I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 69 The Knockout Round Begins!

After Wang Hao returned to the camp, he changed his clothes first, and then he had to kill the goat! ╰(艹皿艹 )

There was nothing to say, just because the goat dared to shit on his head again,

Wang Hao wanted to be zero-tolerance and kill it directly!

In the end, the goat did not escape the fate of being made into kebabs, and was directly made into food by Wang Hao, becoming Wang Hao and others' dinner today!

Lin Qingxue, Liu Yuzhao and Zhang Tiedan were also enjoying the roasted whole lamb made by Wang Hao.

Listening to Wang Hao's story of chasing the goat, several people laughed out loud,

"Hahahahaha! Shit in front of you from a high place!"

"Hahaha! No wonder you chased this goat and killed it like you had a grudge!"

"This goat is also top-notch! In the end, it can come up with the operation of jumping off the cliff, which can make you so popular!"

Liu Yuzhao was the first to laugh so hard!

He laughed while holding his stomach and patted Wang Hao's shoulder.

"Shut up! Eat your lamb leg! ╰(艹皿艹 )" Wang Hao regretted saying it a little.

Liu Yuzhao also put away his smile and said seriously: "Wang Hao! Pay attention recently!"

"Don't worry! Those shrimp soldiers and crab generals can't stop me. It's useless for them to monitor me all day long. They are just here to give away points!" Wang Hao looked at the distance with contempt.

Liu Yuzhao shook his head and said: "It's not this matter. I want you to pay attention and don't be too unlucky recently. After all, "shit" is coming! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ"

Wang Hao was silent by Liu Yuzhao... o_o ....

Suddenly, Wang Hao took action. He snatched the roasted lamb leg from Liu Yuzhao's hand,

and pushed Liu Yuzhao to the ground with one hand, then Wang Hao rode on him and pressed Liu Yuzhao's hands with his feet,

and then stuffed the lamb leg in his hand into his mouth!

Wang Hao smiled and said to Liu Yuzhao (~ ̄▽ ̄)~: "Wouldn't it be nice to just eat your roasted lamb leg? You have to make trouble, right~~~~"

Wang Hao's evil little hand was moving regularly around Liu Yuzhao's waist.

He knew Liu Yuzhao's weakness very well~~~~

He was ticklish~~~

Then let you experience the feeling of being worse than death, hehehe~~~(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

"Hahahaha, Wang Hao was wrong! Wrong! Stop tickling!"

"Dad! Wrong, wrong!" It hadn't even been a minute, and Liu Yuzhao had admitted his mistake directly.

Wang Hao saw that he had a good attitude in admitting his mistake, so he stood up and didn't bother with him.

After the two got up from the ground and returned to the dining table, Lin Qingxue also put away her playful smile and started to discuss business. "The elimination round will start in two days. Jiang Rou reminded me when she left that someone wanted to find them to unite to deal with you. (T_T)" "I also know about this, so I want to strike first! (▔, ▔) ㄏ "Wang Hao said confidently, This is not Wang Hao's blind arrogance, but Wang Hao believes that he really has the strength to beat them. Before, Wang Hao could beat them all, and this time he can still do it! After Wang Hao experienced the last tempering of the meridians and opening of the acupoints on his right hand, his strength has not only increased a little, his current physical strength alone can be comparable to some late-stage second-grade masters! "What should I do?" Liu Yuzhao also recovered and asked seriously, (`_´)ゞ

"Simple! Just wait for the elimination round to start, and with your talent as a spirit ant, you can find people around to kill!"

"Two ways! I will be in a group alone, attracting firepower, and you can just sneak attack." Wang Hao said so,

Liu Yuzhao suddenly became righteous, "How can that be! Let you attract firepower alone?"

Liu Yuzhaoヽ( ̄ω ̄( ̄ω ̄〃)ゝrighteousness

Wang Hao glanced at Liu Yuzhao, "Then how about you take over? I will sneak attack? (¬‿¬)"

"That won't work... You should do it." (〃` 3′〃) Liu Yuzhao suddenly became cowardly again...

"That's it, why are you talking so much! (¬_¬)"

The few of them discussed the details at the dinner table again, and didn't leave until late at night.

Time passed quickly, and two days passed quickly.

Wang Hao had been wandering around the south with his team these two days, looking for other relics.

As a result, Wang Hao and his team really found an abandoned cemetery, which was a clothing tomb.

There was only a standard Tang sword in it, which was no different from the one Wang Hao had found in the cave where he hid his soldiers before.

The only feature was probably that it was hard enough to compete with the axe Wang Hao got.

But it was good this way, at least he had another handy weapon in his hand, and he could hide the weapons he had that he couldn't see the light of.

When three bells rang in the secret realm, the drone's voice broadcast appeared again, "Fifteen days have passed, the survival competition is over, and the elimination competition is about to begin!" "This elimination competition will also be live-streamed by drones! Please be prepared!" "All points in the survival competition have been settled now, and each team can view the real-time rankings on the bracelet!" As he spoke, many people turned on the projection function on the bracelet and checked the current rankings. Wang Hao also turned on the projection function on the bracelet and checked the team's rankings. As expected, it was at the top of the list! Ranking list:

1. Guangfu No. 2 Middle School (Wang Hao Team) 900 points

2. Guangfu No. 1 Middle School (Jiang Rou Team) 700 points

3. Guangfu No. 1 Middle School (Zhang Tianyao Team) 400 points

4. Guangfu No. 3 Middle School (Ye Ye Team) 350 points


Wang Hao kept scrolling down until he saw the second team from Guangfu No. 2 Middle School.

Xu Yang Team ranked seventh with only 200 points....

This... is really a bit low!

Liu Yuzhao started to curse, what a damn pig teammate! (งᵒ̌皿ᵒ̌)ง⁼³₌₃

They ran around in the secret realm, killing snow monsters! Entering the giant ape territory! Killing the giant ape king!

They kept widening the gap, but the low score of Xu Yang Team pulled them back to the same starting line as Guangfu No. 1 Middle School!

Even the usually quiet Lin Qingxue couldn't help but complain, (◦`~´◦)

"What the hell is Xu Yang doing? Is he here to hold us back?"

Even Zhang Tiedan, who was standing by, followed Liu Yuzhao in scolding them.

After seeing the score, Wang Hao thought that Xu Yang's score was a bit unreasonable,

"Unreasonable? Hao, you should know that if you are not good, you need to practice more." Liu Yuzhao said, <( ̄3 ̄)>

Wang Hao also agreed with Liu Yuzhao's words, but still gave an explanation, saying:

"Xu Yang's team is actually not bad, at least it is at the same level as the first team of No. 3 Middle School, but the score is 150 points lower than that of the first team of No. 3 Middle School, which is really intriguing!"

Wang Hao played with all the teams in the competition once,

and he knew their strengths, and he also understood the strength of Xu Yang's team.

The most reasonable explanation Wang Hao could give was that they were targeted.

"In fact, the means that other schools want to use against us are very simple. If they don't stop us from getting points, they can't stop us either! So let's try our best to limit Xu Yang's score."

"At least in this way, the total score of the two teams won't be very different!" Wang Hao explained.

Finally, Wang Hao said with a smile: "Poor Xu Yang, not only was he restricted by others, but he also had to lose money when he came back, hahahaha, miserable!"ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ

PS: I felt that the beginning of the novel was a bit bad, so I made some changes!

Added some settings and future branch plots. If you have time, please go and take a look. If you can leave comments, I will also watch it carefully! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

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