Chapter 213 The End of the Second School Year

The next day, the final exam officially began.

After breakfast, other students went to the corresponding classrooms to take exams according to their own exam schedules. The fifth and seventh grade students were wandering in the hall, waiting for O.W.L.s exam and N.E.W.T.s the beginning of the exam.

The second years of Hogwarts have a written exam for Charms in the morning.

For the two top students, Elvis and Hermione, the content of the test paper was extremely simple. Within half an hour, they both stopped holding their quills and prepared to hand in the paper in advance.

Behind the podium, Professor Flitwick, who was standing on a small bench, happily took the test papers from the two of them and started marking them on the spot.

Within a few minutes, he said excitedly:”Full marks! Both of them!”

In the audience, other candidates who were writing furiously wrote faster after hearing this sentence.

Of course, if anyone had been standing behind Crabbe and Goyle, they would have known that they were just pretending – they had been writing for a long time and the paper was still blank.

If nothing else goes wrong, they will definitely get a zero in the written exam of the Charms class.

After lunch, in the afternoon there was a theoretical test in the Transfiguration class taught by Professor McGonagall.

Because Crabbe and Goyle tried to cheat last year, Professor McGonagall carefully checked what they were carrying when they entered the examination room.

Draco, who was at the end of the line, walking side by side with Harry and Ron, was a little frightened. If he still stayed with these two idiots like he did when he first entered school…

He shuddered, not daring to imagine what he would do. as a result of.

Draco looked up again and glanced at Ron, who was standing on the other side of Harry. In comparison, he suddenly felt that Ron’s bright red hair didn’t seem so annoying.

The theoretical part of the exam ended soon, followed by the practical exam.

For the practical examinations of Charms and Transfiguration, Ives was announced by Professor Flitwick and McGonagall almost as soon as he entered the examination room that he must have received perfect marks in these two courses.

No one had any objections.

At the same time, as the champion of the duel competition and an Animagus, Avis has such a privilege.

As for the Potions exam, Snape tested everyone on how to brew hair growth potions.

Ives completed the brewing process in an orderly manner, but the quality of the potion he completed was not high.

Snape pursed his lips and sneered the whole time. In the end, he gave him full marks on the spot under the watchful eyes of Ives.

What the fair and impartial Professor Snape would do has absolutely nothing to do with the few words Ives wrote on the answer sheet for the Potions theory test: Basilisk venom…!

He must have been impressed by Ives’ talent and hard work!

As for the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam, the substitute professor Snape found a bunch of annoying but not dangerous little things to test whether the students could deal with them alone.

These little things include but are not limited to Grindylow, Cornwall Elf, Kabbah, Hinkpunk…

In order to increase the difficulty, Old Bat also specially transformed an empty classroom and created a large shrouded A swamp in the mist.

Many little wizards who did not listen carefully during class were attracted by the dim light emitted by Xinkpunk, followed its footsteps step by step into the swamp, and were eventually besieged by Cabba and Grindylow.

Fortunately, everything that happened in the classroom was under Snape’s control. No one was injured, but it was inevitable that some students would be frightened.

Ron was one of the victims.

During class, he was always thinking about what to eat for lunch/dinner today. He thought that the light emitted by Xinkpunk was used by Snape to guide the little wizards, so he followed him without any suspicion. it.

As a result, he was simultaneously attacked by the Cornish elves hiding in the branches and Grindylow lurking by the water.

Even though Snape’s rescue was very timely, the little wizards waiting outside the door still heard a burst of noise. Hysterical screams.

The performance of the second-year wizards was as expected by Snape, but Neville was the only one who surprised him.

When Neville stepped into the examination room, although he was flustered like most young wizards, he quickly calmed down.

He tried hard to control the expression on his face and prevent himself from shouting.

Although you can still see the nervous look in his eyes, his temperament still exceeds that of most young wizards.

When faced with the sudden dim light that appeared in the fog, Neville did not rush up to check, but tried to use several kinds of magic at his disposal to blow away the fog around him.

In this cautious manner, he reached the finish line at a slow speed.

You know, even Harry, who was very interested in the Defense Against the Dark Arts course, failed to complete the assessment because he was attacked by the hidden Cabba when he was dealing with the Cornwall elves.

Snape wondered, was this still the obedient Neville he knew?

He looked at Neville, who was chatting and laughing with Elvis, Hermione and Hannah after leaving the examination room. He squinted his eyes and didn’t know what he was thinking.


After all the exams were over, the little wizards ushered in their happiest and shortest time – until the results of the final exam were announced, they neither needed to think about the consequences of their results nor the consequences. There is only one word to think about when it comes to summer vacation homework: play!

That afternoon, when everyone in the Mystery Shop, who was obsessed with the sport of fishing, was making a nest by the lake, Harry suddenly ran over in a panic.

He stopped and bent down, took a few breaths, and said anxiously:”Draco, Draco suddenly said he wanted to find Pansy Parkinson of Slytherin. I can’t stop him no matter what. It’s been more than half an hour and I haven’t come back!”

“Um?”Everyone looked at each other in confusion.

“So, why are you telling us this? Ives said blankly.

Harry also looked confused,”Didn’t you say that Draco would come to you if something strange happened?””

“Wait, Pansy Parkinson……”Hermione on the side interjected, she remembered that this girl seemed to have bought something in the mystery shop.

After Hermione carefully recalled all the interactions between her and Pansy, she showed an anxious expression,”Love potion!”

“Holy shit!”George, who gradually learned the Chinese language, reacted and shouted,”She bought a bottle of love potion from us!”

At this moment, everyone instantly understood what happened.

Ives took out the Marauder’s Map that he had not used for a long time and quickly searched for the names of Draco and Pansy on it.

Finally, he was on the third floor. In an abandoned classroom, the names of two people entangled together were found.

“Go, go, go!”He hurriedly called for everyone to run towards the castle. He was afraid that if they were a step late, Draco’s innocence would be at stake!

It had only been more than half an hour, and Pansy’s movements should not be so fast.

..probably not.


A week later, the results came out, and Ives’ name was at the top of the second-grade report card.

“I said last year that your score in Potions should be‘O’”,” Hermione complained angrily to Ives.

At the dinner, Ravenclaw defended the Academy Cup.

This is inevitable. During the Chamber of Secrets incident, Dumbledore gave Ives and Harry a bonus. Fifty points were added, and another fifty points were added to Ivis alone.

Coupled with the Quidditch score, Ravenclaw’s total score far exceeded the other three houses.

In the auditorium, the eaglets cheered loudly. After all the noise.

After the grand year-end dinner, another party was held in the Ravenclaw common room.

Avis, as the well-deserved protagonist of the party, was lifted up by one leg by Roger and Chambers. On the shoulders, there was a small parade in the lounge.

The little wizards followed them, shouting Ives’s name enthusiastically.

Looking back on Ives’s two-year student career, he joined the team in the first grade , turned the tide and saved the Ravenclaw team, which was at the bottom every year. Then, he fought alone against the dark wizard who broke into the castle in the restricted room. During the summer vacation, he became the youngest recipient of the Order of Merlin, and then saved New York and won the duel competition. Winning the championship… one thing alone is enough to be called a legend, let alone one person achieving these achievements at the same time.

Of course, Roger and Chambers did not carry Ives on their shoulders in the parade because of these things. As avid Quidditch enthusiasts, what they pursue most is his Quidditch talent.

After Ives joined, Ravenclaw immediately turned around and won two championships in two years…

It is conceivable that as long as Ives joins If you are still in school for one day, the Quidditch teams of other houses will never win the championship.

Seven years, that is seven consecutive championships. This is a feat that even Slytherin House has not been able to accomplish. They are building a dynasty!

The Eagles feel like their academy is thriving!


After the joyful party, Ivis lay down on the bed in the dormitory. Next to the bed were the packed luggage – they would leave the school on the Hogwarts Express tomorrow.

Fox, who had been running to the pillow to sleep with him every night, didn’t show up.

Fawkes had almost grown in size, and Dumbledore needed his help, so he had to return to the old headmaster.

Ives was a little uncomfortable being suddenly alone. He slowly closed his eyes.

At this time, the system that had been silent for a long time suddenly made a sound in my mind.

【The second school year is over and the host’s performance in this school year is being summarized.】


【The host’s performance during this school year is as follows:

1. Helping the Ravenclaw Quidditch team defend its championship.

2. Help Ravenclaw defend the Academy Cup.

3. Become number one in grade】

【Rewards: General talent points*3, Charms talent*1, issued】

【Since the host’s Conjuration Talent is 10 points, it has been converted into a special talent point*1. The host’s special magic: Basic Spiritual Mastery has been upgraded to Intermediate Spiritual Mastery.】

“System, why didn’t there be a school year summary last year?”Aves asked doubtfully in his mind.

【In view that the strength of the host has been improved to a certain extent, this function is hereby opened to improve the strength of the host faster]

Forget it, a reward is better than nothing, Avis did not continue to struggle with this issue. He now has a bigger problem to struggle with… that is where to add these three general talents.

He summoned his personal panel in his mind, staring at the illusory light screen and lost in thought.

【Alice Evans

Birthday: January 10, 1980

Items: None

General talent points: 3

Advanced talent points: 0


Charms: 10

Potions: 5

Transfiguration: 10

Dark magic: 6

Divination :0

Ancient Runes: 5

Magical Animal Affinity: 10


Special magic:

Magic Shield: Unlike the Iron Armor Curse, this magic can only resist magic spells and can completely resist all magic spells, including the Death Curse that ignores protective magic.

Intermediate level of spiritual mastery: After using this magic, within one minute, the magic power consumption is reduced to one-third, and the power of the spell is doubled. During the duration of this magic, the control over other magics is greatly improved. After the magic is used, the recovery rate of magic power is halved within seven natural days, and the magic cannot be used again during this period.

Spell slot level I: The host can obtain four idle spell slots, and the host can place the spells he has mastered into the spell slots. The magic in the spell slot can be cast silently and without a wand, and the effect is increased by one-third. There will be a natural day’s cooldown time for replacing the magic on the spell slot, and the slot will not be available during the cooldown period.



Mischief: When playing pranks, the magic effect is increased and the probability of being discovered is reduced.

Quantum Fluctuation Speed Reading: Improves the host’s memory (maybe effective).

Quidditch’s Rising Star: You will become the most dazzling kid on the Quidditch pitch. When you walk onto the pitch, the entire audience will shout your name loudly: Elvis Evans!

Mastery of Wizard Chess: None of the old men playing chess in the park are your enemies.

Phoenix incarnation: The host can transform into the Phoenix form at will, and will have the following talents in both human and Phoenix forms:

1. Nirvana: can be reborn after death.

2. Phantom Fire: Phoenix’s unique phantom transformation magic, which is not countered by any magic.

3. Sacred fire: The flame flowing in the Phoenix bloodline has a strong restraint effect on black magic.

In Phoenix form, you will also have the following two talents:

1. Hymn of courage: The song of the Phoenix is magical. It can strengthen the courage of those with a pure heart and release fear for those with a dirty heart.

2. Tears of life: Phoenix’s tears have strong healing and detoxifying effects


After seeing the effects of the intermediate level of mental mastery, Avis has been thinking about the direction of adding points.

Currently, except for Divination, which has a talent of 0, and three talents of 10 points, the remaining three talents are not much different.

Considering the strength of the reinforcement, it seems that he should add these three points to black magic. In this way, his black magic talent will become 9 points. As long as he gets one more point, he can obtain the special magic provided by the system through tasks.

But after much thought, Ives gave up this idea and decided to add these three points to the ancient runes.

His idea was that he would be exposed to the ancient rune research course next school year. As the basis of alchemy, he would definitely study this course in depth.

As for potions and dark magic, let’s leave them aside for now.

“System, add all the general talent points to ancient runes for me.”


【Talent: Ancient Runes: 5 → 8]

After adding points, Avis closed his eyes with satisfaction and fell into a deep sleep.


(End of this chapter)

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