I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 40 Black Businessman Wang Hao!

The students of Guangfu No. 3 Middle School followed the aroma and found that it was Wang Hao who had set up a grill on the other side of the camp and was grilling pork skewers.

He skillfully turned the food on the grill. It was a natural wild pork, which was grilled golden and tempting. The fat flickered under the firelight, making people salivate.

The few people who followed the smell stood beside Wang Hao and watched him grill the skewers quietly. They swallowed their saliva, afraid that it would flow out inadvertently, because the skewers grilled by Wang Hao were too tempting!

"Are you hungry?" Wang Hao raised his head with a smug smile on his face, "Then come and eat, but it's only one hundred per string."

Ye Ye was the first to react and shouted loudly: "One hundred per string! Why don't you go and rob it!"

Wang Hao looked at them while grilling the skewers and said with a smile: "Am I not robbing now?"

Everyone was silent. Indeed, this bastard came to rob money!

One hundred? The price surprised them, but hunger had weakened their judgment.

They walked over and looked at the tempting golden barbecue on the grill. It was a delicacy they had never tasted before. It was a feeling full of freshness, crispness, and juiciness, as if dancing on their tongues. Miao Ling licked her dry lips. She couldn't help it first, then took out her wallet and bought ten skewers. Ye Ye looked at her, sighed, and then followed suit and bought ten skewers. With two leaders, the others couldn't help it and started to pay for skewers. After a while, all the dozens of skewers on the grill were bought by them. They sat by the campfire and enjoyed this unprecedented delicacy. Miao Ling, whose hunger was satisfied, also came to her senses and accused Wang Hao:

"Wang Hao, isn't your price a bit unfair? You are raising the price!"

Wang Hao was still counting the red banknotes on the side. After being accused by Miao Ling, he immediately refuted,

"What are you talking about! What are you talking about!"

"How is one hundred yuan expensive? I am Wang Hei Shang, bah! My Lao Wang BBQ has been in the shop for ten years! It has been the same price for so many years! My brand is very difficult! Can you look for your own reasons sometimes? Have you made money seriously in these years?"

"And the expensive ones are my labor costs and seasonings!"

Miao Ling didn't want to talk to Wang Hao, so she said directly: "How about this, you sell me the barbecued pig! I'll buy it!"

Miao Ling didn't expect that Wang Hao was waiting for her here,

and said directly: "One first-grade spirit core! No bargaining!"

Miao Ling also excitedly dropped the skewer in her hand and said: "What a joke! A pig costs 10,000!"

Wang Hao didn't get angry because of Miao Ling's attitude, and still said with a smile: "Buy it if you want! Goodbye!"

The two sides were deadlocked at the stall, Miao Ling turned around and left, taking the unfinished skewers with her. When the other students saw the leader leaving, they immediately followed, but they couldn't put down the skewers in their hands, so they took them away.

Wang Hao looked at them and felt a little funny, and smiled, because he knew that they would come to Wang Hao to buy things soon!

Wang Hao packed up his things and went back to the camp to sleep!

A night passed, and it was morning in the secret realm.

Wang Hao and Lin Qingxue woke up the earliest and washed up by the lake.

Lin Qingxue also saw Wang Hao buying skewers for Guangfu No. 3 Middle School last night.

She asked Wang Hao worriedly: "Isn't 10,000 a pig a bit expensive? After all, except for the leading wild boar that reached the first grade, the others are at the spiritual stage, and their value is completely inferior to the first-grade spiritual core."

Wang Hao also shook his finger and looked at the camp over there and said: "Don't think like that! In the secret realm, things are rare and valuable! Just like I can sell a skewer for a hundred, there will still be people who come to buy it."

"And didn't you notice? It's just like what I reasoned yesterday. The animals nearby were scared away by us, and there was less food to hunt nearby. They couldn't get food, so they couldn't resist the temptation last night and came to buy my skewers!"

While analyzing, Wang Hao also pointed his finger forward. Lin Qingxue also looked in the direction Wang Hao pointed and found many tent camps built.

Wang Hao said again: "There are more and more people, but the food is decreasing. Do you think it is expensive to exchange a first-grade spirit core for enough food for a team for half a month?"

Lin Qingxue thought of something and frowned and asked: "Are we going to stay here for a month? If so, they will unite to grab our spirit cores during the battle period in half a month. After all, our target is too big, and cutting leeks will make them hate it, which will force them to unite."

Wang Hao stood by the lake, overlooking the camps of various schools, grinning:

"The rules of this competition are divided into accumulation in the development period and fighting in the battle period."

"What we are doing now is to complete my Our original accumulation, reduce the points of other schools, enrich our points, then in the battle period, even if they join forces, it will be difficult for them to surpass us. "

"As for them joining forces..."

Speaking of this, Wang Hao's eyes were full of sharpness, and he explained:

"Isn't this exactly what I want? The impulsive schools joined hands to encircle us, and we can also get elimination points by defeating them! Completely kill the game! "

This is Wang Hao's idea. He has been thinking about how to end this game quickly since he entered the secret realm, so that he has time to explore the secret realm.

After all, the Zhenling Division gave him a tip-off. This is an opportunity and a test. It depends on how he completes it.

After hearing Lin Qingxue's complete plan of Wang Hao, her eyes widened.

Wang Hao's plan is meticulous and step-by-step. If he acts according to the plan, he can really kill the whole game! And he is leading by a large score!

Black! Really black-hearted!

This is how Lin Qingxue felt after listening to Wang Hao's entire plan!

Then Wang Hao looked at Lin Qingxue and said to her: "So I need..."


In the Yunshan Secret Realm, on the western lakeside,

Teams are stationed here one after another. After all, they are close to the water source and don't have to worry about water problems.

Wang Hao and his four companions also started their plan and bought barbecue skewers around the lakeside.

The tempting aroma attracted many people to watch, but there were very few people who came to buy at the beginning.

"Damn! Is there a business like you? One hundred for a string! Why don't you go and grab it!"

Wang Hao glanced at him indifferently and said, "We are grabbing it now!"


"No bargaining!"

"Then we won't buy it! Who cares! We go hunting by ourselves!"

Most of the onlookers left, and only a few people who were not short of money spent a hundred to try the taste.

It was evening, and Wang Hao and the others had closed their stalls.

The four returned to the base and held a meeting in the camp.

Liu Yuzhao said first: "Wang Hao, let's change the price! At this price, it's really hard for us to sell!"

Wang Hao shook his head and said confidently: "It's okay, only by laying a long line can we catch big fish! It's only the first day. When they run out of food, it's time for us to harvest!"

"Wait for about five more days. If they still don't come to buy after five days, we will directly hand it over to the Zhenling Division. Although the points given in this way are small, each wild boar can only be exchanged for one point, but it is enough for us to make a profit."

Liu Yuzhao looked at Wang Hao's confident look and stopped asking questions.

At this time, Wang Hao thought of another plan and asked Liu Yuzhao,

"Yuzhao! Can your spirit ants find nearby spirit beasts?"

"Yes, I can find them within two kilometers nearby. What are you going to do?"

Wang Hao raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile: "It's okay, just make them have to buy our things!"

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