Chapter 165: Wand Licensing Office

The goblin waiter tapped the floor button above his head with the crutch in his hand, and the elevator door slowly closed and began to descend.

The elevator was very fast, and you arrived at the designated floor almost in the blink of an eye.

The elevator door opened, revealing a narrow, stuffy, windowless basement room that was in painful contrast to the floors above.

Professor Flitwick led Ives past hundreds of old-fashioned typewriters standing on the ground. Although no one was operating them, they were still making crackling typing sounds.

The old-fashioned typewriter is printing black fonts on A4 paper. After each document is completed, it automatically folds into a paper mouse and then jumps into the pipe next to the typewriter and disappears.

The teachers and students walked silently through this area where no one was working. Ives asked curiously:”Professor, where is the wand licensing office?”

Professor Flitwick pointed to a dark corner and saw A sign hung on a desk there:

Wand Licensing Office.

The desk seemed out of place with its surroundings. Typewriters elsewhere were busy working, but there were piles of unopened wand applications piled around the desk.

Avis looked carefully and saw that apart from the desk, there were no other desks or chairs in the wand licensing office.

It seems that the Wand Licensing Office is not a highly regarded department. The entire department’s office is only slightly larger than a storage room, and judging from the unopened wand applications, the department is also understaffed.

Because there is no one in the office, they have to wait here

“Professor, I remember you sent our wand license application by mail a long time ago?”While waiting, Ives asked curiously

“”Yes, but I haven’t received the wand license in the mail for a long time. I was worried about what would happen,” Professor Flitwick explained, gesturing to the mail piled around his desk,”Now I finally Found the reason.”

Aves was a little helpless. It seemed that the saying”official staff everywhere are not very efficient” also applies to the Magic Congress of the United States.

After a while, a middle-aged wizard swayed away with a cup of coffee. Come here.

He pulled out the chair behind his desk and sat in. He took a sip of coffee and then asked,”What are you here for?””

Professor Flitwick took out two entry and exit permits issued by the British Ministry of Magic from his arms and placed them in front of him.

After a cursory glance, the middle-aged wizard took out a notebook and asked:”So, you have applied for a wand? Register? All foreigners coming to New York must have one.”

Who would come here if we already had our wand license? Professor Flitwick was a little unhappy.

“I applied by post a few weeks ago,” he replied. The middle-aged wizard who had originally planned to write something in his notebook changed his expression,”I’m sorry.”He put down his notebook and rummaged through the pile of wand applications.

Finally, he found the wand application sent by Ives and the others in the middle.

“Let me see, did you come to the United States to participate in the duel competition?”He read after opening it.

“That’s right.”

Immediately afterwards, he asked a few more questions, and after repeatedly confirming that there was no problem with the official seal of the British Ministry of Magic on the application form, he took out the s

eal and stamped the two wand applications.

A transparent magic thread was drawn from the wand application. It popped up, then slowly wrapped around Ives and Professor Flitwick, and finally disappeared.

“Don’t be nervous,” the middle-aged wizard explained,”This is just a detection magic. Congress does not restrict you from using wands, but you need to know your location at all times.”

“This is all to keep the wizarding world from being exposed to Muggle eyes.”Finally, he added.

Ives felt strange that MACUSA’s precautions against Muggles were a little too…extreme.

“By the way, in principle, young wizards cannot cast spells outside of school,” the middle-aged wizard reminded again,”but because Mr. Evans is going to participate in the duel competition, Congress has granted him permission to use it outside of school during this period. wand, but his spellcasting was supervised by the accompanying professor.”

“Okay,” Professor Flitwick nodded quickly.

Leaving the wand licensing office, Ives asked:”Professor, is there some protection against Muggles in the United States?……”

Professor Flitwick slowly opened his mouth and told him a history:

In 1926, Gellert Grindelwald disguised himself as senior Auror Percival Graves and infiltrated the Magical Congress of the United States of America, and with the help of an Obscurial New York was devastated on an unprecedented scale.

Although Grindelwald’s action was stopped by Newt Scamander, it still almost exposed the entire wizarding world to Muggle vision.

Since then, in order to keep the two worlds isolated, MACUSA has continued to revise the secrecy laws.

The Aurors and wand licenses they saw when they entered the Woolworth Building were all products of the strengthened secrecy laws.

“I have always felt that it is impossible to keep the two worlds completely isolated.”Professor Flitwick sighed. Over the years, the wizarding world has been affected by countless influences from the Muggle world. For example, the Knight Bus they took after leaving the airport was inspired by the Muggle bus. Although it was just made

At the beginning, the Knight Bus was boycotted by many old pure-blood families, but now it has become an indispensable and important means of transportation in people’s daily lives.

Ives fell into deep thought, looking at the development of Muggle technology in the future. It seems that the existence of the wizarding world will definitely be noticed by Muggles. By then, the third wizarding war may break out.

But that is still far away. Returning to reality, he asked again:”Professor, let’s continue Where to go?”

“Go find my good friend,” Professor Flitwick replied,”You should also know, Nubakt Cone”

“The duel champion who lost to Professor you seven times in a row?”Ives still clearly remembers Dumbledore’s introduction.

“Yes, that’s right.”Professor Flitwick laughed. He was very satisfied that Avis still remembered that Cone had lost to him seven times in a row.”He is now serving in Congress, and he is also the organizer of this duel competition.

He paused and said:”His disciples will also participate. I hope you can win this duel competition.””

Professor Flitwick looked at Ives and showed a satisfied smile,”I don’t think you will lose to his disciples.”

Since he learned that Ives defeated Snape in the duel, he didn’t think that there was anyone among the young wizards who could be Ives’ opponent.


(End of this chapter)

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