I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 63 Stone Gate!

Wang Hao looked around and found that the water level of the Lingquan, which was originally one meter high, slowly dropped. The water in the Lingquan pool dropped to half of its original level. Wang Hao also said with emotion: "The resources consumed in body refining are really a lot! No wonder there was a gap in the long river of history. It is estimated that it is difficult for ordinary people to bear this consumption. ( ̄ω ̄;)" Looking at the half-consumed pool, Wang Hao murmured: "I was very careful when tempering my left hand before, and avoided many key acupoints. I will take this opportunity to open up the acupoints of my left hand!" As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Hao sank into practice again. Most of the acupoints on the left hand are the same as those on the right hand. Wang Hao carefully felt the location of the acupoints in his right hand, and then followed the gourd to find the points of the acupoints on his left hand. Wang Hao was immersed in practice while looking for acupoints and opening acupoints. After an unknown period of time, when Wang Hao woke up completely, the water in the Lingquan had been consumed by Wang Hao. "You finally woke up!" Jiang Rou squatted beside Wang Hao with her hands supporting her face ( ̄ー ̄), watching Wang Hao practice,

"How long have I practiced?" Wang Hao asked,

Jiang Rou smiled and raised a finger,

Wang Hao touched his chin and said: "An hour? That's fast."

Jiang Rou's face was dark, and she said: "This is a day! We waited for you for a day!"

"Huh? ⊙∀⊙?" Wang Hao put on his clothes and walked outside. He saw the sky in the east was slightly yellow, which was a sign of morning.

"You've been practicing for so long, I didn't even realize it.Õ_Õ"

Jiang Rou also crossed her arms and walked out and said: "After we came back from the exploration, we saw you practicing in the spiritual spring, and we didn't disturb you."

"Where are the others? And how was the exploration yesterday?" Wang Hao asked, (-_-)ゞ

Jiang Rou replied: "Some people went to find food, and some people rested in the cave of the giant ape king."

"As for the exploration of the giant ape king's territory, we had already fully explored it yesterday. Except for some first-grade spiritual cores collected by the giant ape king, a total of thirty usable ones, the rest are all miscellaneous things, completely worthless!"

"By the way, there is another door at the deepest part, but it just can't be opened. Even when Lin Gang and Zhang Tiedan, two strength systems, pushed with all their strength, the door still didn't move!" Jiang Rou explained to Wang Hao.

Wang Hao also became interested and said, "Let's go! Go and take a look at that door."-=≡ヘ(*・ω・)ノ

Jiang Rou also nodded and led Wang Hao to the depths of the giant ape king's lair.

After a while, the two came to the stone door they found.

This double door has ancient and mysterious patterns, and the top is engraved with words that Wang Hao can't understand.

Wang Hao immediately reacted after seeing it.

This is one of the destinations of this trip!

Wang Hao can guess that behind this door, there must be something Wang Hao wants to know!

Wang Hao did not rush to study the stone door, but observed nearby.

Wang Hao found that the area around this stone door was very clean, and no weeds grew.

He looked carefully on the ground again and found that the stems of the plants were still there.

Wang Hao immediately realized that this area was not without weeds, but had been artificially removed!

And in the lair of the Giant Ape King, it is estimated that there is only one Giant Ape King,

This means that the Giant Ape King often passes this road.

Wang Hao turned back and observed the stone door.

As expected, as Wang Hao thought, there was not much dust on the stone door!

It can be inferred that there must be a way to open the secret room inside the stone door,

but Wang Hao needs to find it.

Wang Hao observed at the door, but he walked around and did not find any device similar to the mechanism.

There was only the ancient door standing quietly at the door.

Wang Hao also thought about the last time in the ruins on the snow mountain, when the axe was placed on the stone platform, the axe would emit light.

Based on this idea, Wang Hao took out the mask and gloves he had stolen from the Giant Ape King from the alien space, and tried to wave them in front of the stone door, but the stone door still did not move. Facing such a situation, Wang Hao also began to have troubles, stroking his chin and thinking about countermeasures. o(一︿一)o

Finally, Wang Hao asked Jiang Rou, "Did you bring water? (¬_¬)"

Jiang Rou shook her head and said, "No, but Liu Yuzhao took a few buckets of spiritual spring water while you were practicing."

Wang Hao saw Jiang Rou with a little funny look in his eyes, ─━ _ ─━✧ asked, "You didn't pretend too, did you?"

Jiang Rou snorted lightly and looked at Wang Hao with contempt,

"Do you think I'm a loser like you? I'm still pretending to be your bath water? Bah!"

Jiang Rou (∩`滚´)⊃━王浩

Wang Hao also teased, "If there is really your bath water, I can take it." (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)ゞ

"Bah! Hooligan! (〝▼皿▼)"

The two of them walked towards the door while bickering, and found Liu Yuzhao who was chewing dry food.

When the two returned to the door, they saw that everyone had gathered,

Wang Hao also said, "You came just in time! Let's go and see the stone gate at the deepest part. Yuzhao, take the spring water you collected from the spirit pool. " "Okay!" Although Liu Yuzhao didn't know what Wang Hao was going to do, he agreed to Wang Hao and took out two buckets of spring water from his backpack. Everyone came to the door again. Jiang Rou asked Wang Hao in confusion, "What are you going to do?" Wang Hao also smiled and replied: "Sometimes you have to rely on your brain for this kind of thing. ㄟ(▔ ,▔)ㄏ”

While speaking, Wang Hao took the bucket of water that Liu Yuzhao brought over and drank it by himself.

Others also looked at Wang Hao's operation with confusion.

Wang Hao did not explain too much. He held the water in his mouth and walked to the stone door.


Wang Hao sprayed the water in his mouth evenly, and the sprayed water stuck to the dust on the wall.

A small area of ​​the door was wetted by water, and the traces of the door dust could be clearly seen under the illumination of the flashlight.

Wang Hao turned his head to look at the others and found that they were all looking at themselves.

Wang Hao also said: "Why are you still standing there? Help! ”

With Wang Hao’s reminder, the others also started to move, imitating Wang Hao’s movements and spraying water at the stone door.

Only Jiang Rou, Lin Qingxue and Chen Yi did not move.

At first, Lin Qingxue and Chen Yi were also thinking about going over to help,

but as soon as they walked out, they were stopped by Jiang Rou, who whispered something in her ear.

Lin Qingxue and Chen Yi blushed (〃ノωノ) and ran away.

And Liu Yuzhao held the spiritual spring with an ugly face,


because among the people spraying water, only he knew where the water came from,

but he had no choice but to work honestly under Wang Hao’s coercion and inducement.

The stone door slowly showed traces under the efforts of everyone.

At this time, several people also understood what Wang Hao was going to do,

because when they sprayed water on the place where Lin Gang and Zhang Tiedan pushed the door yesterday,

the handprints of the two people appeared in that place!

“So that’s it! "Several people exclaimed (゚⊿゚)ツ,

"Wang Hao, it's a pity that you don't go to Zhenling Division to be a detective consultant in the future!" Liu Yuzhao praised,

Wang Hao also accepted the praise from everyone, but he was still working hard,

because he hadn't seen the traces he wanted to see yet, and Wang Hao was frowning at this time,

if he still couldn't find any traces of the Giant Ape King, he would have no other choice.

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