I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 75 Changes In The Standings!

Wang Hao took another look at the scoreboard in his hand and found that Guangfu No. 3 Middle School was rising very fast. Their second team had already ranked in the top five!


1. Guangfu No. 2 Middle School (Wang Hao's team) 1700 points

2. Guangfu No. 1 Middle School (Jiang Rou's team) 1200 points

3. Guangfu No. 3 Middle School (Ye Ye's team) 750 points

4. Guangfu No. 3 Middle School (Liu Yu's team) 460 points

5. Guangfu No. 2 Middle School (Xu Yang's team) 400 points


Liu Yuzhao frowned as he looked at the scoreboard.

He also felt that if this continued, Guangfu No. 3 Middle School would be a big threat. The two teams of these three middle schools were both in the top five.

The speed of scoring would be much faster than theirs!

"There is... a way to find the whereabouts of the people from No. 3 Middle School!" Zhang Tiedan raised his hand to indicate,

"Oh? What method? (-_-)ゞ" Liu Yuzhao asked,

Zhang Tiedan replied: "Ask someone! Didn't you find a few teams nearby? ╮( •́ω•̀ )╭"

"....(¬_¬)" His answer left Liu Yuzhao speechless, although this is the most efficient way now!

After listening to Zhang Tiedan's suggestion, Wang Hao nodded and accepted it, and started looking for other teams nearby.

After a while, Wang Hao followed the direction given by Liu Yuzhao and found a team scattered here.

The team he found was the team of Wenyuan Girls' School. Coincidentally, Wang Hao knew the captain of this team!

"(^U^)ノ~YO哟~~~, Lin Huohuo is you!" He smiled and waved at them,

"Oh? Lin Huohuo? (⊙o⊙)" Liu Yuzhao also remembered who she was,

Lin Huohuo, Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao were classmates in junior high school, so the three of them naturally knew each other,

Lin Huohuo looked at Wang Hao waving carefully, and protected the other members of the team behind him!

Wang Hao scratched his head awkwardly as he looked at Lin Huohuo's actions and said: "(≖_≖ ) Am I that scary? We are old classmates after all, why are you looking at me like you are guarding against thieves!"

"Who knows if you are a weasel paying New Year's greetings to chickens - you have no good intentions! o(´^`)o" Lin Huohuo stuck out her tongue at him,

Wang Hao rolled his eyes, grinned,

said in a threatening tone: "If you do this, I will take your captain card!─━ _ ─━✧"

Hearing Wang Hao's threatening words, Lin Huohuo also retreated again and again with the members of the team vigilantly,

She also put the card on her chest and covered it with both hands, fearing that Wang Hao would take it away!

"I'm telling you! If you dare to come and grab it, I will yell molest! Let everyone see your ugly face, Wang Hao! (งᵒ̌皿ᵒ̌)ง⁼³₌₃" Lin Huohuo threatened Wang Hao. Wang Hao looked at Lin Huohuo's serious expression and stopped teasing her. He told her the purpose of coming this time, (`へ´)=3 "Okay! I won't tease you anymore! I'm not here to grab your captain card this time! I'm here to ask if you have seen anyone from Guangfu No. 3 Middle School?" Lin Huohuo relaxed her guard a little after hearing Wang Hao's words. After thinking for a while, she said, "I have seen them. The two teams are together and have never separated. It seems that they went to the direction of the snow mountain in the past few days!" After hearing the useful information, Wang Hao's eyes lit up and he turned around and walked towards the snow mountain. When he looked back, he left a sentence,

"It's a bit flat, the captain card will fall off~~~"

"Wang Hao! You bastard!ヽ(#`Д´)ノ" Lin Huohuo was also very angry with Wang Hao, and threw stones in the direction of Wang Hao,

but Wang Hao had already run far away after he finished speaking, and Lin Huohuo couldn't catch up with him at all.

The four people who got useful information also rushed towards the snow mountain, hoping to reach the snow mountain again tonight.

But what Wang Hao didn't know was that while they were rushing to the snow mountain,

Ye Ye also cleared all the teams here from the south.

After they found out that Wang Hao went to the western lake,

Ye Ye made a decision: "Stay here for a day! Go to the western secret realm to get points tomorrow!"

No one else refuted Ye Ye's words, and they obeyed and began to set up camp on the spot.

Ye Ye opened the scoreboard. They eliminated three teams today, and all the points were added to the second team. Now the scores of the two teams are 750 points for one team and 760 points for the other team, respectively ranking the third and fourth teams in the rankings!

He looked at the top two again, and found that Wang Hao's team's score did not increase in the afternoon except for the big increase in the morning. This means that Wang Hao's team slowed down the efficiency of scoring in order to find them! The second Jiang Rou team was much more stable, and the score has been steadily increasing. Ye Ye speculated that if Wang Hao wanted to find them, he would definitely walk along the road they had walked before. So he thought that Wang Hao would set out for the snow mountain tomorrow! And they could follow Wang Hao to harvest points! Run to the west where Wang Hao had just searched to get points! He would not find them. When Wang Hao ran to the bottom of the valley in the south, they could run to the snow mountain to chase points again. This is the dark under the lamp! (⌐■皿■;)...... It was already dusk, and Wang Hao and others were exhausted after running all the way. The four members of the team also camped by a lake to rest. Wang Hao was also looking at the changing standings at this time.

He frowned. The two teams from No. 3 Middle School scored points a little too quickly. This was a threat!

We must hurry up to find them and suppress them tomorrow!

The night passed quickly. The remaining teams seemed to have a tacit understanding and chose not to travel at night.

The main reason was that night was the hunting period for spirit beasts.

If they really chose to attack at this time, they would probably encounter those powerful spirit beasts!

This would be counterproductive and might even cause the loss of players and elimination from the competition.

The first night of the elimination match passed quickly, and time came to the second day.

Wang Hao's team had gotten up early. After packing up their things, they rushed towards the snow-capped mountains.

More than an hour later, Wang Hao's team arrived at the snow-capped mountains.

"Yu Zhao!"

"Understood!" Liu Yu Zhao knew the purpose of Wang Hao calling him.

He released the Yuling Ling Ant in his hand and began to explore the surroundings.

Wang Hao was also waiting at the foot of the snow-capped mountains, always observing the changes in the standings.

For some reason, Wang Hao always felt a strange feeling.

He felt that if he continued to search in this way, he might not find anyone from No. 3 Middle School!

But this is just Wang Hao's intuitive judgment, without any substantial basis.

It can be seen from the scoreboard that Jiang Rou's team and Ye Ye's team are trying hard to catch up.

The score format on the scoreboard has changed.

In order to facilitate the viewing of the live broadcast, the official cancelled the team score format,

and used the school total score format to integrate the data.

Wang Hao thinks this is also good, at least he can intuitively see the gap between several schools.


First place Guangfu No. 2 Middle School 2100 points!

Second place Guangfu No. 1 Middle School 1800 points!

Third place Guangfu No. 3 Middle School 1510 points!


After reading the entire list,

Wang Hao can intuitively see that there are actually only two competitors this time,

One Guangfu No. 1 Middle School! One Guangfu No. 3 Middle School!

The gap between the other schools and the top three is too large, with a difference of nearly 1,000 points.

Even if all the scores of all schools are given to the fourth and fifth schools, it is impossible to surpass Wang Hao and his team.

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