I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 43 Heading To The Snow Mountains!

On the sixth day after the secret realm was opened, in the morning,

Wang Hao got out of his sleeping bag, walked out of the tent, and stretched.

The other three also woke up, washed up, and had breakfast.

The four of them began to pack up the tents in the camp, preparing to leave here and head to the next destination, the snow mountain!

The main task is to help Lin Qingxue find available spiritual cores. Of course, the movements of Wang Hao's team were also seen by some interested parties. Most of them observed in the dark and did not take any special actions. "Are they leaving?" "Humph! Where can they escape to? If it weren't for the prohibition of fighting in the first fifteen days! Otherwise, how could Wang Hao live so freely!" "Now let's think about how to reduce the score difference! Otherwise, it will be difficult to catch up in the last fifteen days!" "What do the other schools say? Are you willing to cooperate?" "Several schools agreed, but the strong high schools have not yet responded." "It's okay to wait, we still have time." As soon as he finished speaking, the man began to monitor Wang Hao's team again. At this time, Liu Yuzhao, who was dismantling the tent nails, stopped his hand and looked in the direction of the people monitoring them. He muttered, "Is it over yet? What batch is this now!" The spying skills of those monitors are nothing in front of Liu Yuzhao, a professional. When they kept staring at Wang Hao, they were discovered by Liu Yuzhao's ant colony. While Wang Hao was packing his things, he said: "Don't worry about it. They are not stupid enough to fight with us at this time." Wang Hao looked at the entire camp, which was now filled with large and small bags of luggage, and said to the three people: "It's almost done! We should go!" The four picked up their luggage and set off from the western lake, heading towards the snow-capped mountains in the north! The junction of the western and northern parts of the secret realm is a vast plain, while the northern part is a series of towering snow-capped mountains. The two places are far apart, but Wang Hao and his team are not afraid and resolutely embark on this long journey. At first, the four people just started to move towards the north, and their progress was very smooth. There were only lakes and plains between the two, and there was not much terrain for them to conquer. But the further north they went, the more rugged the terrain became, from the originally easy-to-walk plain to a winding forest path. They moved along a winding path, and the scenery of the secret realm quietly changed around them. The dense jungle gradually became sparse, replaced by bare rocks and cliffs.

The air began to become cold and the wind became biting.

However, Wang Hao and his team did not stop because of the terrain obstacles, and continued to walk towards the snow-capped mountains in the north. After a day of hiking, they also walked to the foot of the northern snow-capped mountains. The weather began to gradually get colder, and even Zhang Tiedan, who had the strongest physical fitness, began to wear a thick cotton jacket. The sky gradually turned into a dim dusk, and Wang Hao also asked them to stop. "Let's walk here today. We are close to the snow-capped mountains. I guess we can climb the mountain tomorrow. Let's camp and make a fire next to it." Liu Yuzhao and Zhang Tiedan also quickly unloaded their equipment and started camping. Ten minutes later, Wang Hao also lit up the campfire. Because the weather was very cold, the four of them gathered around the campfire to keep warm. Liu Yuzhao was also shivering with cold at this time, saying: "This damn weather is so cold, no wonder those teams ran from the north to the west!" Wang Hao also held a thermos cup and drank boiled hot water. Looking at the white snow-capped mountains in the distance, he was slightly absent-minded, wondering if there were any relics left here when the ancient spiritual energy revived? Not long after, the sky was completely dark.

It started to snow lightly at night on the snowy mountain.

Wang Hao also reminded them,

"It's cold, so go to bed early and prepare to climb the mountain early tomorrow morning!"

Because the snowy mountain is dangerous, Wang Hao's team took turns to keep watch, with each person keeping watch for three hours.

The first person to keep watch was Lin Qingxue, who was responsible for the first half of the night.

Wang Hao, Liu Yuzhao, and Zhang Tiedan were responsible for the second half of the night.

Liu Yuzhao and Zhang Tiedan quickly packed their sleeping bags and prepared to take a nap.

Wang Hao took a torch and patrolled the surroundings. He found that the surroundings were covered with white snow.

He could not judge whether there were nocturnal spirit beasts nearby.

Wang Hao frowned slightly. This was not easy to deal with. He could not judge the surrounding situation, so he had no way to know whether there was danger at night.

He had to be more careful when keeping watch at night.

So Wang Hao returned to the camp and told Lin Qingxue about this matter.

Lin Qingxue nodded slightly and said Said:

"Go and rest quickly. My ice ability allows me to sense things on the snowy mountain far better than other places. If there is any movement nearby, I will find it immediately!"

Wang Hao was relieved when he heard this and went into the tent to sleep.

Lin Qingxue, who was outside, saw Wang Hao enter the tent and turned her eyes to the surroundings, looking at the white snowy mountain in the distance.

She was thinking about whether she could get powerful spiritual skills on this snowy mountain trip. After all, the team that followed Wang Hao this time was the strongest among all the teams.

It was for this reason that Lin Qingxue hoped to get a powerful spiritual core this time and not drag the team down.

After a short trance, Lin Qingxue also remembered Wang Hao's reminder and began to keep watch seriously.

In fact, nothing happened during the three hours that Lin Qingxue kept watch.

Seeing Wang Hao getting up to hand over the shift, Lin Qingxue was relieved and went into the tent to rest.

At the beginning of the second half of the night, it seemed less peaceful.

The roar of snow wolves could be heard from time to time on the snowy mountain, which made Wang Hao more alert.

Wang Hao took out a customized long sword from his backpack. The only advantage of this standard long sword compared to his spiritual sword was that it did not consume spiritual power, and the feeling of holding the long sword was much better than that of the spiritual sword.

Wang Hao crossed his hands in front of his chest, holding his long knife, and kept patrolling around.


"Ah woo~~~"

The snow wolves on the snowy mountain kept calling. Because it was late, Wang Hao could not see the situation on the snowy mountain at all.

He only knew that the snow wolves seemed to be hunting and fighting...

But Wang Hao did not think much about it. As long as the fighting between the spirit beasts did not affect his one acre and three points of land, he would ignore them.

When Wang Hao was on guard, he would not stay around the camp like Lin Qingxue did.

He would walk out from time to time and patrol around.

But no matter how many times he patrolled, Wang Hao observed the ground and found that there were only his footprints on the snow.

No other spirit beasts passed by them.

Wang Hao saw that the three-hour night watch time was coming to an end, and he gave up the idea of ​​going deeper and went back to hand over the shift with Liu Yuzhao.


But not long after Wang Hao left,

a monster covered in blue fur came down from the tree.

Its movements were so light that it could hang on the tree and move, but the snow on the tree was not shaken off by its movements.

When its eyes saw the footprints on the ground, a terrifying smile appeared on the corners of its mouth, and the corners of its eyes also turned up.

It came down from the tree very lightly, stepping on Wang Hao's footprints.

It moved forward step by step in the direction of Wang Hao's return.

But after a few steps, the leather in its hand left a scratch on the edge of the footprints in the snow.

It was a little dissatisfied, so it put the leather on its head.

If someone saw its appearance, they would think it was a werewolf!

If an experienced hunter saw it, they would think it might be an experienced colleague who peeled off the skin of the wolf he hunted and put it on his body to scare other spirit beasts.

If a butcher saw its appearance, he would know at a glance that the wolf skin he was wearing was freshly killed!

There was still blood at the end of the wolf skin!

It followed Wang Hao's footprints step by step and moved towards the camp...

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