I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 31: Awakening The Spirit

After the meal, Yu Wen also took out the wine to taste. The two sides also made the atmosphere harmonious during the meal.

Wang Hao took the cup and secretly poured some of the wine brought by Yu Wen, and learned to taste it like Yu Wen.

As a result, Wang Hao almost vomited it as soon as it entered his throat.

"Damn, it's spicy in my throat!"

Wang Hao couldn't hold it anymore and was about to vomit it out!

As a result, Yu Wen on the side directly covered his mouth and hurriedly said:

"Don't vomit! This is Lingjiang Baijiu! A bottle costs tens of millions!"

When Wang Hao heard it, damn it!

Money$_$ is equal to life,

Money is equal to Lingjiang Baijiu,

In other words, Lingjiang Baijiu is equal to life!

Vomiting it out is equal to losing half of your life!

How could Wang Hao waste money? He endured the pain and swallowed it directly.

As soon as Wang Hao swallowed it, his cheeks turned red, like a ripe red apple.

His body was also swaying from side to side.

Wang Hao pointed at Jiang Wenhao and said, "Old Jiang! How come you have a twin brother who looks like you?"

He looked at Jiang Rou again and said, "Jiang Rou, when will you be able to split yourself?"

"No, I must be drunk. The drug is so effective. I feel full of strength. No, I need to practice."

Yu Wen was also surprised to see Wang Hao realize that he was drunk so quickly.

Drunk people generally don't think they are drunk, but he can tell.

Wang Hao can still think about practicing in this state. No wonder Jiang Wenhao cultivates him as a talent. This is Yu Wen's idea, and it is also the idea of ​​Jiang Rou and Xu Zihang.

Through Yu Wen's introduction, they understand that the wine Wang Hao just drank is the wine that can only be produced from the secret realm, which can accelerate people's practice and make their thoughts clear.

But the aftereffect is also very strong, and it is easy to get drunk, so most people sleep after drinking it, let the spiritual energy blend into the body by itself, and speed up the practice. Only high-grade strong people can withstand the drunkenness of Lingjiang Baijiu, meditate and practice, and speed up the practice. However, Wang Hao, this freak, can realize that he is drunk within a few minutes after getting drunk, and discover the effect of Lingjiang Baijiu, and meditate on the ground to practice, which is amazing. Wang Hao's face is red, sitting cross-legged on the ground, refining Lingjiang Baijiu. The hot wine has flowed through Wang Hao's esophagus through his body. Wang Hao can feel that the white wine has set his chest on fire and burned on him. As the wine flows in, Wang Hao feels a strong force surging from deep in his body. His muscles began to tighten, and the power in his body seemed to break out of his body. The spiritual power that Wang Hao activated while meditating and practicing, and the drunkenness that was originally there dissipated under the operation of the spiritual power, he clenched his teeth and tried to control his emotions. He knew that this power needed time to refine. Liu Yuzhao, Jiang Rou and Xu Zihang looked at Wang Hao nervously.

From their perspective, Wang Hao's face turned red, and his spiritual power began to go out of control, like a red balloon about to burst, as if he would burst and die at any time.

Jiang Wenhao and Yu Wen were tasting the wine calmly. With their strength, if they found that Wang Hao could not hold on, they would refine the remaining white wine in Wang Hao's body.

And Wang Hao was still insisting on refining, so they did not intervene, wanting to see how far Wang Hao could go.

Wang Hao also knew that there were Jiang Wenhao and others outside, and if he really couldn't hold on, they would not sit idly by, so Wang Hao also began to concentrate on refining the spiritual liquor.

Wang Hao's spiritual power flowed in his body, like a winding stream.

He used his spiritual power to guide the spiritual wine in his body, letting them follow the spiritual power to guide the meridians in various parts of the body, to achieve the effect of washing the marrow meridians.

After this step, Wang Hao frowned slightly, because he had just swallowed too much spirit wine, and also because the grade of this bottle of wine was too high. After washing the marrow meridians, there was still a lot of leftovers. What should I do? Should I disperse this part of the spirit wine? Tens of millions of spirit wine! If I really dispersed it, Jiang Baopi would kill me!

Wang Hao suddenly remembered that he had encountered a similar thing when he was exploring body refining.

He endured the pain brought by the spiritual liquor entering his stomach, and his mind kept turning, thinking of a solution.

Wang Hao first thought of the 362 acupoints in the human body that he learned when reading the body refining materials.

Can the acupoints store spiritual power? I don't know, so I'll give it a try.

Wang Hao chose to take a risk, but he also chose the safest way for himself.

He introduced the remaining spirit wine into his left hand to develop the acupoints of his left hand.

The reason is that the meridians of Wang Hao's left hand have been strengthened by the spiritual power flowing into the meridians, and the meridians of his left hand can withstand the spiritual power brought by the spirit wine.

Wang Hao introduced the spirit liquor into his left hand little by little, preparing to gather it towards the first acupoint, Laogong.

The spiritual energy in Wang Hao's body surged, and the meridians on his entire left hand turned into white lines. He activated the power hidden in the meridians in his left hand. In order to deal with emergencies,

he also mobilized the spiritual power in the meridians of his left hand to impact the Laogong acupoint in the palm of his hand, trying to develop the Laogong acupoint.

And Wang Hao's abnormality was also noticed by everyone present, even Jiang Wenhao and Yu Wen stopped tasting wine.

Jiang Wenhao was the first to react. This guy was doing research and development. He observed that Wang Hao gathered his spiritual power in his palms. Even he didn't know what he was doing. However, it did not affect Jiang Wenhao's filming of the process and sending it to professionals for their answers. Yanjing, Yang Zhen was drinking tea with Wen Zhenxie at the headquarters at this time. When he was chatting with the commander, he received a message from Jiang Wenhao. Yang Zhen glanced at his phone and saw Jiang Wenhao asking him about Wang Hao's situation. Yang Zhen took a look at it first, and then handed the phone to Wen Zhenxie for him to see. After all, a ninth-rank boss was here, and he had the most say in matters related to cultivation. Wen Zhenxie saw Wang Hao's left hand first light up with lines, and then gathered all the spiritual power in his palm.


Wen Zhenxie was interested in what Wang Hao did, and then explained to Yang Zhen: "His method is called acupuncture. Look carefully, the place where this kid gathered spiritual power is exactly Laogong."

"I think he wants to try the ancients' way of opening the orifices when refining the body."

"There are 362 spiritual orifices and 256 heart orifices."

"After the ancients opened 362 orifices during body refining, their thoughts were clear and they ascended to heaven!"

"Is he trying to replicate the ancients' way of refining the body? It seems that he figured it out by himself. This kid is really interesting!"

Yang Zhen also wrote down what Wen Zhenxie said and sent it to Jiang Wenhao.

After reading Wen Zhenxie's answer, Jiang Wenhao gradually put his mind at ease and waited for Wang Hao to succeed in acupuncture.

At this time, Wang Hao also began to get nervous. He didn't have the news brought by Wen Zhenxie.

All his attempts were based on the inspiration and ideas of that moment. As for what the result would be, Wang Hao didn't think so much.

Wang Hao felt the acupuncture points on his left hand. He could already feel that the spiritual orifice of the Laogong acupoint was about to be opened by the spiritual energy!


Wang Hao heard the sound of shattering from his body, and he knew he succeeded!

The spiritual power that impacted the acupoint rushed into the Laogong acupoint like a flood. Wang Hao could feel that his spiritual power reserves had increased a lot.

At this moment, Wang Hao did not dare to neglect it. He led the remaining spiritual liquor into the acupoint.

The acupoint quickly refined the liquor and converted it into strong spiritual power, instantly filling the empty acupoint.

Wang Hao could feel that the acupoints that were lit up in the meridians of his left hand were like nodes and supply stations of the meridians, which could bring Wang Hao infinite power.

Wang Hao also understood the advantages of the acupoints in this experiment.

First, it can store spiritual power.

Second, it can quickly refine natural treasures.

Third, after the spiritual orifice is opened, the physical fitness will soar!

Based on these three points, Wang Hao also figured out the path he would take in the future.

Is the path of the space system difficult? Is the space system spirit core hard to obtain? Then I will focus on body training first, and use the space system as an auxiliary.

When I am strong enough, I will be able to fight both long-range and close combat! In short, all-round!

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