In the playground of Guangfu No.1 Middle School,

Two figures were facing each other. Jiang Rou was standing on the lake, while Wang Hao was holding the spiritual knife in his right hand and guarding vigilantly.

Wang Hao knew that Jiang Rou still had a trump card spiritual skill that had not been used yet, and he was also on guard.

Jiang Rou also knew that she had to play her trump card. If she continued to waste time like this, she would not be able to beat Wang Hao.

The spiritual power of Jiang Rou surged, and her black hair turned azure blue. Jiang Rou's pupils also began to change, from brown to dark blue.

Jiang Wenhao, who was standing by, was slightly surprised and said, "Oh? Water spiritization? Jiang Rou has a strong person behind her to support her! The number of water spiritization spirit cores produced in the Pure Water Secret Realm is not much every year."

The uncle also explained, "Jiang Rou's father is Jiang Tao of that generation. He is now teaching at Yanjing University. With his resources and connections, he can still get a first-grade water spiritization spirit core."

Jiang Wenhao also looked at Jiang Rou and Wang Hao with a little amusement, and said to himself, "No wonder they are so familiar with each other, it turns out that they are old friends!"

At this time, Jiang Rou's whole body showed azure blue, and her limbs were completely transparent. Jiang Rou pushed forward with both hands, and countless water blades behind her attacked Wang Hao.

Wang Hao once again dispersed part of the fragments of the spirit sword to resist the incoming water blades. Countless fragments were bounced off after blocking the water blades and scattered.

Wang Hao's eyes were stern, and his figure instantly disappeared from the spot and appeared on the left side of Jiang Rou. He swung the spirit sword, and a swift blade light cut through the air and instantly approached Jiang Rou.

But what Wang Hao expected did not happen. After Wang Hao's blade light touched Jiang Rou's left hand, ripples appeared on the surface of Jiang Rou's left hand. The blade light Wang Hao slashed out was instantly absorbed by the left hand.

Wang Hao also looked at Jiang Rou in surprise and said, "This is really cheating! The attack can be invalidated."

Jiang Rou also said with a smile: "If you know how powerful you are, just admit defeat quickly to avoid embarrassment here."

Wang Hao responded: "It's not over yet, continue!"

Jiang Rou smiled and shook her head, gently raised her hand, and the water element in her palm began to roll, as if forming a small ocean. She swung her arm suddenly, and the ball of water element turned into a dragon head and flew towards Wang Hao instantly.

Wang Hao's eyes condensed, and his figure instantly disappeared from the spot and appeared several meters away.

The place where he just stood was hit by Jiang Rou's attack. A deep pit appeared on the ground instantly, and dust flew around.

Wang Hao's figure left a residual image in the air and appeared in the same place again.

He clenched the spirit knife, smiled coldly, and rushed towards Jiang Rou. This time he did not use teleportation to attack, but chose to confront Jiang Rou head-on.

The two of them fought each other in an instant, and the sword light and water shadow intertwined into one.

Wang Hao's spirit knife drew arcs in the air, and Jiang Rou's water element also rolled in the air.

The two sides fought back and forth for five minutes, looking for flaws between them.

The longer it dragged on, the deeper Jiang Rou's frown became. She found that Wang Hao was like a perpetual motion machine, and the spiritual power in his body seemed to be completely inexhaustible. The two sides had fought for so long, and Jiang Rou had not seen Wang Hao show signs of fatigue.

Looking at herself, now that she has become a water spirit, her limbs are no longer transparent, and the azure spiritual power on her hands has begun to fade.

Jiang Rou realized a problem at this time. She walked into the misunderstanding left by Wang Hao. Wang Hao was not afraid of being consumed at all!

After understanding this, Jiang Rou no longer dragged her feet with Wang Hao.

She quickly formed seals with both hands, and the water element condensed into a huge water column in the air. She pushed her hands hard, and the water column rushed towards Wang Hao violently.

Wang Hao also saw Jiang Rou forming seals, and was waiting for such an opportunity.

Wang Hao pointed his left hand at Jiang Rou, and the fragments of the spirit sword that had been blown away by Jiang Rou rushed towards Jiang Rou, forming a circle in front of Jiang Rou's neck, while Wang Hao himself teleported and easily avoided Jiang Rou's attack.

Jiang Rou looked down at the fragments of the spirit sword on her neck and forehead. She could feel the cold light on the fragments, and she sighed and raised her hands to surrender.

There was nothing she could do about it. When Jiang Rou realized that Wang Hao was not afraid of consumption, it was too late. Wang Hao seized the opportunity and ended the game.

After Jiang Rou admitted defeat, she also asked her own question: "Why do you recover your spiritual power so quickly?"

Wang Hao pretended to be mysterious and let her guess by herself. He did not tell her, but said to the crowd on the playground: "Next!"

Jiang Rou also pouted and left, still sulking because Wang Hao did not tell her the reason.

Guangfu No. 1 Middle School had no time to feel sorry for Jiang Rou's defeat. The next one to play was Zhang Tianyao!

Zhang Tianyao, with brass knuckles on his hands, twisted his neck, stretched his hands, and said, "It's finally my turn! Wang Hao! Die!"

Zhang Tianyao put his fists together and shot at Wang Hao with both hands like bullets. Wang Hao was also stunned, but his reaction was still fast, and he teleported to avoid it.

Oh my god, you are going to be the man of the pirate king!

This is the most intuitive feeling Wang Hao has when he encounters such a supernatural power. Just now, Wang Hao was slightly stunned and thought of the man wearing a straw hat.

However, Wang Hao was not careless. After dodging Zhang Tianyao's attack, he came to the side of his outstretched hands and directly stabbed him.

Zhang Tianyao was also prepared and shouted "hardening!"

In an instant, black hard glue began to appear on the surface of the arms that the spirit knife touched. Zhang Tianyao directly swung his hands to shake Wang Hao away, and his hands also retracted back.

Wang Hao's figure left a faint afterimage in the air and appeared in the same place again. A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, he did not expect that Zhang Tianyao's ability could block his attack so easily.

Wang Hao also thought that the skill that turned black instantly should be his spiritual skill.

Zhang Tianyao's body quickly recovered to its original state, and the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a playful smile.

He rushed forward suddenly, and his body was ejected like a spring.

Wang Hao's eyes condensed, and his figure instantly disappeared from the spot and appeared behind Zhang Tianyao.

The position where he just stood was hit by Zhang Tianyao. A deep pit appeared on the ground instantly, and dust flew around.

Wang Hao slashed at Zhang Tianyao's back fiercely. Zhang Tianyao turned his upper body 180 degrees, and hardened his hands in front of him to resist Wang Hao's attack.

The two of them fought each other in an instant, and the sword light and the shadows intertwined into one.

Wang Hao's spiritual knife drew arcs in the air, and Zhang Tianyao's body was twisting in the air.

The two sides kept fighting, and even Wang Hao felt that he was difficult to fight. Wang Hao's spirit sword kept slashing the opponent's body during the fight, but the damage from the slashing was all removed by Zhang Tianyao along the momentum of the sword, and Zhang Tianyao's body was as unscathed as rubber. Wang Hao also understood that it was easy for him to remove the power of the weapon, and he also had to deal with Zhang Tianyao's brass knuckles sneak attack. It would be better to use extreme power to make him unable to resist. Wang Hao's figure flashed and appeared several meters away. However, Wang Hao did not give up the attack, but disintegrated the spirit sword and rushed towards Zhang Tianyao again. Zhang Tianyao saw that the disintegrated spirit sword was rushing towards him. Did he give up using the sword? Wang Hao teleported in front of Zhang Tianyao, his left hand covered with white lines, and punched Zhang Tianyao.

Zhang Tianyao saw Wang Hao teleported closer, and grinned, and raised his right fist to touch Wang Hao's fist.


The fist that hit Wang Hao instantly turned black, and it was covered with almost all of Zhang Tianyao's spiritual power.

But the situation that Zhang Tianyao imagined of knocking Wang Hao away did not happen.

When he reacted, he suddenly looked at the hands that touched.

Zhang Tianyao's pupils shrank, and he saw cracks on the black fist of his right hand.

In a very short time, Zhang Tianyao flew out and hit a big hole on the ground of the playground.

And Zhang Tianyao also lay in the big hole and fainted!

Wang Hao did not look at the big hole he punched, but said coldly to the students of Guangfu No. 1 Middle School:


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