I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 96 Mission!

In Li Zhengyang's office at the Shaanxi headquarters of Zhenling Division,

Li Zhengyang was drinking tea with someone,

and the two men and women opposite him were Li Jingyuan and Gu Qingqing!

"Xiao Yuan and Qingqing, why are you here instead of staying in Yanjing?" Li Zhengyang asked while drinking tea.

"You don't like Yanjing being too comfortable. The master wants us to come out and gain experience!" Li Jingyuan replied with a smile.

"Another pair of kids who want to come here to gain experience. Do you really think this is an amusement park? (`へ´)=3" Li Zhengyang held his forehead with one hand and sighed.

"Oh? Another pair? ∑(´△`)?!" Gu Qingqing found different words.

Li Zhengyang did not hide it from them and explained: "Wang Hao from Guangzhou came here to gain experience and find treasures during the winter vacation."

"It's them! Uncle Li, do you know what secret place they went to?" Li Jingyuan said excitedly.

Even Gu Qingqing, who was silent at the side, had a different light in her eyes.

Li Jingyuan and Gu Qingqing are considered to be the top students in Yanjing middle school, but they often feel bored, because they are much stronger than their peers. There are hundreds of colleges in Yanjing! But no college dares to compete with Yanjing High School and Wuhan University High School. Almost every year, the finals of the Yanjing College League are played by Yanjing High School and Wuhan University High School. The schools where the two are located have their own wins and losses in the annual confrontation. But because of this, Li Jingyuan and Gu Qingqing are well aware of each other's methods. There is no fun in the battle between the two sides! Until someone made a ranking list of geniuses in colleges and universities across the country, the two became interested in some of them. Among them, the one who can arouse their fighting spirit the most is Wang Hao, who ranks third! Seeing that the two of them were so eager to fight, Li Zhengyang would not think of dampening their fighting spirit. He pointed to the data room and said, "Do you want me to ask for you?" Li Jingyuan and Gu Qingqing also nodded quickly. So Li Zhengyang got up and went to the data room. Coincidentally, Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao also came out of the data room after finding clues! Wang Hao smiled and greeted Li Zhengyang: "Uncle Li!" "Have you found the secret realm you want to go to?" Li Zhengyang asked. "I found it. It's in the Hedong Secret Realm near Hedong County!" Wang Hao nodded and said. Li Zhengyang was also stunned after hearing this, and then reminded: "Go to that secret realm? Then you have to be careful. The Hedong Secret Realm is a third-grade secret realm, and it is very likely that a fourth-grade spirit beast will appear. The most important thing is that there are many local snakes there! " "Uncle Li, don't worry, even if we can't beat them, we can still run away!" Wang Hao said confidently. This is really not Wang Hao bragging! Since Wang Hao cultivated the Little Tiangang Body, his physical strength alone can fight against some third-grade spirit beasts!

Moreover, after Wang Hao was promoted to the first grade, his teleportation distance also changed from the original limit of 25 meters to 100 meters.

Wang Hao dared to say that his ability to escape was top-notch below the fourth grade!

"Okay, you are also from the Zhenling Division, I will give you a task by the way." Li Zhengyang said while opening his mobile phone to search for files,

"There are still tasks? What tasks?" Wang Hao asked in confusion,

while Liu Yuzhao on the side was full of excitement,

the tasks assigned by the Zhenling Division will be included in the files,

If they can complete it successfully, it will be a plus point for Liu Yuzhao to apply for Zhenling Wuda!

"Wang Hao! Accept it! I also need this opportunity!" Liu Yuzhao reminded on the side,

Wang Hao then nodded: "I accept this task!"

After Li Zhengyang added Wang Hao's contact information, he handed a document to Wang Hao,

He explained: "In the Hedong Secret Realm, recently all our informants in the Black Dragon Gang and Viper organizations have lost contact. I suspect that these two organizations are doing something behind the scenes."

Speaking of this, Li Zhengyang's eyes became cold,

"Your task is very simple, just pay attention to the movements of these two organizations in the secret realm, and I will send someone to contact you in the secret realm later!"

"Received!" Wang Hao clenched his right fist and smashed it on his chest, giving Li Zhengyang a military salute of the Zhenling Division!

Liu Yuzhao next to him also followed suit and saluted Li Zhengyang!

Li Zhengyang also smiled at the two of them, and stepped forward to correct the two people's salute movements.

"Remember, the military salute of the Zhenling Division is to hang the right hand over the heart!"

"Also, the level you inherited is actually the same as mine! You don't need to salute me."

"Ah? Is my level so high?Σ(っ °Д °;)っ"

Wang Hao felt more and more that the identity he inherited was really not simple!

But Wang Hao didn't ask more, because time was tight.

The two of them quickly left the Shaanxi headquarters of the Zhenling Division and set off for Hedong County!

After they left, Li Zhengyang also told Li Jingyuan and Gu Qingqing about their trip to the Hedong Secret Realm.

The two of them also went to Hedong County to find the Hedong Secret Realm without stopping.

Li Zhengyang stood in front of the French window on the second floor of the headquarters and watched the two teams leave.

He also put away the smile he had when talking to Wang Hao and the others, and turned to ask the secretary behind him: "Have you found out where the Black Dragon Gang's informant went?" The secretary behind him nodded and replied: "Yes! He died in the mountains near Hedong County. When we found him, he had been eaten by the nearby spirit beasts and was unrecognizable!" "What about the Viper's informant?" Li Zhengyang asked again, "I don't know the details yet. Viper's people are also looking for him!" The secretary behind him paused after saying this, and said again: "There is another piece of news. Recently, several groups of people from the Black Triangle area have come to northern Shaanxi!" Li Zhengyang frowned deeply after hearing this. The New Year is coming soon. Good things don't come often, but bad things come one after another! "Keep an eye on the people from the Black Triangle! If the people from the Black Triangle have any contact with the Black Dragon Gang or the Viper Organization, notify me immediately!"



On the other side, Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao arrived at Hedong County first.

This is not a tourist destination, so few people come here.

Most of them are local residents living here.

Wang Hao walked up and asked the old man who was enjoying the cool air on the side: "Uncle! Do you know how to get to the Hedong Secret Realm here?"

"Hedong Secret Realm? Go west for eight kilometers and you will see the river. If you can see the guards by the river, that's it!" The old man spoke with a northern Shaanxi accent,

"Are there many people coming to that secret realm?" Wang Hao also imitated the northern Shaanxi accent and chatted with the old man.

"They are just young people making trouble. What gangs are they from?"

"I think these people are bad students. They are always trying to form gangs!"

The old man started chatting with them, and Wang Hao also heard a lot from him.

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