I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 51 Cooperation!


Wang Hao stopped completely when he saw that no one was catching up with him.

"Damn, I thought it was a wonderful encounter, but I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance. I can't get hard at all!"

Is this God's punishment for me?

Wang Hao didn't stop and chose to take a detour back to the camp.

He now had the urge to leave here immediately!

If Jiang Rou found out that their team was here,

she would definitely associate the peeping thief with herself!

Although he did peek just now...

Since it was still early, the others had not returned yet.

Wang Hao was also waiting for Lin Qingxue and the others to return in the camp.

He was going to run away first and go to the south to avoid the limelight.

He would come back to the giant ape territory after a while.

But Wang Hao waited for several hours until it was getting dark before he saw anyone coming back.

Liu Yuzhao waved happily at Wang Hao.

"Wang Hao! Guess who I met on the road?"

Wang Hao glanced behind Liu Yuzhao and saw the four members of Jiang Rou's team.

Wang Hao was petrified. What he feared would come true!

Is this Murphy's Law?

But Wang Hao also pretended to be calm and greeted them.

"Oh! What a coincidence! Jiang Rou, long time no see!"

Jiang Rou looked at Wang Hao suspiciously.

This guy is a bit abnormal! He even spoke foreign language?

But seeing Wang Hao's normal expression,

Jiang Rou also put away her scrutinizing eyes.

Wang Hao, who was chatting with Xu Zihang, saw Jiang Rou retract her gaze,

and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought to himself,

"Liu Yuzhao is such a jinx! Why did he invite all of them here?"

He also asked Liu Yuzhao how he met them.

Liu Yuzhao smiled and replied, "There is a hot spring nearby. Zhang Tiedan and I happened to pass by and saw Xu Zihang soaking in the hot spring, and then we started chatting."

"I also warmly invited them to our camp. If our two teams cooperate, wouldn't it be easy to take over this giant ape territory?"

Wang Hao slapped Liu Yuzhao on the back of his head. ,

"You are so smart!"

"We are in competition with them now!"

"You led them to our camp, isn't that the equivalent of leading the devils into the village?"

Liu Yuzhao also touched his head and said in pain: "I mean well, I asked them."

"They are also here to find the spirit core, and I learned from them that this group of giant apes is very united, wherever they go, they are a group,"

"And their strength is all at the first level, if they really fight, our team will definitely not be able to win!"

After hearing some information, Wang Hao's face also eased,

But this is indeed a difficult problem,

That group of giant apes is very united, how to separate them?

Cooperation is not a good solution.

When both parties returned to the camp,

Wang Hao also became the chef and started to fiddle with the ingredients by the campfire. Of course, Jiang Rou and the others didn't eat for free either, and they all helped out. "Xu Zihang! The soup isn't ready yet?" "Jiang Rou, why are you taking so long to put the garlic in?" Seeing Wang Hao's increasingly angry expression, Jiang Rou didn't tolerate him. She pinched his waist and made him turn 180 degrees! Wang Hao screamed in pain and didn't dare to show his anger to Jiang Rou. Jiang Rou looked at him from behind, her eyes slightly moving, and I don't know what she was thinking... Zhang Tiedan also thoughtfully looked for wood in the woods and made some tables and chairs, which could just accommodate eight people. The hot dinner was soon served by Wang Hao. Everyone sat around the table and tasted Wang Hao's cooking. Lin Gang picked up a piece of braised pork and put it in his mouth. His eyes lit up immediately: "Wow, this meat is so fragrant! The texture is delicate and the flavor is rich!"

Chen Yi also tasted the steamed fish and praised it highly: "This fish is really tender and delicious. With these condiments, it is simply delicious!"

Jiang Rou has a special liking for the sweet and sour spareribs made by Wang Hao.

In the past, when he went to Wang Hao's house, he often used this trick to entertain Jiang Rou.

"Not bad, it still tastes the same! I didn't expect you can cook in such a bad environment."

Wang Hao also said while picking up the dishes: "There is no way. People are iron and rice is steel. I will be hungry if I don't eat for a meal!"

"In the secret realm, of course you have to bring enough seasonings. You can't make my mouth suffer even if you suffer!"

Jiang Rou ('-')ノ)`-')Wang Hao,

Liu Yuzhao, Lin Qingxue and Xu Zihang also did not hesitate to praise Wang Hao's cooking skills. In the midst of laughter and joy, the bonfire illuminated everyone's face and warmed everyone's heart.

This meal not only filled their stomachs, but also brought the two teams closer together.

Xu Zihang spoke first at the table,

"Wang Hao, it's hard for a team to take over the giant ape territory here. Let's cooperate?"

Wang Hao also replied after hearing this, "How to cooperate? Do you have any more intelligence?"

Xu Zihang was afraid that Wang Hao would get their intelligence first, so he said firmly:

"Cooperate first! Then share intelligence! Old Wang, you have to have some shame, don't always come empty-handed every time."

Wang Hao saw that he was rubbed by Xu Zihang, and he didn't feel embarrassed and agreed to this cooperation.

Xu Zihang was relieved to see Wang Hao agreed, and began to explain the intelligence they had observed that day.

"First of all, the group of giant apes are social animals. If you mess with one, they will find many to beat you up."

"Our team suffered a loss on the first day we came here, and it took a lot of effort to get rid of them."

"Secondly, we have figured out the pattern. Those giant apes only come out to hunt during the day and rarely leave the territory at night."

"As for the rumored second-grade giant ape king, we have never seen him. He may have been deep in the territory."

"Finally, we explored the terrain and found that there is a basin deep in the giant ape territory with a very small exit and only one exit. It is difficult to lurk in."

After Xu Zihang finished speaking, Wang Hao also touched his chin and began to think.

Indeed, according to the information given by Xu Zihang, it is difficult to sneak into the basin.

And he can also guess that if there are relics in the giant ape territory, they must be in that basin!

Seeing Xu Zihang was so generous and gave them the specific information directly, Wang Hao also told them their information, "There may be a secret realm left over from ancient times in the giant ape territory! This is the information we got from the ruins of the cave in the snow mountain." Wang Hao's words also made Jiang Rou's eyes light up. She didn't expect that the secret realm they were in was actually a secret realm left over from ancient times! She heard from her father that such secret realms are generally rare. The Zhenling Division is generally not open to the public. Unexpectedly, they encountered it this time. This also deepened Jiang Rou's idea of ​​cooperating to conquer the giant ape territory!

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