
A gunshot sounded from the woods in the distance,

the bullet passed through the trajectory and shot towards the Giant Ape King,

but the Giant Ape King did not dodge at all, the bullet bounced off automatically after hitting its skin,

and did not cause any damage to it at all!

The Giant Ape King also looked at the direction that had just been shot at it with mockery,

and Liu Yuzhao still did not believe in evil and fired a few more shots, and they all hit the same position,

but the effect was still minimal, no effect at all.

Liu Yuzhao in the distance also put down the bird sniper in his hand,

and gritted his teeth and said: "Damn! Ordinary bullets are useless, this second-grade Giant Ape King is too tough!"

Xu Zihang, Jiang Rou and Lin Qingxue, who were closer, worked together to control the Giant Ape King.

Xu Zihang stirred the soil under the Giant Ape King's feet,

and Jiang Rou injected water under it,

making a mud pit under the Giant Ape King's feet and causing it to collapse!

Then Lin Qingxue froze the mud that trapped the Giant Ape King.

The three people's joint efforts still worked.

The Giant Ape King also struggled hard in the mud pit.

But the Giant Ape King found that the more it struggled, the harder it was to break free from the surrounding mud!

Xu Zihang also laughed and said: "(¬_¬) Stop struggling, just die, this is a non-Newtonian fluid! The more you struggle, the deeper you sink!"

Xu Zihang thought of this step when digging the mud pit.

Cooperating with Jiang Rou's water element, the ratio of mud to water was just controlled at a ratio of two to one, so that the Giant Ape King was deeply trapped in it!

"Next, watch my performance!<( ̄3 ̄)>"

Xu Zihang condensed the power of the earth element in his hand, gathered in his hand, and formed a small stone!

"Earth Explosion!!!"

Xu Zihang shot the small stone towards the mud pit where the Giant Ape King was,

Boom! ! !

The small stone exploded the moment it touched the Giant Ape King, forming a violent explosion!

The Giant Ape King was not a pushover. Seeing the threatening stone coming at him, he sank into the mud at his feet, using the mud to avoid the damage caused by the explosion! At the scene, the explosion rolled up dust! Fortunately, this place was far away from the periphery of the Giant Ape territory, and did not attract the attention of other Giant Apes. Several people looked at the rolling dust nervously, hoping to see the Giant Ape King being killed in the explosion. Unfortunately, things go against one's wishes, which is the norm in life! Before the rolling dust dissipated, they first saw a ten-meter-tall giant ape phantom in the dust! The Giant Ape King broke free from the shackles of the mud with his gigantic body! Wang Hao had seen this move before, and he shouted to the others, "Be careful! This is a giant! Its speed and reaction will also increase!" After hearing Wang Hao's reminder, everyone quickly retreated from the Giant Ape King, leaving a safe distance. Chen Yi in the distance directly added buffs to everyone, allowing them to retreat from the dangerous distance faster. The Giant Ape King was not stupid, and would not let people retreat so easily! It kicked hard with its feet, dispersing the billowing smoke. It landed on the ground with its feet, causing the surrounding ground to shake violently! The Giant Ape King appeared in their sight again. This time, its body was extremely huge and muscular, and every step it took made the ground tremble. Seeing this big guy, the people who were surrounding him couldn't help but feel a chill. "Be careful! It's coming!" Wang Hao reminded again, and the giant ape king became even faster! It took a step and came directly in front of Wang Hao, hitting the giant ape fist with force! Wang Hao did not delay, and retreated quickly with a series of teleportations.

Zhang Tiedan and Lin Gang on the side relied on physical enhancement to grow their bodies to more than two meters, trying to fight the Giant Ape King head-on!

But for the ten-meter Giant Ape King, this was like a dwarf meeting a giant!

As soon as the two faced the Giant Ape King, they were slapped away by it again!

But the Giant Ape King did not attack the two injured people again,

but continued to chase Wang Hao in front of him.

The Giant Ape King only had a strong hatred for him!

So this situation appeared on the battlefield.

Wang Hao was dodging the Giant Ape King's attacks and running away.

The Giant Ape King chased after Wang Hao, and the other seven people at the back followed the Giant Ape King and attacked. Bang! The Giant Ape King's fist hit Wang Hao's position again, but Wang Hao dodged it with teleportation. Then Wang Hao held the knife in his left hand, and dense white lines appeared on his hand, and he chopped at the arm of the Giant Ape King! The moment the lines on Wang Hao's arm lit up, the Giant Ape King was also slightly stunned. It had seen this kind of lines before! But this did not affect the Giant Ape King's desire to kill Wang Hao, and he still swung his giant fist at Wang Hao! After Wang Hao's knife touched the Giant Ape King's arm, Ka! Wang Hao's pupils contracted, and the standard long knife in his hand broke! But it was as it should be. They had fought more than ten times in the secret realm, and it was normal for the sword to be damaged. But this also reduced Wang Hao's combat ability by a level! As for using the spiritual sword, Wang Hao had no intention of doing so.

His teleportation consumes a lot of spiritual power. Even with the "Returning Spirit Technique", he was afraid that the recovery speed could not keep up with the speed of consumption of Wang Hao's two skills!

So now Wang Hao can only run passively and find it difficult to fight back!

And Jiang Rou and the others behind him were not idle either.

Jiang Rou controlled the water flow and tried to entangle the giant ape king's thigh.

Xu Zihang used earth and stone to form a wall to try to block the giant ape king's attack.

Chen Yi used her wind ability to speed up Wang Hao's speed.

And Lin Qingxue used the spiritual skill-blizzard to make the giant ape king temporarily unable to see Wang Hao clearly and help Wang Hao escape!

At this time, Wang Hao was also thinking hard about how to break the situation?

Liu Yuzhao in the distance also thought of something.

While chasing Wang Hao, he shouted to him: "Wang Hao! Axe!"

Hearing Liu Yuzhao's reminder, Wang Hao also woke up instantly!

I saw Wang Hao reaching into his alien space with one hand and taking out the axe he got on the snow mountain!

Wang Hao turned around and chopped at the giant fist that hit him!

White lines appeared in his left hand again, and the axe he was holding suddenly appeared with the same lines as if responding to him!

The two flashed white lines at each other, which doubled the power of the axe that chopped at the giant ape king!

This axe! See blood!

The scales on the giant ape king's fist were chopped open by Wang Hao!

The giant ape king also retracted his fist in pain at this time, looking at the axe in Wang Hao's hand with fear.

It recognized it at a glance! The axe was the axe of the snow monster on the snow mountain in the north!

In the past, it also fought with the first-grade perfect snow monster, and because it had two spiritual weapons, it easily won.

The giant ape king did not expect that the cunning snow monster would fall into their hands!

Now the giant ape king also began to be vigilant!

It has no spiritual weapon in its hand now, and it may not be able to beat Wang Hao and others who are carrying ancient spiritual weapons.

Suddenly, the giant ape king felt his stomach begin to hurt again!

Damn it! It's all your poison!

The Giant Ape King looked at Wang Hao with a hood in anger,

and didn't care about anything, and rushed towards Wang Hao again!

Wang Hao chuckled at this time: "Did you forget? I'm not fighting you alone?"

At this moment, two gunshots came from in front of the Giant Ape King!

Bang! ! !

Bang! ! !

The direction of the bullets was exactly the two eyes of the Giant Ape King!

Liu Yuzhao put down the scope again at this time, muttering to himself: "Although it can't cause any harm to you, it's okay to make your eyes hurt!"

After seeing the opportunity, the few people behind also attacked immediately!

Xu Zihang supported his hands on the ground, and a huge deep pit appeared under the feet of the Giant Ape King again!

And Jiang Rou also used the same trick again, cooperating with Xu Zihang to form a huge quagmire!

Lin Qingxue froze the surface of the quagmire, directly trapping the hands and feet of the Giant Ape King!

"Wang Hao!" Jiang Rou shouted, "Got it!" Wang Hao clenched the axe tightly, with white lines flashing on his left hand. He teleported to the back of the Giant Ape King and chopped at the Giant Ape King with all his strength! This axe! It pierced through the back of the Giant Ape King's neck! The Giant Ape King, who was struggling violently, also stopped struggling, and the Giant Ape King's head fell to the ground!

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