Chapter 179: In the Woolworth Building of New York that is about to be destroyed,

Graves transformed into Obscurus and completely regarded the Congress headquarters as his own lair, struggling to resist the attack of the Aurors who rushed in from the outside.

Congress President Gorkan O’Brien was organizing men outside, and they regrouped to try to take the headquarters back.

Today’s incident was too big. In New York City, countless No-Majs saw Obscurus flying in the sky.

In order to prevent the matter from further escalating, O’Brien urgently contacted the No-Maj president and asked him to control all communication media in New York City.

As a politician, he knew he had the ability.

After the telephone, Internet, television and other media were all controlled, the President and O’Brien urgently negotiated and decided to describe the Obscurus as a passenger plane – this”passenger plane” crashed through several buildings after being hijacked by terrorists. Eventually crashed into the Woolworth Building.

In the final analysis, only a small number of people witnessed Obscurus up close, while the vast majority of the remaining people only saw a black figure in the sky from a distance.

This rhetoric can still be believed by most people.

As for the remaining small number of No-Majs, the memory cancellers need to come out to clean up the floor. However, the population of the wizarding world is very small, and this small number of No-Majs also creates a huge workload for memory cancellers.

O’Brien had no choice but to temporarily dispatch all the wizards who could forget the spell among the congressional officials.

Rather than dealing with the Obscurus occupying the headquarters, it is better to prevent magic violence.���More important.

The worst case scenario is to change the headquarters. Anyway, the Congress has moved its headquarters five times in the past 300 years since its establishment. This time is not much.

At the same time, he quickly wrote a letter and sent it to Newt, asking if he still had the venom of the Winged Demon on hand.

The crocodile is a high-risk magical animal that feeds on human brains, so it has been rated as five-star dangerous by the Ministry of Magic. The venom it secretes can be used to erase bad memories when properly diluted.

In the aftermath of the Second Salem case, it was the venom of the Crooked Devil provided by Newt that caused all No-Majs in the city to lose their memory of the Obscurus and prevented the magic world from being exposed.

However, as far as O’Brien knew, only Newt had ever raised such a dangerous magical animal.

After all, who would raise a creature that likes to eat human brains if they have nothing to do? Are they really not afraid that their brains will be damaged when they sleep at night?!

Professor Flitwick was having a heated discussion with Mr. Cone at the moment, and the Department of International Exchange and Cooperation was assigned to send a request for help to the International United Wizards’ Association.

The director of the Cooperation Department has already set off for the headquarters in Switzerland, but major international events like this usually take a long time to reach a conclusion.

What Professor Flitwick was arguing with Mr. Cone at the moment was that he wanted to join the Auror team and help deal with Obscurus.

But Mr. Cone firmly disagreed. After all, Professor Flitwick was a British wizard and a professor at Hogwarts. If anything happened to him, public opinion would be even more unfavorable to Congress.

The two argued endlessly


The ninth floor underground of the Woolworth Building is the lowest level of the entire building. It is very different from the floors above: black tiled walls, empty walls, no doors or windows, only there is one at the end of the corrid

or. A simple black door.

If anyone has been to the Department of Mysteries of the British Ministry of Magic, he will be surprised to find that the layout here is exactly the same as the Department of Mysteries.

Three wizards wearing black robes and pointed wizard hats walked silently through this corridor. They passed the black door and entered a huge circular room.

The ceiling and floor of this room are all black, and some candles with blue flames are dotted on the walls.

The dim blue candlelight swayed without the wind, adding a touch of eerieness.

In the center of the room is a huge stone pit with a stone arch above it, with illusory curtains floating on it.

Like candlelight, the curtains were still swaying gently despite the lack of wind.

The three black-robed wizards stopped in front of the arch. Finally, the man on the left said in a hoarse voice:”Is the seal here?”

“That’s right,” a sharp female voice replied.

The wizard in the middle stepped forward, stretched out his dry, rough palm, and gently rubbed it on the door frame like a lover’s skin.

“After so many years,” his voice was very weak, like an old man who will die soon,”finally, we have found an opportunity.”

The witch on the right couldn’t help complaining,”If Tesla Graves hadn’t exposed the whereabouts of the missing little wizards, we should have been able to destroy the seal directly.”

“Shut up,” the wizard in the middle turned to glance at her, but his weak voice shocked her.

The witch immediately lowered her head,”Ming, I understand.”

“After all, he doesn’t know our true purpose.” His tone was a bit emotional, with regret for the younger generation,”He will think that he is cooperating with the Purifiers until the day he dies.”

“Jie Jie Jie……”

The two people who were half a step behind him laughed strangely at the same time.

“He really thought he could control the Obscurus.” The wizard among the two spoke again, his voice hoarse as if a needle was sticking in his throat,”But he didn’t know that although the method we taught him could control the Obscurus, But the user’s life will end the moment he changes back.”

“Take action.”The leading wizard ordered.

After receiving the order, the two of them each took out a glass container from their robes. What was inside was the artificially created Obscurus!

Although the Obscurus created by Graves was given away by Ives. Jie Hu did not fall into their hands, which caused some problems in the most critical part of their plan.

But they were prepared and artificially created two more Obscursions. However, this was definitely not as much as the number originally planned. They themselves They were not sure whether they could achieve their goal.

However, when the plan reached this point, there was no room to turn back, and they could only treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor.

They broke the glass container and guided the two groups of Obscurus to the front and rear sides of the arch..

Then he waved his wand and recited the spell.

The two masses of Obscurus gradually began to flash a dangerous red light. The Obscurus after they cast the spell will die in half an hour.

But unlike the ordinary Obscurus, it turns to ashes. The obscurus they carefully cultivated will explode on the spot after death. According to their calculations, the intensity of the explosion of these two obscuras is estimated to be able to blow up less than half of New York!

However, the location of the explosion is underground, and the final power is estimated to be Not that strong.

After the two finally finished chanting the spell, the leading old wizard said:”Let’s go.”

Immediately, the three people turned into a ball of black smoke and disappeared here.

Only two obscurities were left that were constantly flashing red light.


(End of this chapter)

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