Curl rumble!

The raised ground erupts. At the top, lumps of reddish lava explode like shells.

Masses of lava scattered into the sky attack the monsters as they are. Monsters near the volcano are swept away by the dreaded magma tsunami and disappear without a trace.

- Kyaaaaaaaah!


It is like looking at the scenery of the end of the century.

Those terrible beasts are being erased from the world in hundreds or thousands of units.

'Ha ha ha ha ha.'

I was staring down at it, lost in the air. Still, there was no such disaster as magic, such as the sky being covered with volcanic debris.

It just devours everything in the circle's radius with magma equally.

Yes, this should be enough to be a wizard.

After all, speaking of the symbol of wizards, isn't it genocide magic? In a way, the 'Volcano Ground', which creates an artificial volcano out of nowhere in the middle of an enemy line, is the magic that is most faithful to its concept. it's all cool

Even below, people stopped and looked at the volcano with bewildered faces.

“…what am I looking at?”

"Is this the Hunter's ability too?"

"It's not in the human realm."

Just then, bang! Along with the sound, you can see Hongyeon's gigantic sword strike reaching out to the sky.

- Here, you succeeded in defeating Hongyeon Level 3, Chief Cheon.

Her hoarse voice rings in her ears.


Hong Yeon did it too.

The monsters who lost their captain and faced the volcano flee all at once.

Those who saw it felt relieved and cheered or hugged and cried out for victory.

The civilians in the building are jumping out of the house to see if the news has been delivered.

The tension is released, and my body slowly sinks to the ground.

"Uh-huh, that person is falling!"


With the voices of the people, I lost my mind.

* * *

rumble! rumble!

Now that I'm sick of shaking, I woke up thinking.

'It's a place that shakes again as soon as you open your eyes.'

He looked around. I was in the car. He was lying on a seat with his feet comfortably stretched out.

"Are you awake? Senior."

My hair was falling down and a beautiful girl looked down at me. She was a little surprised.

Even this dangerous angle could not do anything to her beauty.

'But why this angle?'


I wake up to a soft voice.

ok now i know I was lying on Hong-yeon's knee.

I didn't do anything amateurish, such as jumping up in surprise. I wanted to enjoy this grace in various positions, so I naturally took a side-lying position.

She was wearing comfy shorts, not an armored suit, and I was cutting her bare legs. I could smell the fragrant soap and flesh from a fresh shower.

"Wake up when you wake up."

… … yep, that's petty.

I was forced to stand up. He was wearing the short-sleeved shorts he had brought to bed.

Aside from us, the Allied soldiers were sitting opposite us, and some were throwing strange glances at us.

"How long have you slept?"

"About 12 hours."

"How was the battle?"

Hongyeon calmly closed her eyes and answered.

"We won. Kisowa was liberated, and the ships of the Federation Army arrived safely and supplied supplies. Tabes lost the Commander Cheon, 5 plants, and tens of thousands of monsters."

Wow. It was a great victory, needless to say.

"This battle is called 'volcanic battle' by the Tanzanians. Senior is praised as the greatest contributor and hero of the volcano. Some call it the reincarnation of an indigenous African god."

"But why am I the top contributor?"


I shrugged her shoulders and looked at her.

"The impact of a volcano is unavoidable, but I think the four balls that jumped into tens of thousands of monsters alone and caught the chieftain are bigger."

"Hmmmm. If your senior thinks so."

She didn't hide her happy expression. Anyway, this guy has a competitive spirit to me. It's nice to be able to use that skillfully again.

Taking the time she looked good on her, I naturally put her head on her lap again.

Some Confederate soldiers whistled or stared at him with envy. Sigh. Smells good...

"If you don't want to see my lawyer in court, get up."


I slightly straightened my posture.

"It's too much. Isn't there something like a reward for a senior who worked hard?"

"Why are you looking for that for me? When you return, the bounties from the Association and the Federation will pour out."

The iron-walled fortress itself.

When I turned her head, she was turning her head away from me. I giggled as I saw the cheeks flushed. She turned around and said.

"Why are you laughing!"

"Just. But where are we going?"

"As Colonel Frederick said, we have liberated Kisowa, so we're going to 'Mutwara', where the headquarters of the regular Tanzanian Army is located."


“If you go there, you will be able to meet the certified hunters who were dispatched before us.”

While I was resting while chatting with Hong Yeon, there was a soldier looking at me with burdensome eyes.

He said something to his colleague and activated the core interpreter in his ear.

"Sir. This is Alliance Army Private Herald Rossel! I was very impressed with this battle!"

"Yes? Ahaha. No words."

"I'm also a non-combat player, but if I learn magic, can I become like Hunter Kim Yoo-shin?"

I shrugged like an American gesture.

"Of course. You'll get over that soon. Private Hereld."

Even though it was lip service, the corners of the young soldier's lips went up. He took off his interpreter and laughed as he talked to his fellow soldiers.

Hong-yeon, who looked at it with a proud expression for some reason, murmured.

"The power of magic for good is great."

"Well then."

She looked back at me and smiled.

"It's true that you showed your abilities to the world, yes. It's respectful. I'll admit it."

"Strictly speaking, this is not my ability."

"Still, the senior could take over the magic if he wanted to. No one knew about the circle and the magic formula system."

“Actually, monopoly has become an oligopoly.”


She tilted her head, but I didn't answer and pulled out her smartphone.

After a while, the transport vehicle arrived at its destination.

The port city of Mutwara.

The core city of present-day Tanzania where the Tanzanian government, the army headquarters, and the Hunter Association are all gathered. It was a mixture of the sour smell of the sea and the smell of sand.

I looked out the window.

You can see the mud-walled buildings and large-scale shanty towns with stains on each other.

Beyond the naked children playing with soccer balls, weary soldiers are moving fast with rifles. Tanks and barracks are all over the city.

When the vehicle stopped and the ignition was turned off, we got out of the car with the Confederate soldiers.

The Confederate soldiers greeted us for other missions and quickly got into another vehicle and left.

We were left alone with only our bodies and suitcases.

"Now what?"

Hong-yeon asked with an anxious expression, but I didn't have any sharp points. You just give it a ride and you're done?


Just then, a woman in military uniform walked over to us, greeting us warmly.

“Are you Kim Yoo-shin from Korea, Hunter Hong?”

We were relieved at the same time. There was someone to guide you.

"Yes, that's right."

"Call me Karim. I am a certified level 5 hunter in Tanzania."

We greeted her lightly and followed her.

"First, I'll show you where to stay. After unpacking and taking a break, please join the Tanzanian leadership meeting in three hours. The other dispatched hunters are also waiting for you."

We went up to an old, old hostel that is being used for military purposes. It was a building without an elevator, and many soldiers were busily going up and down the stairs.

'Sometimes this feeling is not bad.'

I used to enjoy the situation, but this young lady, who trembled in everything, looked like she was already frightened. I have not yet figured out the cause of her fear.

We went up to the 4th floor.

"This is the room the two of you will be using."

I was surprised to see the room. Even in Africa, I thought that accommodations these days were mostly western-style and decent… … .

Peeled and yellowed wallpaper, ragged windows, and taped ceilings everywhere to prevent water leaks. There was no bed, and there was a military matrix and a portable chair.

Karim, who was standing behind me, leaning back, bowed her head.

"Sorry, sorry. This is the best room in this building..."

This is the best room... … . I feel like I'm at war. I put the carrier in the corner and tried to lay down on the matrix. It smelled a little hoarse, but it was soft.

"It's good."

"...Ah. I'm glad."

Then, in the next room, I was like, 'Ahhhhhhh!' A scream was heard. It was Hong-yeon's voice.

"I'll go."(Read more @

I quickly ran into Hong-yeon's room.

Hong-yeon was trembling as she clinged to the wall, and two cockroaches were slowly passing by on the floor.


Things like that happen, too. Cockroaches in a lady's room are deadly. I calculated the cockroach's escape direction with Daeva's eyes, then flicked his finger.

Accelerated casting and precise control created a miniature magic circle with the rune of 1st stage ignition under the cockroach.


Cockroaches burned on the spot and oxidized fiercely. Hong Yeon, with a completely frozen expression on her face, collapsed to the floor.


I said as I pulled out a few tissues and cleaned up the rubble. She nodded her head with her bewildered face. Belatedly, Karim came running.

"Uh, what's going on?"

"Oh, I just have some cockroaches."


Karim smiled bitterly.

"I'll go to the counter and ask you to spray some insect repellent. However, the building is old, so there may be a few..."

Hearing these words, Hong-yeon looked up at the ceiling with a lost expression on her face.

"No, you're good at catching disgusting monsters, but why do you hate cockroaches so much?"

“…Roaches and cockroaches aren’t a thing.”

She shook her head softly.

"I hate it so much. It's creepy. How can even the name be 'Croach'? I really hate it. I hate it the most in the world..."

I was thinking of the line in my head, 'A cockroach has an egg sac containing 40 eggs, and a female lays up to 8 egg sacs in her lifetime, so you should calculate how many cockroaches there will be in this room.' It was so serious that I endured it.

If that glass mentality is shattered, it will be difficult for us to move together.

I turned to Karim.

"Cockroach poison, spray all over this floor."

"Ah, yes. But to do that…"

"Please. Tanzania's greatest power is self-destructing by cockroaches, isn't it?"

When I spoke very seriously, she nodded her head with a determined expression.

"Even if I search all over Mutwara, I will find it!"

I nodded and looked at Hong Yeon.

"Hey, stop getting up."


“I need to get ready for the meeting.”


She kept her head down and didn't say anything. Anyway, it's a very hands-on type. I said, putting her hand on her waist.

"I'll go to a meeting and put a barrier in your room without any gaps. Okay?"

At those words, Hong Yeon ran at the speed of light.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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