I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 72 One Man Fights Thirty Enemies!

While Wang Hao was surrounded by many enemies,

on a cliff in the distance,

Ye Ye sat on the cliff and watched the scene of thirty first-class warriors surrounding Wang Hao.

Behind him, Miao Ling walked to his side and asked: "Zhang Tianyao also invited us, are you going?"

"No! If you want to go, you can go with your own people. (-ι_- )" At this point, Ye Ye lay down.

Miao Ling looked at Ye Ye lying down, frowned slightly, and asked: "You still can't face him?" (`へ´)=3

Ye Ye was silent for a long time,

and gave his answer: "Have you ever felt the feeling of death?"

"The last time I fought, I experienced that feeling firsthand, as if time was suspended at that moment."

"His fist was only about three centimeters away from me at the time, and I could clearly feel the power of his fist! It seemed that he would smash my head in the next second!"

"At that moment, my adrenaline soared, and I could actually do a lot of things, but the spiritual sword fragments around me that were gradually approaching me pulled me back to reality."

"I can't do it! I can't avoid that punch!"

Even now when he thinks back, he will tremble unconsciously!

Wang Hao left him with an indelible shadow at the time, which would take him a long time to smooth out.

Miao Ling was silent for a while, then she left.

She wanted to watch the encirclement and suppression.

It would be a good thing if it could succeed, as they would have one less competitor.

It would not matter if it could not succeed, as they would not participate in the encirclement and suppression!

But in fact, Miao Ling wanted to participate in the encirclement and suppression, but she could not persuade Ye Ye, so she had to give up.

She also respected the choice made by Ye Ye, and stopped asking him about his affairs. Some things needed him to come out of it on his own.

"You better be careful, Wang Hao did not hold back this time!" Ye Ye looked at the group of people at the foot of the mountain and reminded them.


The perspective returned to the front battlefield,

Wang Hao held two swords in his hands, and the spiritual pressure from his body made none of the thirty people who were encircling and suppressing dare to move forward first!

"What? No one dared to attack first?" Wang Hao looked at them with contempt,

"Then I will do it!"

Wang Hao moved first, and his figure teleported and disappeared in front of everyone!

Facing the encirclement and suppression of thirty first-grade students, he was fearless and full of fighting spirit.


Wang Hao launched an attack to the right, and the spirit sword and the long sword collided with other weapons in the air,

and the sound of ping-pong continued to be heard!

Wang Hao's attack was fierce and his momentum was like a rainbow, which made people shudder.

In just a moment of fighting, Wang Hao broke through the encirclement on the right!

Zhang Tianyao also reacted,

and blocked Wang Hao in front of him with a step,

"Wang Hao!!! (╬◣д◢)" Zhang Tianyao shouted with bared teeth,

but even he could hardly stop Wang Hao!

"Humph! You couldn't stop me when I kicked the gym! You still can't stop me now! (¬_¬)" Wang Hao said with a cold look,

and saw that the spirit sword blocked by Zhang Tianyao suddenly broke into countless pieces!

It flew quickly towards the people behind Zhang Tianyao!

Zhang Tianyao was stunned at first, then he shouted: "Wang Hao! You dare!!!"

"Why shouldn't I dare? Idiot! ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ  " As soon as the voice fell, the Tang sword in his right hand slashed towards Zhang Tianyao's face fiercely.

Facing the Tang sword slashing towards him, Zhang Tianyao had no time to care about the others behind him.

He could only activate the hardening to resist Wang Hao's Tang sword with all his strength.

But those behind Zhang Tianyao were not so lucky.

Some were hit by the fragments of Wang Hao's spiritual sword and fell to the ground seriously injured.

Some had their bracelets cut and were forced to teleport away.

The thirty people who were originally encircling and suppressing the enemy were reduced to only more than twenty people after Wang Hao's attack!

After Wang Hao stabbed Zhang Tianyao, he also retreated and distanced himself from them.

He counted the number of people around him and found that there were still more than twenty people. He frowned slightly and was not very satisfied with this attack.

Then Wang Hao looked at the drone that was filming the live broadcast next to him and asked, "If they are hit by a fatal attack, will they be pierced away?"

The drone was silent for a while, and then Chen Sheng's voice came from the radio,

"You can attack with confidence, and don't hold back. I'll watch you. If any of you are in fatal danger, I will break the bracelet."

Chen Sheng's words were not only for Wang Hao to hear, but also for others to hear,

Let them feel free to encircle and suppress Wang Hao, and he will take care of anything!

This sentence was also heard in the live broadcast room, and the barrage exploded in an instant,

"Fight with abandon! It's really boring if you don't fight with abandon!"

"Teacher, my Zi Han won't get hurt, right?"

"Why take the Lingwu College Entrance Examination if you don't have any blood? If you're afraid of getting hurt, just go to the ordinary college entrance examination!"

"Support, support!"

Most of the live broadcast audiences were watching the excitement and cheering!

The crowd's cheering raised the heat of the entire live broadcast room again!

When Wang Hao heard Chen Sheng ask him to fight with abandon, the corners of his mouth rose.

"Then come on! Let's see if you have more people or my sword is faster!" Wang Hao threw his hand, and the spiritual sword in his left hand returned to its position again!

The remaining twenty-odd people were no longer restricted by the rules.

They were also full of fighting spirit in their eyes, and they all held their weapons tightly, ready to attack at any time!

The battle started again!

More than twenty first-grade students worked closely together to launch a siege.

They attacked Wang Hao from all directions with various weapons, knives, swords, hammers or guns.

This time, their attacks were not as weak as last time, and they chose to fight Wang Hao head-on!

Wang Hao's figure kept teleporting, quickly dodging the opponent's attacks.

His double swords were like two poisonous snakes, spitting out snake tongues, constantly attacking the opponent's vital points.

Trying to disrupt their offensive rhythm, as long as they were disrupted, Wang Hao would be much easier to fight.

The battle became more and more intense!

The attacks of more than 20 first-grade students became more and more fierce,

but Wang Hao's figure became more and more flexible, and his double swords were like two lightnings, constantly shuttling through the opponent's attacks.

Every attack of Wang Hao was full of murderous intent, which made people terrified.

Suddenly, Wang Hao's figure disappeared in the air in an instant, and then appeared behind a first-grade opponent.

The double swords in his hands were like two poisonous snakes, stabbing at the back of the student at the same time.

The student screamed in fear, but it was too late!

When the double swords were about to penetrate his body,

the man's bracelet was instantly broken and was directly teleported out!

After seeing Wang Hao's technique, the others felt cold on their backs and were a little scared.

Wang Hao shook off the blood on the knife, then put the back of the knife on his arm and clamped it,

pulling it slightly to wipe the remaining blood on the knife.

He licked his lips and muttered to himself: "This way I can fight with confidence!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Hao quickly moved again!

In a moment, another person was attacked and killed by Wang Hao, and was teleported away at the moment of chopping his head!

The others were stunned. They didn't expect Wang Hao's speed to be so fast, which caught them off guard.

They knew that they couldn't go on like this, otherwise they would all become Wang Hao's "dead souls under the knife".

Zhang Tianyao also said with a gloomy face: "Two people in a group to prevent him from attacking from behind!"

The rest of the people also obeyed and stood back to back to guard against Wang Hao's attack!

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