Chapter 190 Trip to New York

“How are Norberta and Lu Wei doing lately?”Newt suddenly asked

“very good.”Avis smiled,”They both gained a lot of weight.”

“That’s good,” Newt touched his pale hair and said nothing.


After spending a pleasant afternoon at Newt’s house, Ives and the others returned to Cone’s house.

Before leaving, Ives ran back and forth. He took his box to Newt and put the water monster in it.

The two aborigines inside the box showed completely different attitudes toward its arrival.

Norberta didn’t care about the arrival of Ollie – this was the name Elvis gave the horse-shaped water monster. After Newt’s inspection, they found out that it turned out to be a female horse-shaped water monster.

However, Lu Wei frequently roared and demonstrated toward the water. He always liked lying on the shore of the lake and playing in the water. The sudden appearance of more creatures in the lake made him feel that his territory had been violated.

It wasn’t until Ollie used her ability to control the water flow and beat Lu Wei all over his head that Lu Wei accepted it”sincerely”.

In the next few days, Ives, who had nothing to do before the duel competition started, took Hermione for a walk around New York City.

Their first stop was Jacob’s bakery on Rivington Street.

Over the past few decades, the size of Kowalski’s bakery has also expanded a lot, and the aroma from the bakery can be smelled from a distance, across the street.

Through the glass display window, you can see many uniquely shaped breads. Elvis and Hermione knew that they were made by Jacob Kowalski, the owner of the bakery, based on the shapes of Fantastic Beasts.

Business in the store is very good, and about a dozen students wearing aprons are constantly replenishing the shelves.

Jacob was very happy for the arrival of the two people. He said this:”I am very happy that the guests from the ‘other world’ can like the bread I make, really.”

His wrinkled face showed kindness. With a smile,”We just happened to have a new product recently, do you want to come and try it?”

“Uh-huh.”Hermione nodded repeatedly. She had no resistance at all to this soft and sweet bread.

Jacob led the two of them to the back kitchen and took out a plate of strange-shaped bread from the oven.

This bread It looks like a water snake, but what is puzzling is that there are several water plants growing on the back of this water snake.

“This is?……”Hermione hesitated,”Equestria?”

“That’s right.”Jacob nodded happily, he thought what he did was different,” Newt showed me the horse-shaped water monster that transformed into a water snake, which gave me inspiration. Because although I have made bread in the shape of a horse-shaped water monster, I have never thought about making the water monster transform into other shapes.”

He brought the plate to the two of them, indicating that they could try one.

Ivis and Hermione were not polite, and each picked one and tasted it.

Jacob waited expectantly for their opinions.

“Delicious……”Ives said while chewing,”There is no other better adjective.”

Hermione ate much better than him. After she swallowed what was in her mouth, she asked:”Mr. Kowalski, who are you?” How do you make such delicious bread?”

The bread made by Jacob tasted much better than anything they had ever eaten before, Hermione couldn’t help but ask curiously

“This is a secret recipe passed down from my grandmother. I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you.”Jacob smiled apologetically.

“It doesn’t matter.” Hermione waved her hands hurriedly. The question she raised was a bit excessive.

Jacob touched his round belly,”Of course, I can teach you how to make magical beasts.”

“Really?”Hermione showed an expression of surprise.

He took down two aprons from the shelf nearby and motioned for the two of them to put them on.

Ivis wanted to refuse, but when he saw Hermione’s expectant eyes, he subconsciously accepted.

Next, under the guidance of Jacob, the two experienced the process of making bread.

Compared with the immature movements of the two, Jacob’s techniques were skillful and smooth, and every movement was accurate.

He started with Scoop out a ball of dough from a large bowl. The dough is strong and smooth, soft and elastic to the touch. Then he kneads the dough skillfully, as if he is carving a work of art.

In Jacob’s hands, the dough is stretched and folded , curled, and then gently placed on the baking sheet, forming a perfect shape.

Ivis and Hermione watched his movements intently. They watched the dough slowly deform in Jacob’s hands, and couldn’t wait to I started to try it myself.

But there is an old saying that goes well: knowing your eyes doesn’t mean you know your hands.

Fortunately, Hermione, although her hands were still a little stumbling, she kneaded the dough quickly and put it together. It was kneaded into the shape he wanted.

But Ives, who had no cooking experience at all, had a big problem when kneading the dough.

The surface of the dough he kneaded was not smooth at all, Jacob quickly reminded :”Avis, you need to add some water.”

Aves kneaded for too long and had to add the right amount of water, but he had no experience at all. Then it became a repetitive motion of adding more water to the dough, and more water to the dough.

Jacob She had no choice but to help him with this step.

Hermione on the other side had already made the look she wanted, straightening her chest, looking proudly at Ivis, who looked slightly helpless.

She was very proud, she Finally discovered what Ives couldn’t do well.

All along, Ives’ talent in magic made her feel that Ives was omnipotent. Even for magicians who had long said that he had no talent. In medicine, with his hard work, he also achieved very good results.

But now it seems that Ives is the real difficulty in cooking.

Hermione’s little face was full of pride, and when she saw Ives, she looked over , she even raised her nose and snorted.

The next moment, her face felt cold – it turned out that it was Ives who pinched her clean face with his dirty hands covered in flour.

Hermione was furious and raised her hand to fight back , stroking Ives’s face with his little hands that were also covered in flour.

The two began to fight on the spot.

Jacob on the side had already helped Ives handle his ball of dough, and he happily Looking at this scene, I sighed.

When people get old, they like to watch this kind of scene full of youth.

After the two of them finished playing, they neither used magic to remove the flour on their faces nor wiped their faces, just under his guidance Next, they continued to make their own bread.

After Ives had finished shaping it, Jacob slowly started the oven.

In the oven, the bread that had just been put into the oven slowly expanded in the hot temperature, exuding an allu

ring aroma. The sweetness and warmth make people feel extremely comfortable.

The three of them chatted and waited quietly for the baking to finish.

“……Mr. Kowalski, didn’t your children inherit the bakery idea?”During the chat, Ives asked

“No,” Jacob shook his head and smiled kindly:”Niko’s father, my son Horst, is currently working for the New York Elf.”

Horst Kowalski, the editor-in-chief of the New York Elf, Ives has some impressions of him. The editor of the newspaper that disclosed the disappearance of the little wizard had this name on the headline.

“Nicole’s mother also���《Reporters for the New York Elf, both of whom loved their jobs. Jacob looked around at the bakery that was filled with his own efforts.”As for my bakery, when I get older, I might close it.””

“……”The two fell silent. There was a huge difference between the lifespan of Muggles and wizards.

Also an old man in his nineties, Newt can even ride a Thunderbird around, while Jacob already showed signs of fatigue when instructing them to make bread.

Of course Jacob knew what they were thinking. He raised his wrist, looked at his watch, and changed the subject:”The bread is almost done.”

After that, he put on a pair of heat-resistant gloves and stopped the oven.

Three fresh loaves came out of the oven, and an alluring smell hit your nostrils. One of them was made by Jacob in the shape of a sniffer. Although the other one was a little blurry, it could be vaguely seen that it was made by Hermione in the shape of a fire dragon. As for the remaining one… it looked like a bald bird, Hermione looked at it for a long time without recognizing what Elvis was doing.

Elvis smiled awkwardly,”It’s Fox.”

Hermione covered her mouth and snickered. If Fox knew that Elvis made it look so ugly, he would never sleep tonight.

Fox also came to New York with Ives’ box. When the two of them went out, Fox would be placed in the box. But every night, Fox would run out and lie down next to Ives’ pillow and fall asleep together.

Neither Elvis nor Hermione were very hungry. They asked Jacob for two packing boxes and planned to take the bread back.

“Thank you, Mr. Kowalski.”Before leaving, the two of them thanked each other.

“It’s nothing,” Jacob said with a cheerful smile,”Just call me Jacob. You are welcome to come again.”

“Goodbye, Jacob.”

Jacob leaned at the door, watching the young girl carrying the bread box and walking out of the street. The young man’s clear voice came from the street,”Hermione, don’t tell Fox, the bread I make is actually according to it. The way it looks pinched……”

“No,” the girl responded with a smile.

“No, Hermione, please……”

Jacob laughed and turned back to the warm bakery.


Until the first day of school in major schools, Ives and Hermione visited famous attractions in New York City. Of course, they occasionally visit Newt to see magical beasts.

The two of them visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Central Park, Broadway, the Museum of Natural History, and even visited the restored Statue of Liberty.

The Statue of Liberty, which was decapitated by the tsunami at that time, was restored to its original state within a short time under the repair spells of wizards.

As school starts soon, Elizabeth has to go back to school

“I have to go back and explain the situation to the dean,” she explained.”I’ll pick up some things and ask for leave.”

“Can we go together?”Hermione asked suddenly. She was very interested in the Ilvermorny School in the United States and made a request to visit it.

“Of course,” Elizabeth said with a smile on her face,”Ilvermorny does not refuse visits from outside wizards.”

Unlike the closed Hogwarts, Ilvermorny’s school spirit is more liberal and does not prohibit outsiders from entering.

The three of them set out early the next morning.

Ilvermorny School is located in northwest Massachusetts. Mount Greylock in the Department of Agriculture.

Mount Greylock is famous for its vast views. There are two roads in total, one of which is a seasonal car road that can climb directly to the top of the mountain. On the top of the mountain, stands a tall granite war memorial lighthouse.

Another trail is a hiking network that traverses the mountain and leads right into the Appalachian Mountains.

However, in addition to these two trails, there is a third trail hidden on the other side of the mountain.

This trail only The wizards only knew the entrance, and its end was the famous Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Because the distance was too far, they had to change to the Floo Network several times before finally arriving in Massachusetts. Finally, under the leadership of Elizabeth, Next, they used Apparition to directly arrive at Mount Greylock.

“Anti-Apparition spells are deployed in schools,” Elizabeth explained. Wizards usually have anti-Apparition spells deployed in important places.

They appeared on a winding mountain road, flanked by dense coniferous forests and dangerous cliffs. cliff

“We still have a few more steps to go.”She added that just like Hogwarts, Ilvermorny covers a large area, and they have to walk a long way to reach the school’s teaching building. Walk along the winding mountain road to the end of the school. The entrance fell into the eyes of the three people.

It was a huge tower, a hundred feet high, and the top of the tower protruded outward, forming a huge zigzag battlement. From a distance, it didn’t look like a school, but more like It’s a secret military base

“The first wizards who immigrated to North America faced a harsh living environment,” Elizabeth introduced to the two of them.”At that time, we not only had to guard against the Purifiers, but also against various large magical creatures. The school’s buildings were built in that situation. It was built under the Qing Dynasty and continues to this day.”

Passing through the entrance, an invisible wave of magic swept over the three of them.

“Don’t stress, it’s a detection magic.”She hurriedly stopped the two people who were about to take out their wands.

In addition to detecting magic, there were also several dedicated doormen standing at the entrance, which reminded Elvis of Hogwarts.

If Hogwarts had this kind of With such a high level of security, how could Peter Pettigrew have been hiding for ten years? He subconsciously made a comparison. Not to mention the doormen, Hogwarts didn’t even have walls. You could go straight to the Forbidden Forest through the lawn in the middle of the night. There was that A small group of troublemakers often sneaked into the Forbidden Forest without anyone noticing.

The detection of magic found nothing unusual, and the three of them successfully passed through the entrance.

Continuing to walk down the steep slope, a castle came into their eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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