially approved a classroom for him to hide potions.

After hiding the potion, Ives only needs to wait until the next storm with thunder and lightning comes to complete all the preparatory work.

If everything goes well, he will be able to complete his Animagus transformation in less than a month.

He began to fantasize about his Animagus form. What would it be, a lion or an eagle?

Ivis doesn’t have much requirements for his Animagus form, as long as it’s not that bulky animal.

He thought about his talent [Phoenix Bloodline] again. People always have to have dreams. He felt that he might also become the first magical creature shapeshifter in history, but he also knew that this probability was slim.


(End of this chapter)

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